Stanislaw Bogatkin 1a0f3c0a6d Sync puppet haproxy module from upstream
UP link: https://github.com/puppetlabs/puppetlabs-haproxy
UP commit sha: 4c94112afbb143f54caae0967e29261b41179017
Implements: blueprint ssl-endpoints

Change-Id: Icb96703ad50b111af463cb6c4094091a251ca680
2015-06-18 10:12:07 -05:00

142 lines
4.6 KiB

# == Class: haproxy
# A Puppet module, using storeconfigs, to model an haproxy configuration.
# Currently VERY limited - assumes Redhat/CentOS setup. Pull requests accepted!
# === Requirement/Dependencies:
# Currently requires the puppetlabs/concat module on the Puppet Forge and
# uses storeconfigs on the Puppet Master to export/collect resources
# from all balancer members.
# === Parameters
# [*package_ensure*]
# Chooses whether the haproxy package should be installed or uninstalled. Defaults to 'present'
# [*package_name*]
# The package name of haproxy. Defaults to 'haproxy'
# [*service_ensure*]
# Chooses whether the haproxy service should be running & enabled at boot, or
# stopped and disabled at boot. Defaults to 'running'
# [*service_manage*]
# Chooses whether the haproxy service state should be managed by puppet at all. Defaults to true
# [*global_options*]
# A hash of all the haproxy global options. If you want to specify more
# than one option (i.e. multiple timeout or stats options), pass those
# options as an array and you will get a line for each of them in the
# resultant haproxy.cfg file.
# [*defaults_options*]
# A hash of all the haproxy defaults options. If you want to specify more
# than one option (i.e. multiple timeout or stats options), pass those
# options as an array and you will get a line for each of them in the
# resultant haproxy.cfg file.
# Command to use when restarting the on config changes.
# Passed directly as the <code>'restart'</code> parameter to the service resource.
# Defaults to undef i.e. whatever the service default is.
# Allows arbitrary HAProxy configuration to be passed through to support
# additional configuration not available via parameters, or to short-circute
# the defined resources such as haproxy::listen when an operater would rather
# just write plain configuration. Accepts a string (ie, output from the
# template() function). Defaults to undef
# === Examples
# class { 'haproxy':
# global_options => {
# 'log' => "${::ipaddress} local0",
# 'chroot' => '/var/lib/haproxy',
# 'pidfile' => '/var/run/haproxy.pid',
# 'maxconn' => '4000',
# 'user' => 'haproxy',
# 'group' => 'haproxy',
# 'daemon' => '',
# 'stats' => 'socket /var/lib/haproxy/stats'
# },
# defaults_options => {
# 'log' => 'global',
# 'stats' => 'enable',
# 'option' => 'redispatch',
# 'retries' => '3',
# 'timeout' => [
# 'http-request 10s',
# 'queue 1m',
# 'connect 10s',
# 'client 1m',
# 'server 1m',
# 'check 10s'
# ],
# 'maxconn' => '8000'
# },
# }
class haproxy (
$package_ensure = 'present',
$package_name = $haproxy::params::package_name,
$service_ensure = 'running',
$service_manage = true,
$global_options = $haproxy::params::global_options,
$defaults_options = $haproxy::params::defaults_options,
$restart_command = undef,
$custom_fragment = undef,
$config_file = $haproxy::params::config_file,
# Deprecated
$manage_service = undef,
$enable = undef,
) inherits haproxy::params {
if $service_ensure != true and $service_ensure != false {
if ! ($service_ensure in [ 'running','stopped']) {
fail('service_ensure parameter must be running, stopped, true, or false')
# To support deprecating $enable
if $enable != undef {
warning('The $enable parameter is deprecated; please use service_ensure and/or package_ensure instead')
if $enable {
$_package_ensure = 'present'
$_service_ensure = 'running'
} else {
$_package_ensure = 'absent'
$_service_ensure = 'stopped'
} else {
$_package_ensure = $package_ensure
$_service_ensure = $service_ensure
# To support deprecating $manage_service
if $manage_service != undef {
warning('The $manage_service parameter is deprecated; please use $service_manage instead')
$_service_manage = $manage_service
} else {
$_service_manage = $service_manage
if $_package_ensure == 'absent' or $_package_ensure == 'purged' {
anchor { 'haproxy::begin': }
~> class { 'haproxy::service': }
-> class { 'haproxy::config': }
-> class { 'haproxy::install': }
-> anchor { 'haproxy::end': }
} else {
anchor { 'haproxy::begin': }
-> class { 'haproxy::install': }
-> class { 'haproxy::config': }
~> class { 'haproxy::service': }
-> anchor { 'haproxy::end': }