vsaienko fa5366b7a1 Adapt synced keystone module
* add new parameters:
    public_url, admin_url, internal_url, mysql_module, token_caching
    cache_backend, revoke_driver
  * replase old parameters with new:
    idle_timeout -> database_idle_timeout
  * installing python-memcache has been moved to module
  * added noop tests for new variables
  * fix pep8 errors

Partially Implements: blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules
Change-Id: I33cbabd5e623fc9920107a3f8c2258bd7e47346e
2015-07-07 15:10:19 +03:00

212 lines
7.3 KiB

notice('MODULAR: keystone.pp')
$verbose = hiera('verbose', true)
$debug = hiera('debug', false)
$use_neutron = hiera('use_neutron')
$use_syslog = hiera('use_syslog', true)
$keystone_hash = hiera_hash('keystone', {})
$access_hash = hiera_hash('access',{})
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$public_vip = hiera('public_vip')
$internal_address = hiera('internal_address')
$glance_hash = hiera_hash('glance', {})
$nova_hash = hiera_hash('nova', {})
$cinder_hash = hiera_hash('cinder', {})
$ceilometer_hash = hiera_hash('ceilometer', {})
$syslog_log_facility = hiera('syslog_log_facility_keystone')
$rabbit_hash = hiera_hash('rabbit_hash', {})
$amqp_hosts = hiera('amqp_hosts')
$primary_controller = hiera('primary_controller')
$controller_nodes = hiera('controller_nodes')
$neutron_user_password = hiera('neutron_user_password', false)
$workloads_hash = hiera_hash('workloads_collector', {})
$db_type = 'mysql'
$db_host = pick($keystone_hash['db_host'], $management_vip)
$db_password = $keystone_hash['db_password']
$db_name = pick($keystone_hash['db_name'], 'keystone')
$db_user = pick($keystone_hash['db_user'], 'keystone')
$admin_token = $keystone_hash['admin_token']
$admin_tenant = $access_hash['tenant']
$admin_email = $access_hash['email']
$admin_user = $access_hash['user']
$admin_password = $access_hash['password']
$region = hiera('region', 'RegionOne')
$public_address = $public_vip
$admin_address = $management_vip
$public_bind_host = $internal_address
$admin_bind_host = $internal_address
$memcache_servers = hiera('memcache_servers', $controller_nodes)
$memcache_server_port = hiera('memcache_server_port', '11211')
$memcache_pool_maxsize = '100'
$public_port = '5000'
$admin_port = '35357'
$internal_port = '5000'
$public_protocol = 'http'
$public_url = "${public_protocol}://${public_address}:${public_port}"
$admin_url = "http://${admin_address}:${admin_port}"
$internal_url = "http://${internal_address}:${internal_port}"
$revoke_driver = 'keystone.contrib.revoke.backends.sql.Revoke'
$glance_user_password = $glance_hash['user_password']
$nova_user_password = $nova_hash['user_password']
$cinder_user_password = $cinder_hash['user_password']
$ceilometer_user_password = $ceilometer_hash['user_password']
$cinder = true
$ceilometer = $ceilometer_hash['enabled']
$enabled = true
$ssl = false
$rabbit_password = $rabbit_hash['password']
$rabbit_user = $rabbit_hash['user']
$rabbit_hosts = split($amqp_hosts, ',')
$rabbit_virtual_host = '/'
$max_pool_size = hiera('max_pool_size')
$max_overflow = hiera('max_overflow')
$max_retries = '-1'
$database_idle_timeout = '3600'
$murano_settings_hash = hiera('murano_settings', {})
if has_key($murano_settings_hash, 'murano_repo_url') {
$murano_repo_url = $murano_settings_hash['murano_repo_url']
} else {
$murano_repo_url = 'http://storage.apps.openstack.org'
####### KEYSTONE ###########
class { 'openstack::keystone':
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
db_type => $db_type,
db_host => $db_host,
db_password => $db_password,
db_name => $db_name,
db_user => $db_user,
admin_token => $admin_token,
public_address => $public_address,
internal_address => $management_vip, # send traffic through HAProxy
admin_address => $admin_address,
glance_user_password => $glance_user_password,
nova_user_password => $nova_user_password,
cinder => $cinder,
cinder_user_password => $cinder_user_password,
neutron => $use_neutron,
neutron_user_password => $neutron_user_password,
ceilometer => $ceilometer,
ceilometer_user_password => $ceilometer_user_password,
public_bind_host => $public_bind_host,
admin_bind_host => $admin_bind_host,
enabled => $enabled,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
region => $region,
memcache_servers => $memcache_servers,
memcache_server_port => $memcache_server_port,
memcache_pool_maxsize => $memcache_pool_maxsize,
max_retries => $max_retries,
max_pool_size => $max_pool_size,
max_overflow => $max_overflow,
rabbit_password => $rabbit_password,
rabbit_userid => $rabbit_user,
rabbit_hosts => $rabbit_hosts,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_virtual_host,
database_idle_timeout => $database_idle_timeout,
revoke_driver => $revoke_driver,
public_url => $public_url,
admin_url => $admin_url,
internal_url => $internal_url,
####### WSGI ###########
#class { 'osnailyfacter::apache':
# listen_ports => hiera_array('apache_ports', ['80', '8888']),
# TODO: (adidenko) use file from package for Debian, when
# https://review.fuel-infra.org/6251 is merged.
#class { 'keystone::wsgi::apache':
# priority => '05',
# threads => 1,
# workers => min(max($::processorcount,2), 24),
# ssl => $ssl,
# wsgi_script_ensure => $::osfamily ? {
# 'RedHat' => 'link',
# default => 'file',
# },
# wsgi_script_source => $::osfamily ? {
# # 'Debian' => '/usr/share/keystone/wsgi.py',
# 'RedHat' => '/usr/share/keystone/keystone.wsgi',
# default => undef,
# },
#include ::tweaks::apache_wrappers
class { 'keystone::roles::admin':
admin => $admin_user,
password => $admin_password,
email => $admin_email,
admin_tenant => $admin_tenant,
class { 'openstack::auth_file':
admin_user => $admin_user,
admin_password => $admin_password,
admin_tenant => $admin_tenant,
region_name => $region,
controller_node => $management_vip,
murano_repo_url => $murano_repo_url,
class { 'openstack::workloads_collector':
enabled => $workloads_hash['enabled'],
workloads_username => $workloads_hash['username'],
workloads_password => $workloads_hash['password'],
workloads_tenant => $workloads_hash['tenant'],
workloads_create_user => $workloads_hash['create_user'],
Exec <| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |> ->
Class['keystone::roles::admin'] ->
Class['keystone::roles::admin'] ->
$haproxy_stats_url = "http://${management_vip}:10000/;csv"
haproxy_backend_status { 'keystone-public' :
name => 'keystone-1',
url => $haproxy_stats_url,
haproxy_backend_status { 'keystone-admin' :
name => 'keystone-2',
url => $haproxy_stats_url,
Service['keystone'] -> Haproxy_backend_status<||>
Service<| title == 'httpd' |> -> Haproxy_backend_status<||>
Haproxy_backend_status<||> -> Class['keystone::roles::admin']
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'keystone':
package_name => 'keystone',