Sergey Kolekonov b5085f6800 Adapt synced neutron module
- pass $tunnel_types variable as it's required since Kilo, added noop test
- backported required changes from 6.1 and fixed unit-tests

Partially Implements: blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules
Change-Id: Iccb6cbc874ec1ff390bb008fb7ef61bfde4bba3a
2015-07-07 15:51:48 +03:00

389 lines
13 KiB

notice('MODULAR: openstack-network-compute.pp')
$use_neutron = hiera('use_neutron', false)
$nova_hash = hiera_hash('nova', {})
$internal_address = hiera('internal_address')
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$service_endpoint = hiera('service_endpoint', $management_vip)
$public_int = hiera('public_int', undef)
$auto_assign_floating_ip = hiera('auto_assign_floating_ip', false)
$controllers = hiera('controllers')
$controller_internal_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','internal_address')
$controller_nodes = ipsort(values($controller_internal_addresses))
$rabbit_hash = hiera('rabbit_hash', {})
$network_scheme = hiera('network_scheme', {})
$keystone_endpoint = hiera('keystone_endpoint', $service_endpoint)
$neutron_endpoint = hiera('neutron_endpoint', $management_vip)
$region = hiera('region', 'RegionOne')
$floating_hash = {}
# amqp settings
if hiera('amqp_nodes', false) {
$amqp_nodes = hiera('amqp_nodes')
elsif $internal_address in $controller_nodes {
# prefer local MQ broker if it exists on this node
$amqp_nodes = concat([''], fqdn_rotate(delete($controller_nodes, $internal_address)))
} else {
$amqp_nodes = fqdn_rotate($controller_nodes)
$amqp_port = hiera('amqp_port', '5673')
$amqp_hosts = inline_template("<%= @amqp_nodes.map {|x| x + ':' + @amqp_port}.join ',' %>")
class { 'l23network' :
use_ovs => $use_neutron
if $use_neutron {
$network_provider = 'neutron'
$novanetwork_params = {}
$neutron_config = hiera_hash('quantum_settings')
$neutron_metadata_proxy_secret = $neutron_config['metadata']['metadata_proxy_shared_secret']
$base_mac = $neutron_config['L2']['base_mac']
# Neutron Keystone settings
$neutron_user_password = $neutron_config['keystone']['admin_password']
$keystone_user = pick($neutron_config['keystone']['admin_user'], 'neutron')
$keystone_tenant = pick($neutron_config['keystone']['admin_tenant'], 'services')
} else {
$network_provider = 'nova'
$floating_ips_range = hiera('floating_network_range')
$neutron_config = {}
$novanetwork_params = hiera('novanetwork_parameters')
$fixed_range = $use_neutron ? { true=>false, default=>hiera('fixed_network_range')}
if hiera('use_vcenter', false) {
$multi_host = false
} else {
$multi_host = true
$openstack_version = {
'keystone' => 'installed',
'glance' => 'installed',
'horizon' => 'installed',
'nova' => 'installed',
'novncproxy' => 'installed',
'cinder' => 'installed',
$enabled_apis = 'metadata'
$public_interface = $public_int ? { undef=>'', default=>$public_int}
$libvirt_vif_driver = 'nova.virt.libvirt.vif.LibvirtGenericVIFDriver'
$neutron_integration_bridge = 'br-int'
$neutron_settings = $neutron_config
# if the compute node should be configured as a multi-host
# compute installation
if $network_provider == 'nova' {
if ! $fixed_range {
fail('Must specify the fixed range when using nova-networks')
if $multi_host {
include keystone::python
Nova_config<| |> -> Service['nova-network']
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$pymemcache_package_name = 'python-memcached'
'Debian': {
$pymemcache_package_name = 'python-memcache'
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem},\
module ${module_name} only support osfamily RedHat and Debian")
if !defined(Package[$pymemcache_package_name]) {
package { $pymemcache_package_name:
ensure => present,
} ->
Nova::Generic_service <| title == 'api' |>
class { 'nova::api':
ensure_package => $openstack_version['nova'],
enabled => true,
admin_tenant_name => 'services',
admin_user => 'nova',
admin_password => $nova_hash[user_password],
enabled_apis => $enabled_apis,
api_bind_address => $internal_address,
auth_host => $keystone_endpoint,
ratelimits => hiera('nova_rate_limits'),
# NOTE(bogdando) 1 api worker for compute node is enough
osapi_compute_workers => 1,
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'nova-api':
package_name => 'nova-api',
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/multi_host': value => 'True';
'DEFAULT/send_arp_for_ha': value => 'True';
'DEFAULT/metadata_host': value => $internal_address;
if ! $public_interface {
fail('public_interface must be defined for multi host compute nodes')
$enable_network_service = true
if $auto_assign_floating_ip {
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/auto_assign_floating_ip': value => 'True' }
} else {
$enable_network_service = false
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/multi_host': value => 'False';
'DEFAULT/send_arp_for_ha': value => 'False';
