iberezovskiy 2caf08909b Adapt synced Nova module for Fuel usage
Key moments:
    * Return implementation of type and provider for nova_floating_range
    * Make package 'bridge-utils' install optional
      commit - I744fe89e8d9dae79a5b822ac1a1ad4cee780bfc4
    * Add workaround for MySQL module
    * Fix duplication errors in openstack module
    * Revise patch for two dns servers
    * Fix lint issues
      commit: 7a4e067e9241a3fffec4b2d521f070f0bea1f50f
    * Add noop tests for new parameters

  Closes-bug: #1468230
  Closes-bug: #1469308

  Implements: blueprint upgrade-openstack-puppet-modules

Change-Id: Ie5732f4976d688f3788cc83d3b1bac7231fcd314
2015-07-07 13:06:12 +00:00

431 lines
16 KiB

notice('MODULAR: compute.pp')
# Pulling hiera
$internal_int = hiera('internal_int')
$public_int = hiera('public_int', undef)
$public_vip = hiera('public_vip')
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$internal_address = hiera('internal_address')
$primary_controller = hiera('primary_controller')
$storage_address = hiera('storage_address')
$use_neutron = hiera('use_neutron', false)
$cinder_nodes_array = hiera('cinder_nodes', [])
$sahara_hash = hiera('sahara', {})
$murano_hash = hiera('murano', {})
$heat_hash = hiera('heat', {})
$mp_hash = hiera('mp')
$verbose = true
$debug = hiera('debug', true)
$use_monit = false
$mongo_hash = hiera('mongo', {})
$auto_assign_floating_ip = hiera('auto_assign_floating_ip', false)
$nodes_hash = hiera('nodes', {})
$storage_hash = hiera('storage', {})
$vcenter_hash = hiera('vcenter', {})
$nova_hash = hiera('nova', {})
$mysql_hash = hiera('mysql', {})
$rabbit_hash = hiera('rabbit', {})
$glance_hash = hiera('glance', {})
$keystone_hash = hiera('keystone', {})
$swift_hash = hiera('swift', {})
$cinder_hash = hiera('cinder', {})
$ceilometer_hash = hiera('ceilometer',{})
$access_hash = hiera('access', {})
$network_scheme = hiera('network_scheme', {})
$controllers = hiera('controllers')
$swift_proxies = hiera('swift_proxies', $controllers)
$swift_master_role = hiera('swift_master_role', 'primary-controller')
$neutron_mellanox = hiera('neutron_mellanox', false)
$syslog_hash = hiera('syslog', {})
$base_syslog_hash = hiera('base_syslog', {})
$use_syslog = hiera('use_syslog', true)
$syslog_log_facility_glance = hiera('syslog_log_facility_glance', 'LOG_LOCAL2')
$syslog_log_facility_cinder = hiera('syslog_log_facility_cinder', 'LOG_LOCAL3')
$syslog_log_facility_neutron = hiera('syslog_log_facility_neutron', 'LOG_LOCAL4')
$syslog_log_facility_nova = hiera('syslog_log_facility_nova','LOG_LOCAL6')
$syslog_log_facility_keystone = hiera('syslog_log_facility_keystone', 'LOG_LOCAL7')
$syslog_log_facility_murano = hiera('syslog_log_facility_murano', 'LOG_LOCAL0')
$syslog_log_facility_heat = hiera('syslog_log_facility_heat','LOG_LOCAL0')
$syslog_log_facility_sahara = hiera('syslog_log_facility_sahara','LOG_LOCAL0')
$syslog_log_facility_ceilometer = hiera('syslog_log_facility_ceilometer','LOG_LOCAL0')
$nova_rate_limits = hiera('nova_rate_limits')
$nova_report_interval = hiera('nova_report_interval')
$nova_service_down_time = hiera('nova_service_down_time')
$block_device_allocate_retries = hiera('block_device_allocate_retries', 300)
$block_device_allocate_retries_interval = hiera('block_device_allocate_retries_interval', 3)
# TODO: openstack_version is confusing, there's such string var in hiera and hardcoded hash
$hiera_openstack_version = hiera('openstack_version')
$openstack_version = {
'keystone' => 'installed',
'glance' => 'installed',
'horizon' => 'installed',
'nova' => 'installed',
'novncproxy' => 'installed',
