require 'spec_helper_acceptance' describe 'basic nova' do context 'default parameters' do it 'should work with no errors' do pp= <<-EOS Exec { logoutput => 'on_failure' } # Common resources case $::osfamily { 'Debian': { include ::apt class { '::openstack_extras::repo::debian::ubuntu': release => 'kilo', package_require => true, } $package_provider = 'apt' } 'RedHat': { class { '::openstack_extras::repo::redhat::redhat': release => 'kilo', } package { 'openstack-selinux': ensure => 'latest' } $package_provider = 'yum' } default: { fail("Unsupported osfamily (${::osfamily})") } } class { '::mysql::server': } class { '::rabbitmq': delete_guest_user => true, package_provider => $package_provider, } rabbitmq_vhost { '/': provider => 'rabbitmqctl', require => Class['rabbitmq'], } rabbitmq_user { 'nova': admin => true, password => 'an_even_bigger_secret', provider => 'rabbitmqctl', require => Class['rabbitmq'], } rabbitmq_user_permissions { 'nova@/': configure_permission => '.*', write_permission => '.*', read_permission => '.*', provider => 'rabbitmqctl', require => Class['rabbitmq'], } # Keystone resources, needed by Nova to run class { '::keystone::db::mysql': password => 'keystone', } class { '::keystone': verbose => true, debug => true, database_connection => 'mysql://keystone:keystone@', admin_token => 'admin_token', enabled => true, } class { '::keystone::roles::admin': email => 'test@example.tld', password => 'a_big_secret', } class { '::keystone::endpoint': public_url => "https://${::fqdn}:5000/", admin_url => "https://${::fqdn}:35357/", } # Nova resources class { '::nova': database_connection => 'mysql://nova:a_big_secret@', rabbit_userid => 'nova', rabbit_password => 'an_even_bigger_secret', image_service => 'nova.image.glance.GlanceImageService', glance_api_servers => 'localhost:9292', verbose => false, rabbit_host => '', } class { '::nova::db::mysql': password => 'a_big_secret', } class { '::nova::keystone::auth': password => 'a_big_secret', } class { '::nova::api': enabled => true, admin_password => 'a_big_secret', identity_uri => '', osapi_v3 => true, } class { '::nova::cert': enabled => true } class { '::nova::client': } class { '::nova::conductor': enabled => true } class { '::nova::consoleauth': enabled => true } class { '::nova::cron::archive_deleted_rows': } class { '::nova::compute': enabled => true, vnc_enabled => true, } class { '::nova::compute::libvirt': migration_support => true, vncserver_listen => '', } class { '::nova::scheduler': enabled => true } class { '::nova::vncproxy': enabled => true } # TODO: networking with neutron EOS # Run it twice and test for idempotency apply_manifest(pp, :catch_failures => true) apply_manifest(pp, :catch_changes => true) end describe port(8773) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end describe port(8774) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end describe port(8775) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end describe port(6080) do it { be_listening.with('tcp') } end describe cron do it { should have_entry('1 0 * * * nova-manage db archive_deleted_rows --max_rows 100 >>/var/log/nova/nova-rowsflush.log 2>&1').with_user('nova') } end end end