# From legacy network.pp
# I don't think this is applicable to Folsom...
# If it is, the details will need changed. -jt
if hiera('network_manager', undef) == 'nova.network.neutron.manager.NeutronManager' {
$parameters = { fixed_range => $fixed_range,
public_interface => $public_interface,
$resource_parameters = merge($_config_overrides, $parameters)
$neutron_resource = { 'nova::network::neutron' => $resource_parameters }
create_resources('class', $neutron_resource)
# Stub for networking-refresh that is needed by Nova::Network/Nova::Generic_service[network]
# We do not need it due to l23network is doing all stuff
# BTW '/sbin/ifdown -a ; /sbin/ifup -a' does not work on CentOS
exec { 'networking-refresh':
command => '/bin/echo "networking-refresh has been refreshed"',
refreshonly => true,
# Stubs for nova_paste_api_ini
exec { 'post-nova_config':
command => '/bin/echo "Nova config has changed"',
refreshonly => true,
# Stubs for nova_network
file { '/etc/nova/nova.conf':
ensure => 'present',
# Stubs for nova-api
package { 'nova-common':
name => 'binutils',
ensure => 'installed',
} else {
# Neutron
include ::nova::params
service { 'libvirt' :
ensure => running,
enable => true,
name => $::nova::params::libvirt_service_name,
provider => $::nova::params::special_service_provider,
# script called by qemu needs to manipulate the tap device
file { '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf':
ensure => present,
notify => Service['libvirt'],
source => 'puppet:///modules/nova/libvirt_qemu.conf',
file_line { 'no_qemu_selinux':
path => '/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf',
line => 'security_driver="none"',
require => File['/etc/libvirt/qemu.conf'],
notify => Service['libvirt']
class { 'nova::compute::neutron':
libvirt_vif_driver => $libvirt_vif_driver,
nova_config {
'DEFAULT/linuxnet_interface_driver': value => 'nova.network.linux_net.LinuxOVSInterfaceDriver';
'DEFAULT/linuxnet_ovs_integration_bridge': value => $neutron_integration_bridge;
'DEFAULT/network_device_mtu': value => '65000';
augeas { 'sysctl-net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables':
context => '/files/etc/sysctl.conf',
changes => "set net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-arptables '1'",
before => Service['libvirt'],
augeas { 'sysctl-net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables':
context => '/files/etc/sysctl.conf',
changes => "set net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-iptables '1'",
before => Service['libvirt'],
augeas { 'sysctl-net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables':
context => '/files/etc/sysctl.conf',
changes => "set net.bridge.bridge-nf-call-ip6tables '1'",
before => Service['libvirt'],
# We need to restart nova-compute service in orderto apply new settings
service { 'nova-compute':
ensure => 'running',
name => $::nova::params::compute_service_name,
Nova_config<| |> ~> Service['nova-compute']
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'nova-network':