'cinder' => 'installed',
# Do the stuff
if $neutron_mellanox {
$mellanox_mode = $neutron_mellanox['plugin']
} else {
$mellanox_mode = 'disabled'
class { 'l23network' :
use_ovs => $use_neutron
if $use_neutron {
$novanetwork_params = {}
$network_provider = 'neutron'
$neutron_config = hiera('quantum_settings')
$neutron_db_password = $neutron_config['database']['passwd']
$neutron_user_password = $neutron_config['keystone']['admin_password']
$neutron_metadata_proxy_secret = $neutron_config['metadata']['metadata_proxy_shared_secret']
$base_mac = $neutron_config['L2']['base_mac']
} else {
$network_provider = 'nova'
$floating_ips_range = hiera('floating_network_range')
$neutron_config = {}
$novanetwork_params = hiera('novanetwork_parameters')
if !$ceilometer_hash {
$ceilometer_hash = {
enabled => false,
db_password => 'ceilometer',
user_password => 'ceilometer',
metering_secret => 'ceilometer',
$ext_mongo = false
} else {
# External mongo integration
if $mongo_hash['enabled'] {
$ext_mongo_hash = hiera('external_mongo')
$ceilometer_db_user = $ext_mongo_hash['mongo_user']
$ceilometer_db_password = $ext_mongo_hash['mongo_password']
$ceilometer_db_name = $ext_mongo_hash['mongo_db_name']
$ext_mongo = true
} else {
$ceilometer_db_user = 'ceilometer'
$ceilometer_db_password = $ceilometer_hash['db_password']
$ceilometer_db_name = 'ceilometer'
$ext_mongo = false
$ext_mongo_hash = {}
if $primary_controller {
if ($mellanox_mode == 'ethernet') {
$test_vm_pkg = 'cirros-testvm-mellanox'
} else {
$test_vm_pkg = 'cirros-testvm'
package { 'cirros-testvm' :
ensure => 'installed',
name => $test_vm_pkg,
if $ext_mongo {
$mongo_hosts = $ext_mongo_hash['hosts_ip']
if $ext_mongo_hash['mongo_replset'] {
$mongo_replicaset = $ext_mongo_hash['mongo_replset']
} else {
$mongo_replicaset = undef
} elsif $ceilometer_hash['enabled'] {
$mongo_hosts = mongo_hosts($nodes_hash)
if size(mongo_hosts($nodes_hash, 'array', 'mongo')) > 1 {
$mongo_replicaset = 'ceilometer'
} else {
$mongo_replicaset = undef
if !$rabbit_hash['user'] {
$rabbit_hash['user'] = 'nova'
$floating_hash = {}
$node = filter_nodes($nodes_hash, 'name', $::hostname)
if empty($node) {
fail("Node $::hostname is not defined in the hash structure")
# get cidr netmasks for VIPs
$primary_controller_nodes = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'role','primary-controller')
$vip_management_cidr_netmask = netmask_to_cidr($primary_controller_nodes[0]['internal_netmask'])
$vip_public_cidr_netmask = netmask_to_cidr($primary_controller_nodes[0]['public_netmask'])
#todo:(sv): temporary commented. Will be uncommented while
# 'multiple-l2-network' feature re-implemented
# if $use_neutron {
# $vip_mgmt_other_nets = join($network_scheme['endpoints']["$internal_int"]['other_nets'], ' ')
# }
##TODO: simply parse nodes array
$controller_internal_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','internal_address')
$controller_public_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','public_address')
$controller_storage_addresses = nodes_to_hash($controllers,'name','storage_address')
$controller_hostnames = keys($controller_internal_addresses)
$controller_nodes = ipsort(values($controller_internal_addresses))
$controller_node_public = $public_vip
$controller_node_address = $management_vip
$roles = node_roles($nodes_hash, hiera('uid'))
$mountpoints = filter_hash($mp_hash,'point')
# AMQP client configuration
if $internal_address in $controller_nodes {
# prefer local MQ broker if it exists on this node
$amqp_nodes = concat([''], fqdn_rotate(delete($controller_nodes, $internal_address)))
} else {
