
159 lines
5.6 KiB

# == Class: l23network
# Module for configuring network. Contains L2 and L3 modules.
# Requirements, packages and services.
# === Parameters
# [*ensure_package*]
# (optional) The state of used packages
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*modprobe_bridge*]
# (optional) Load kernel module bridge
# Defaults to true
# [*modprobe_8021q*]
# (optional) Load kernel module 8021q
# Defaults to true
# [*modprobe_bonding*]
# (optional) Load kernel module bonding
# Defaults to true
# [*use_ovs_dkms_datapath_module*]
# (optional) The usage of DKMS datapath openVswitch or kernel build-in module
# Defaults to true
# [*ovs_module_name*]
# (optional) The custom datapath openVswitch module name
# Defaults to undef, the value from params.pp is used
# [*ovs_datapath_package_name*]
# (optional) The custom name of datapath openVswitch package
# Defaults to undef, the value from params.pp is used
# [*disable_hotplug*]
# (optional) Enables to disable hotplug system temporarily during network configuration
# Defaults to true
# [*network_manager*]
# (optional) Specify whether to use NetworkManager or not.
# It is not recommended to use NetworkManager and this module because it leads
# to unpredictable behaviour
# Defaults to false
class l23network (
$ensure_package = 'present',
$use_lnx = true,
$use_ovs = false,
$install_ovs = $use_ovs,
$install_brtool = $use_lnx,
$modprobe_bridge = $use_lnx,
$install_bondtool = $use_lnx,
$modprobe_bonding = $use_lnx,
$install_vlantool = $use_lnx,
$modprobe_8021q = $use_lnx,
$install_ethtool = $use_lnx,
$ovs_module_name = undef,
$use_ovs_dkms_datapath_module = true,
$ovs_datapath_package_name = undef,
$ovs_common_package_name = undef,
$disable_hotplug = true,
$network_manager = false,
include ::stdlib
include ::l23network::params
class { '::l23network::l2':
ensure_package => $ensure_package,
use_ovs => $use_ovs,
use_lnx => $use_lnx,
install_ovs => $install_ovs,
install_brtool => $install_brtool,
modprobe_bridge => $modprobe_bridge,
install_bondtool => $install_bondtool,
modprobe_bonding => $modprobe_bonding,
install_vlantool => $install_vlantool,
modprobe_8021q => $modprobe_8021q,
install_ethtool => $install_ethtool,
ovs_module_name => $ovs_module_name,
use_ovs_dkms_datapath_module => $use_ovs_dkms_datapath_module,
ovs_datapath_package_name => $ovs_datapath_package_name,
ovs_common_package_name => $ovs_common_package_name,
if $::l23network::params::interfaces_file {
if ! defined(File[$::l23network::params::interfaces_file]) {
file { $::l23network::params::interfaces_file:
ensure => present,
source => 'puppet:///modules/l23network/interfaces',
File<| title == $::l23network::params::interfaces_file |> -> File<| title == $::l23network::params::interfaces_dir |>
if ! defined(File[$::l23network::params::interfaces_dir]) {
file { $::l23network::params::interfaces_dir:
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
mode => '0755',
} -> Anchor['l23network::init']
Anchor['l23network::l2::init'] -> File<| title == $::l23network::params::interfaces_dir |>
Anchor['l23network::l2::init'] -> File<| title == $::l23network::params::interfaces_file |>
# Centos interface up-n-down scripts
if $::l23_os =~ /(?i:redhat|centos)/ {
class{'::l23network::l2::centos_upndown_scripts': } -> Anchor['l23network::init']
Anchor <| title == 'l23network::l2::centos_upndown_scripts' |> -> Anchor['l23network::init']
#install extra tools
Anchor['l23network::l2::init'] -> Anchor['l23network::init']
anchor { 'l23network::init': }
if ! $network_manager {
if $::l23network::params::network_manager_name != undef {
ensure => 'purged',
Package[$::l23network::params::network_manager_name] -> Anchor['l23network::init']
# It is not enough to just remove package, we have to stop the service as well.
# Because SystemD continues running the service after package removing,
# with Upstart - all is ok.
if $::l23_os =~ /(?i)redhat7|centos7/ {
ensure => 'stopped',
if $::l23network::params::network_manager_name != undef {
Package[$::l23network::params::network_manager_name] ~> Service[$::l23network::params::network_manager_name]
Service[$::l23network::params::network_manager_name] -> Anchor['l23network::init']
if $disable_hotplug {
disable_hotplug { 'global':
ensure => 'present',
Disable_hotplug['global'] -> Anchor['l23network::init']
enable_hotplug { 'global':
ensure => 'present',
Disable_hotplug['global'] -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L2_port<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L2_bridge<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L2_bond<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L3_ifconfig<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L23_stored_config<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']
L3_route<||> -> Enable_hotplug['global']