Stanislaw Bogatkin f94ad53471 Adapt new haproxy module to Fuel
Change-Id: I48038540d2a69a116521466369aaaddae02bceb3
Implements: blueprint ssl-endpoints
2015-06-18 16:41:47 -05:00

84 lines
2.4 KiB

# == Class: haproxy::base
# This class will create haproxy.cfg and populate it with global and
# defaults configuration sections.
# === Parameters
# [*global_options*]
# A hash of all the haproxy global options. If you want to specify more
# than one option (i.e. multiple timeout or stats options), pass those
# options as an array and you will get a line for each of them in the
# resultant haproxy.cfg file.
# [*defaults_options*]
# A hash of all the haproxy defaults options. If you want to specify more
# than one option (i.e. multiple timeout or stats options), pass those
# options as an array and you will get a line for each of them in the
# resultant haproxy.cfg file.
# [*use_include*]
# Chooses whether include directive can be used to collect haproxy
# configuration from multiple fragment files in a conf.d directory,
# or all fragments have to be contatenated into a single haproxy.cfg.
class haproxy::base (
$global_options = $haproxy::params::global_options,
$defaults_options = $haproxy::params::defaults_options,
$use_include = $haproxy::params::use_include,
$use_stats = $haproxy::params::use_stats,
$stats_port = $haproxy::params::stats_port,
$stats_ipaddresses = $haproxy::params::stats_ipaddresses,
) inherits haproxy::params {
include concat::setup
concat { '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg':
owner => '0',
group => '0',
mode => '0644',
before => Service['haproxy'],
# Simple Header
concat::fragment { 'haproxy-header':
target => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg',
order => '01',
content => "# This file managed by Puppet\n",
# Template uses $global_options, $defaults_options
concat::fragment { 'haproxy-base':
target => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg',
order => '10',
content => template('haproxy/haproxy-base.cfg.erb'),
if $global_options['chroot'] {
file { $global_options['chroot']:
ensure => directory,
if $use_stats {
concat::fragment { 'haproxy-stats' :
target => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg',
order => '90',
content => template('haproxy/haproxy-stats.cfg.erb'),
if $use_include {
concat::fragment { 'haproxy-include':
target => '/etc/haproxy/haproxy.cfg',
order => '99',
content => "\ninclude conf.d/*.cfg\n",
file { '/etc/haproxy/conf.d':
ensure => 'directory',
owner => '0',
group => '0',