$amqp_nodes = fqdn_rotate($controller_nodes)
$amqp_port = '5673'
$amqp_hosts = inline_template("<%= @amqp_nodes.map {|x| x + ':' + @amqp_port}.join ',' %>")
$rabbit_ha_queues = true
# RabbitMQ server configuration
$rabbitmq_bind_ip_address = 'UNSET' # bind RabbitMQ to
$rabbitmq_bind_port = $amqp_port
$rabbitmq_cluster_nodes = $controller_hostnames # has to be hostnames
# SQLAlchemy backend configuration
$max_pool_size = min($::processorcount * 5 + 0, 30 + 0)
$max_overflow = min($::processorcount * 5 + 0, 60 + 0)
$max_retries = '-1'
$idle_timeout = '3600'
$cinder_iscsi_bind_addr = $storage_address
if ($storage_hash['volumes_lvm']) {
nova_config { 'keymgr/fixed_key':
value => $cinder_hash[fixed_key];
# Determine who should get the volume service
if (member($roles, 'cinder') and $storage_hash['volumes_lvm']) {
$manage_volumes = 'iscsi'
} elsif (member($roles, 'cinder') and $storage_hash['volumes_vmdk']) {
$manage_volumes = 'vmdk'
} elsif ($storage_hash['volumes_ceph']) {
$manage_volumes = 'ceph'
} else {
$manage_volumes = false
#Determine who should be the default backend
if ($storage_hash['images_ceph']) {
$glance_backend = 'ceph'
$glance_known_stores = [ 'glance.store.rbd.Store', 'glance.store.http.Store' ]
} elsif ($storage_hash['images_vcenter']) {
$glance_backend = 'vmware'
$glance_known_stores = [ 'glance.store.vmware_datastore.Store', 'glance.store.http.Store' ]
} else {
$glance_backend = 'swift'
$glance_known_stores = [ 'glance.store.swift.Store', 'glance.store.http.Store' ]
# Use Swift if it isn't replaced by vCenter, Ceph for BOTH images and objects
if !($storage_hash['images_ceph'] and $storage_hash['objects_ceph']) and !$storage_hash['images_vcenter'] {
$use_swift = true
} else {
$use_swift = false
if ($use_swift) {
if !hiera('swift_partition', false) {
$swift_partition = '/var/lib/glance/node'
$swift_local_net_ip = $storage_address
$master_swift_proxy_nodes = filter_nodes($nodes_hash,'role',$swift_master_role)
$master_swift_proxy_ip = $master_swift_proxy_nodes[0]['storage_address']
#$master_hostname = $master_swift_proxy_nodes[0]['name']
$swift_loopback = false
if $primary_controller {
$primary_proxy = true
} else {
$primary_proxy = false
} elsif ($storage_hash['objects_ceph']) {
$rgw_servers = $controllers
# NOTE(bogdando) for controller nodes running Corosync with Pacemaker
# we delegate all of the monitor functions to RA instead of monit.
if member($roles, 'controller') or member($roles, 'primary-controller') {
$use_monit_real = false
} else {
$use_monit_real = $use_monit
if $use_monit_real {
# Configure service names for monit watchdogs and 'service' system path
# FIXME(bogdando) replace service_path to systemd, once supported
include nova::params
include cinder::params
include neutron::params
$nova_compute_name = $::nova::params::compute_service_name
$nova_api_name = $::nova::params::api_service_name
$nova_network_name = $::nova::params::network_service_name
$cinder_volume_name = $::cinder::params::volume_service
$ovs_vswitchd_name = $::l23network::params::ovs_service_name
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat' : {
$service_path = '/sbin/service'
'Debian' : {
$service_path = '/usr/sbin/service'
default : {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${osfamily} for os ${operatingsystem}")
if hiera('use_vcenter', false) {
$multi_host = false
} else {
$multi_host = true
$mirror_type = 'external'
Exec { logoutput => true }
include osnailyfacter::test_compute
if ($::mellanox_mode == 'ethernet') {
$net04_physnet = $neutron_config['predefined_networks']['net04']['L2']['physnet']
class { 'mellanox_openstack::compute':
