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# Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# == Define: galera
# Class for installation and configuration of galer Master/Master cluster.
# === Parameters
# [*cluster_name*]
# Cluster name for `wsrep_cluster_name` variable.
# [*primary_controller*]
# Set to true if current node is the initial master/primary
# controller.
# [*node_address*]
# Which value to use as node address for filtering in gcomm address.
# This is done due to some bugs in galera configuration. Thus we are
# filtering this address from `wsrep_cluster_address` to avoid these
# problems.
# [*gcache_factor*]
# The gcache factor is based on cluster node's count.
# Used in config template for `wsrep_provider_option`.
# [*setup_multiple_gcomm*]
# Should gcomm address contain multiple nodes or not.
# [*skip_name_resolve*]
# By default, MySQL tries to do reverse name mapping IP->hostname. In this
# case MySQL requests can be timed out by clients in case of broken name
# resolving system. If you are not sure that your DNS/NIS/whatever are
# configured correctly, set this value to true.
# [*node_addresses*]
# Array with IPs/hostnames of cluster members.
# [*wsrep_sst_method*]
# (optional) The method for state snapshot transfer between nodes
# Defaults to xtrabackup-v2
# xtrabackup, xtrabackup-v2, mysqldump are supported
# [*use_percona*]
# Boolean. Set this value to true if you want to use percona instead of
# the mysql packages.
# [*use_percona_packages*]
# Boolean. Set this value to true to use the Percona distrubuted packages.
# This requires that these packages are available via a repository for the
# system at install time. NOTE: use_percona must be set to true for this to
# be used.
# [*binary_logs_enabled*]
# Set this value to true for enabling MySQL binary logging.
# Defaults to false
# [*binary_logs_period*]
# (optional) Set binary logrotation period in days.
# Defaults to 1
# [*binary_logs_maxsize*]
# (optional) If a write to the binary log causes the current log file
# size to exceed the value of this variable, the server rotates the
# binary logs (closes the current file and opens the next one). The
# minimum value is 4096 bytes. The maximum and default value is 512MB.
class galera (
$cluster_name = 'openstack',
$primary_controller = false,
$node_address = $ipaddress_eth0,
$setup_multiple_gcomm = true,
$skip_name_resolve = false,
$node_addresses = [ $ipaddress_eth0 ],
$gcache_factor = 0,
$use_syslog = false,
$gcomm_port = '4567',
$status_check = true,
$wsrep_sst_method = 'xtrabackup-v2',
$wsrep_sst_password = undef,
$use_percona = false,
$use_percona_packages = false,
$binary_logs_enabled = false,
$binary_logs_period = 1,
$binary_logs_maxsize = '512M',
) {
include galera::params
anchor {'database-cluster': }
$mysql_user = $::galera::params::mysql_user
$mysql_password = $wsrep_sst_password ? {
undef => $::galera::params::mysql_password,
default => $wsrep_sst_password
$libgalera_prefix = $::galera::params::libgalera_prefix
$mysql_buffer_pool_size = $::galera::params::mysql_buffer_pool_size
$mysql_log_file_size = $::galera::params::mysql_log_file_size
$max_connections = $::galera::params::max_connections
$table_open_cache = $::galera::params::table_open_cache
$key_buffer_size = $::galera::params::key_buffer_size
$myisam_sort_buffer_size = $::galera::params::myisam_sort_buffer_size
$wait_timeout = $::galera::params::wait_timeout
$open_files_limit = $::galera::params::open_files_limit
$datadir = $::mysql::params::datadir
$service_name = $::galera::params::service_name
$innodb_flush_method = $::galera::params::innodb_flush_method
package { ['wget',
ensure => present,
before => Package['MySQL-server'],
file { '/etc/my.cnf':
ensure => present,
content => template('galera/my.cnf.erb'),
if ($use_percona and $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
#Remove this after https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/1461304 will be fixed
file {'/etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99tmp':
ensure => present,
content => inline_template("Dpkg::Options {\n\t\"--force-overwrite\";\n}"),
before => Package['MySQL-server']
package { 'mysql-client':
ensure => present,
name => $::galera::params::mysql_client_name,
