
48 lines
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# configure the nova_compute parts if present
class ceph::nova_compute (
$rbd_secret_uuid = $::ceph::rbd_secret_uuid,
$user = $::ceph::compute_user,
$compute_pool = $::ceph::compute_pool,
$secret_xml = '/root/.secret_attrs.xml',
) {
include ::nova::params
file { $secret_xml:
mode => '0400',
content => template('ceph/secret.erb')
# TODO(aschultz): Just use $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name when a
# version of puppet-nova has been pulled in that uses os_package_type to
# correctly handle the service names for ubuntu vs debian. Upstream bug
# LP#1515076
# NOTE: for debian packages and centos the name is the same ('libvirtd') so
# we are defaulting to that for backwards compatibility. LP#1469308
$libvirt_service_name = $::os_package_type ? {
'ubuntu' => $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name,
default => 'libvirtd'
ensure_resource('service', 'libvirt', {
ensure => 'running',
name => $libvirt_service_name,
exec {'Set Ceph RBD secret for Nova':
# TODO: clean this command up
command => "virsh secret-define --file ${secret_xml} && \
virsh secret-set-value --secret ${rbd_secret_uuid} \
--base64 $(ceph auth get-key client.${user})",
unless => "virsh secret-list | fgrep -qw ${rbd_secret_uuid}",
nova_config {
'libvirt/rbd_secret_uuid': value => $rbd_secret_uuid;
'libvirt/rbd_user': value => $user;
File[$secret_xml] ->
Service['libvirt'] -> Exec['Set Ceph RBD secret for Nova']