physnet => $net04_physnet,
physifc => $neutron_mellanox['physical_port'],
# NOTE(bogdando) deploy compute node with disabled nova-compute
# service #LP1398817. The orchestration will start and enable it back
# after the deployment is done.
# FIXME(bogdando) This should be changed once the host aggregates implemented, bp disable-new-computes
class { 'openstack::compute':
enabled => false,
public_interface => $public_int ? { undef=>'', default=>$public_int},
private_interface => $use_neutron ? { true=>false, default=>hiera('private_int', undef)},
internal_address => $internal_address,
libvirt_type => hiera('libvirt_type', undef),
fixed_range => $use_neutron ? { true=>false, default=>hiera('fixed_network_range', undef)},
network_manager => hiera('network_manager', undef),
network_config => hiera('network_config', {}),
multi_host => $multi_host,
database_connection => "mysql://nova:${nova_hash[db_password]}@${management_vip}/nova?read_timeout=60",
queue_provider => $queue_provider,
amqp_hosts => $amqp_hosts,
amqp_user => $rabbit_hash['user'],
amqp_password => $rabbit_hash['password'],
rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues,
auto_assign_floating_ip => $auto_assign_floating_ip,
glance_api_servers => "${management_vip}:9292",
vncproxy_host => $public_vip,
vncserver_listen => '',
debug => $debug,
verbose => $verbose,
cinder_volume_group => "cinder",
vnc_enabled => true,
manage_volumes => $manage_volumes,
nova_user_password => $nova_hash[user_password],
cache_server_ip => $controller_nodes,
service_endpoint => $management_vip,
cinder => true,
cinder_iscsi_bind_addr => $cinder_iscsi_bind_addr,
cinder_user_password => $cinder_hash[user_password],
cinder_db_password => $cinder_hash[db_password],
ceilometer => $ceilometer_hash[enabled],
ceilometer_metering_secret => $ceilometer_hash[metering_secret],
ceilometer_user_password => $ceilometer_hash[user_password],
db_host => $management_vip,
network_provider => $network_provider,
neutron_user_password => $use_neutron ? { true=>$neutron_config['keystone']['admin_password'], default=>undef},
base_mac => $base_mac,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility_nova,
syslog_log_facility_neutron => $syslog_log_facility_neutron,
nova_rate_limits => $nova_rate_limits,
nova_report_interval => $nova_report_interval,
nova_service_down_time => $nova_service_down_time,
state_path => $nova_hash[state_path],
neutron_settings => $neutron_config,
storage_hash => $storage_hash,
#TODO: PUT this configuration stanza into nova class
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/resume_guests_state_on_host_boot': value => hiera('resume_guests_state_on_host_boot')}
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/use_cow_images': value => hiera('use_cow_images')}
nova_config { 'libvirt/libvirt_inject_key': value => 'true'}
nova_config { 'libvirt/libvirt_inject_password': value => 'true'}
nova_config { 'libvirt/libvirt_inject_partition': value => '-1'}
# LP: #1280399
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/block_device_allocate_retries': value => $block_device_allocate_retries }
nova_config { 'DEFAULT/block_device_allocate_retries_interval': value => $block_device_allocate_retries_interval }
# Configure monit watchdogs
# FIXME(bogdando) replace service_path and action to systemd, once supported
if $use_monit_real {
monit::process { $nova_compute_name :
ensure => running,
matching => '/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-compute',
start_command => "${service_path} ${nova_compute_name} restart",
stop_command => "${service_path} ${nova_compute_name} stop",
pidfile => false,
if $use_neutron {
monit::process { $ovs_vswitchd_name :
ensure => running,
start_command => "${service_path} ${ovs_vswitchd_name} restart",
stop_command => "${service_path} ${ovs_vswitchd_name} stop",
pidfile => '/var/run/openvswitch/ovs-vswitchd.pid',
} else {
monit::process { $nova_network_name :
ensure => running,
matching => '/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-network',
start_command => "${service_path} ${nova_network_name} restart",
stop_command => "${service_path} ${nova_network_name} stop",
pidfile => false,
monit::process { $nova_api_name :
ensure => running,
matching => '/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/nova-api',
start_command => "${service_path} ${nova_api_name} restart",
stop_command => "${service_path} ${nova_api_name} stop",
pidfile => false,
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et :