package_name => 'nova-network',
######## [Nova|Neutron] Network ########
if $network_provider == 'neutron' {
# FIXME(xarses) Nearly everything between here and the class
# should be moved into osnaily or nailgun but will stay here
# in the interim.
$pnets = $neutron_settings['L2']['phys_nets']
if $pnets['physnet1'] {
$physnet1 = "physnet1:${pnets['physnet1']['bridge']}"
notify{ $physnet1:}
if $pnets['physnet2'] {
$physnet2 = "physnet2:${pnets['physnet2']['bridge']}"
notify{ $physnet2:}
if $pnets['physnet2']['vlan_range'] {
$vlan_range = ["physnet2:${pnets['physnet2']['vlan_range']}"]
$fallback = split($pnets['physnet2']['vlan_range'], ':')
notify{ $vlan_range:}
} else {
$vlan_range = []
if $physnet1 and $physnet2 {
$bridge_mappings = [$physnet1, $physnet2]
} elsif $physnet1 {
$bridge_mappings = [$physnet1]
} elsif $physnet2 {
$bridge_mappings = [$physnet2]
} else {
$bridge_mappings = []
# Required to use get_network_role_property
if $neutron_settings['L2']['tunnel_id_ranges'] {
# tunneling_mode
$enable_tunneling = true
$tunnel_types = ['gre']
$tunnel_id_ranges = [$neutron_settings['L2']['tunnel_id_ranges']]
$tunneling_ip = get_network_role_property('neutron/mesh', 'ipaddr')
$iface = get_network_role_property('neutron/mesh', 'phys_dev')
$net_mtu = get_transformation_property('mtu', $iface[0])
if $net_mtu {
$mtu_for_virt_network = $net_mtu - 42
} else {
$mtu_for_virt_network = 1458
} else {
# vlan mode
$iface = get_network_role_property('neutron/private', 'phys_dev')
$mtu_for_virt_network = get_transformation_property('mtu', $iface[0])
$enable_tunneling = false
$tunnel_types = []
$tunneling_ip = false
$tunnel_id_ranges = []
notify{ $tunnel_id_ranges:}
if $neutron_settings['L2']['mechanism_drivers'] {
$mechanism_drivers = split($neutron_settings['L2']['mechanism_drivers'], ',')
} else {
$mechanism_drivers = ['openvswitch']
if $neutron_settings['L2']['provider'] == 'ovs' {
$core_plugin = 'openvswitch'
$agent = 'ovs'
} else {
# by default we use ML2 plugin
$core_plugin = 'neutron.plugins.ml2.plugin.Ml2Plugin'
$agent = 'ml2-ovs'
class { 'openstack::network':
network_provider => $network_provider,
agents => [$agent],
nova_neutron => true,
net_mtu => $mtu_for_virt_network,
base_mac => $base_mac,
core_plugin => $core_plugin,
service_plugins => undef,
# ovs
mechanism_drivers => $mechanism_drivers,
local_ip => $tunneling_ip,
bridge_mappings => $bridge_mappings,
network_vlan_ranges => $vlan_range,
enable_tunneling => $enable_tunneling,
tunnel_id_ranges => $tunnel_id_ranges,
tunnel_types => $tunnel_types,
verbose => true,
debug => hiera('debug', true),
use_syslog => hiera('use_syslog', true),
syslog_log_facility => hiera('syslog_log_facility_neutron', 'LOG_LOCAL4'),
# queue settings
queue_provider => hiera('queue_provider', 'rabbitmq'),
amqp_hosts => [$amqp_hosts],
amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'],
amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'],
# keystone
admin_password => $neutron_user_password,
auth_url => "http://${keystone_endpoint}:35357/v2.0",
neutron_url => "http://${neutron_endpoint}:9696",
admin_tenant_name => $keystone_tenant,
admin_username => $keystone_user,
region => $region,
# metadata
shared_secret => undef,
integration_bridge => $neutron_integration_bridge,
# nova settings
private_interface => $use_neutron ? { true=>false, default=>hiera('private_int')},
public_interface => hiera('public_int', undef),
fixed_range => $use_neutron ? { true =>false, default =>hiera('fixed_network_range')},
floating_range => $use_neutron ? { true =>$floating_hash, default =>false},
network_manager => hiera('network_manager', undef),
network_config => hiera('network_config', {}),
create_networks => $create_networks,
num_networks => hiera('num_networks', undef),
network_size => hiera('network_size', undef),
nameservers => hiera('dns_nameservers', undef),
enable_nova_net => $enable_network_service,