Aleksandr Didenko 0b60cdd6a1 Add new module 'apache'
'apache' module is needed by 'horizon' 4.1.0

173967ab8dd21a93d6f2b47ff2641d0092f729b1 v 1.2.0

Fuel-CI: disable
Partial blueprint: merge-openstack-puppet-modules

Change-Id: I0f5ff2fafe058c0263c2ace4bc0ce8f7828d3be0
2014-12-30 11:31:37 +02:00

63 lines
1.7 KiB

class apache::mod::event (
$startservers = '2',
$maxclients = '150',
$minsparethreads = '25',
$maxsparethreads = '75',
$threadsperchild = '25',
$maxrequestsperchild = '0',
$serverlimit = '25',
$apache_version = $::apache::apache_version,
) {
if defined(Class['apache::mod::itk']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::itk on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::peruser']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::peruser on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::prefork']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::prefork on the same node')
if defined(Class['apache::mod::worker']) {
fail('May not include both apache::mod::event and apache::mod::worker on the same node')
File {
owner => 'root',
group => $::apache::params::root_group,
mode => '0644',
# Template uses:
# - $startservers
# - $maxclients
# - $minsparethreads
# - $maxsparethreads
# - $threadsperchild
# - $maxrequestsperchild
# - $serverlimit
file { "${::apache::mod_dir}/event.conf":
ensure => file,
content => template('apache/mod/event.conf.erb'),
require => Exec["mkdir ${::apache::mod_dir}"],
before => File[$::apache::mod_dir],
notify => Service['httpd'],
case $::osfamily {
'redhat': {
if versioncmp($apache_version, '2.4') >= 0 {
apache::mpm{ 'event':
apache_version => $apache_version,
'debian','freebsd' : {
apache::mpm{ 'event':
apache_version => $apache_version,
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily ${::osfamily}")