before => Package['MySQL-server']
file { ['/etc/mysql',
ensure => directory,
before => Package['MySQL-server']
if !($use_percona) {
package { $::galera::params::libaio_package:
ensure => present,
before => Package['galera', 'MySQL-server']
package { 'galera':
ensure => present,
name => $::galera::params::libgalera_package,
before => Package['MySQL-server']
if $::galera::params::mysql_version {
$wsrep_version = $::galera::params::mysql_version
} else {
$wsrep_version = 'installed'
if $wsrep_sst_method in [ 'xtrabackup', 'xtrabackup-v2' ] {
firewall {'101 xtrabackup':
port => 4444,
proto => 'tcp',
action => 'accept',
before => Package['MySQL-server'],
package { 'percona-xtrabackup':
ensure => present,
before => Package['MySQL-server'],
$wsrep_sst_auth = true
elsif $wsrep_sst_method == 'mysqldump' {
$wsrep_sst_auth = true
else {
$wsrep_sst_auth = undef
warning("Unrecognized wsrep_sst method: ${wsrep_sst_auth}")
package { 'MySQL-server':
ensure => $wsrep_version,
name => $::galera::params::mysql_server_name,
provider => $::galera::params::pkg_provider,
file { '/etc/init.d/mysql':
ensure => present,
mode => '0644',
require => Package['MySQL-server'],
if $primary_controller {
$galera_socket = $::galera::params::database_socket
# TODO(bogdando) move to extras as a wrapper class
cs_resource { "p_${service_name}":
ensure => present,
primitive_class => 'ocf',
provided_by => 'fuel',
primitive_type => 'mysql-wss',
complex_type => 'clone',
parameters => {
'test_user' => $mysql_user,
'test_passwd' => $mysql_password,
'socket' => $galera_socket,
operations => {
'monitor' => {
'interval' => '60',
'timeout' => '55'
'start' => {
'timeout' => '300'
'stop' => {
'timeout' => '120'
Anchor['database-cluster'] ->
Cs_resource["p_${service_name}"] ->
Service['mysql'] ->
} else {
Anchor['database-cluster'] ->
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'mysql':
package_name => 'MySQL-server',
service { 'mysql':
ensure => 'running',
name => "p_${service_name}",
enable => true,
provider => 'pacemaker',
Service['mysql'] -> Anchor['database-cluster-done']
#FIXME(bogdando): dirtyhack to pervert imperative puppet nature.
if $::mysql_log_file_size_real != $mysql_log_file_size {
if str2bool($::galera_gcomm_empty) {
# delete MySQL ib_logfiles, if log file size does not match the one
# from params
exec { 'delete_logfiles':
command => "rm -f ${datadir}/ib_logfile* || true",
path => [ '/sbin/', '/usr/sbin/', '/usr/bin/' ,'/bin/' ],
before => File['/etc/mysql/conf.d/wsrep.cnf'],
# use predefined value for log file size
$innodb_log_file_size_real = $mysql_log_file_size
} else {
# evaluate existing log file size and use it as a value
$innodb_log_file_size_real = $::mysql_log_file_size_real
file { '/etc/mysql/conf.d/wsrep.cnf':
ensure => present,
content => template('galera/wsrep.cnf.erb'),
require => [File['/etc/mysql/conf.d'], File['/etc/mysql']],
File['/etc/mysql/conf.d/wsrep.cnf'] -> Package['MySQL-server']
File['/etc/mysql/conf.d/wsrep.cnf'] ~> Service['mysql']
# This file contains initial sql requests for creating replication users.
file { '/tmp/wsrep-init-file':
ensure => present,
content => template('galera/wsrep-init-file.erb'),
# This exec waits for initial sync of galera cluster after mysql replication
# user creation.
$user_password_string="-u${mysql_user} -p${mysql_password}"
exec { 'wait-initial-sync':
command => "/usr/bin/mysql ${user_password_string} -Nbe \"show status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'\" | /bin/grep -q -e Synced -e Initialized && sleep 10",
try_sleep => 10,
tries => 60,
refreshonly => true,
exec { 'rm-init-file':
command => '/bin/rm /tmp/wsrep-init-file',
exec { 'wait-for-synced-state':
command => "/usr/bin/mysql ${user_password_string} -Nbe \"show status like 'wsrep_local_state_comment'\" | /bin/grep -q Synced && sleep 10",
try_sleep => 5,
tries => 60,
if ($use_percona and $::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
#Clean tmp files:
exec {'rm-99tmp':
command => '/bin/rm /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99tmp',
Exec['wait-for-synced-state'] ->
File['/tmp/wsrep-init-file'] ->
Service['mysql'] ->
Exec['wait-initial-sync'] ->
Exec['wait-for-synced-state'] ->
Package['MySQL-server'] ~> Exec['wait-initial-sync']
anchor {'database-cluster-done': }