Stanislav Makar c352844e65 Add support of CentOS7/RedHat7 to l23network
* Add CentOS6 and CentOS7 separation to l23_os fact.
* Use l23_os fact instead of osfamily.
* Add CentOS7/RedHat7 support to l23_stored_config resource.
* Remove *vconfig* package due to we do not use *vconfig* to configure vlan
 interfaces hence we do not need to install it. CentOS7/RedHat7 does not have this
 package anymore as well.

Change-Id: Ia6cb9e4efc9465030fe0ed8c2e46922db1513a74
Closes-bug: #1503157
2015-10-12 11:19:57 +00:00

153 lines
4.7 KiB

require 'spec_helper'
describe 'l23network::l3::ifconfig', :type => :define do
context 'ifconfig with dhcp' do
let(:title) { 'ifconfig simple test' }
let(:facts) { {
:osfamily => 'Debian',
:operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
:l23_os => 'ubuntu',
:kernel => 'Linux'
} }
let(:params) { {
:interface => 'eth4',
:ipaddr => 'dhcp'
} }
let(:pre_condition) { [
"class {'l23network': }"
] }
before(:each) do
it do
should compile.with_all_deps
it do
should contain_l23_stored_config('eth4').only_with({
'ensure' => 'present',
'name' => 'eth4',
'method' => 'dhcp',
'ipaddr' => 'dhcp',
'gateway' => nil,
it do
should contain_l3_ifconfig('eth4').with({
'ensure' => 'present',
'ipaddr' => 'dhcp',
'gateway' => nil,
# # Ubintu, dhcp, ordered iface
# describe 'l23network::l3::ifconfig', :type => :define do
# let(:module_path) { '../' }
# let(:title) { 'ifconfig simple test' }
# let(:params) { {
# :interface => 'eth4',
# :ipaddr => 'dhcp',
# :ifname_order_prefix => 'zzz'
# } }
# let(:facts) { {
# :osfamily => 'Debian',
# :operatingsystem => 'Ubuntu',
# :kernel => 'Linux'
# } }
# let(:interface_file_start) { '/etc/network/interfaces.d/ifcfg-' }
# it "Ubintu/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: Should contain interface_file" do
# should contain_file('/etc/network/interfaces').with_content(/\*/)
# end
# it "Ubintu/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: interface file shouldn't contain ipaddr and netmask" do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:ifname_order_prefix]}-#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.without_content(/address/)
# should rv.without_content(/netmask/)
# end
# it "Ubintu/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: interface file should contain ifup/ifdn commands" do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:ifname_order_prefix]}-#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.without_content(/address/)
# should rv.without_content(/netmask/)
# end
# it "Ubintu/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: interface file shouldn't contains bond-master options" do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:ifname_order_prefix]}-#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.without_content(/bond-mode/)
# should rv.without_content(/slaves/)
# end
# end
# # Centos, dhcp
# describe 'l23network::l3::ifconfig', :type => :define do
# let(:module_path) { '../' }
# let(:title) { 'ifconfig simple test' }
# let(:params) { {
# :interface => 'eth4',
# :ipaddr => 'dhcp'
# } }
# let(:facts) { {
# :osfamily => 'RedHat',
# :operatingsystem => 'Centos',
# :kernel => 'Linux'
# } }
# let(:interface_file_start) { '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-' }
# let(:interface_up_file_start) { '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/interface-up-script-' }
# it 'Centos/dhcp: interface file should contains true header' do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.with_content(/DEVICE=#{params[:interface]}/)
# should rv.with_content(/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/)
# should rv.with_content(/ONBOOT=yes/)
# end
# it "Centos/dhcp: Shouldn't contains interface_file with IP-addr" do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.without_content(/IPADDR=/)
# should rv.without_content(/NETMASK=/)
# end
# end
# # Centos, dhcp, ordered iface
# describe 'l23network::l3::ifconfig', :type => :define do
# let(:module_path) { '../' }
# let(:title) { 'ifconfig simple test' }
# let(:params) { {
# :interface => 'eth4',
# :ipaddr => 'dhcp',
# :ifname_order_prefix => 'zzz'
# } }
# let(:facts) { {
# :osfamily => 'RedHat',
# :operatingsystem => 'Centos',
# :kernel => 'Linux'
# } }
# let(:interface_file_start) { '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-' }
# let(:interface_up_file_start) { '/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/interface-up-script-' }
# it 'Centos/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: interface file should contains true header' do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:ifname_order_prefix]}-#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.with_content(/DEVICE=#{params[:interface]}/)
# should rv.with_content(/BOOTPROTO=dhcp/)
# should rv.with_content(/ONBOOT=yes/)
# end
# it 'Centos/dhcp: ordered.ifaces: Should contains interface_file with IP-addr' do
# rv = contain_file("#{interface_file_start}#{params[:ifname_order_prefix]}-#{params[:interface]}")
# should rv.without_content(/IPADDR=/)
# should rv.without_content(/NETMASK=/)
# end
# end
# vim: set ts=2 sw=2 et