Maksim Malchuk 64110deddc Puppet4 propper support in the mysql module
* Adapt to Puppet 4
* Code cleanup

Change-Id: I540ac66098434aea231aa7711e90f7e109ea3761
Partial-Bug: #1533359
2016-01-18 14:35:50 +03:00

139 lines
4.4 KiB

# Class: mysql::config
# Parameters:
# [*root_password*] - root user password.
# [*old_root_password*] - previous root user password,
# [*bind_address*] - address to bind service.
# [*port*] - port to bind service.
# [*etc_root_password*] - whether to save /etc/.my.cnf.
# [*service_name*] - mysql service name.
# [*config_file*] - my.cnf configuration file path.
# [*socket*] - mysql socket.
# [*datadir*] - path to datadir.
# [*ssl*] - enable ssl
# [*ssl_ca*] - path to ssl-ca
# [*ssl_cert*] - path to ssl-cert
# [*ssl_key*] - path to ssl-key
# [*ignore_db_dirs*] - array of directories to ignore in datadir.
# Actions:
# Requires:
# class mysql::server
# Usage:
# class { 'mysql::config':
# root_password => 'changeme',
# bind_address => $::ipaddress,
# }
class mysql::config(
$bind_address = $mysql::params::bind_address,
$port = $mysql::params::port,
$service_name = $mysql::params::service_name,
$config_file = $mysql::params::config_file,
$socket = $mysql::params::socket,
$pidfile = $mysql::params::pidfile,
$datadir = $mysql::params::datadir,
$ssl = $mysql::params::ssl,
$ssl_ca = $mysql::params::ssl_ca,
$ssl_cert = $mysql::params::ssl_cert,
$ssl_key = $mysql::params::ssl_key,
$log_error = $mysql::params::log_error,
$default_engine = 'UNSET',
$root_group = $mysql::params::root_group,
$use_syslog = false,
$custom_setup_class = undef,
$server_id = $mysql::params::server_id,
$debug = $mysql::params::debug,
$wait_timeout = $mysql::params::wait_timeout,
$ignore_db_dirs = $mysql::params::ignore_db_dirs,
) inherits mysql::params {
$mysql_buffer_pool_size = $::mysql::params::mysql_buffer_pool_size
$mysql_log_file_size = $::mysql::params::mysql_log_file_size
$max_connections = $::mysql::params::max_connections
$table_open_cache = $::mysql::params::table_open_cache
$key_buffer_size = $::mysql::params::key_buffer_size
$myisam_sort_buffer_size = $::mysql::params::myisam_sort_buffer_size
$open_files_limit = $::mysql::params::open_files_limit
if ! is_array($ignore_db_dirs) {
fail('The ignore_db_dirs parameter is expected to be an array')
if $custom_setup_class != 'pacemaker_mysql' {
File {
owner => 'root',
group => $root_group,
mode => '0400',
notify => Exec['mysqld-restart'],
} else {
File {
owner => 'root',
group => $root_group,
mode => '0400',
notify => Service['mysql'],
if ($custom_setup_class == undef) {
if $ssl and $ssl_ca == undef {
fail('The ssl_ca parameter is required when ssl is true')
if $ssl and $ssl_cert == undef {
fail('The ssl_cert parameter is required when ssl is true')
if $ssl and $ssl_key == undef {
fail('The ssl_key parameter is required when ssl is true')
# This kind of sucks, that I have to specify a difference resource for
# restart. the reason is that I need the service to be started before mods
# to the config file which can cause a refresh
exec { 'mysqld-restart':
command => "service ${service_name} restart",
logoutput => on_failure,
refreshonly => true,
path => '/sbin/:/usr/sbin/:/usr/bin/:/bin/',
file { '/etc/mysql':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
file { '/etc/mysql/conf.d':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
#FIXME(bogdando): dirtyhack to pervert imperative puppet nature.
if $::mysql_log_file_size_real != $mysql_log_file_size {
# delete MySQL ib_logfiles, if log file size does not match the one
# from params
exec { 'delete_logfiles':
command => "rm -f ${datadir}/ib_logfile* || true",
path => [ '/sbin/', '/usr/sbin/', '/usr/bin/' ,'/bin/' ],
before => File[$config_file],
# use predefined value for log file size
$innodb_log_file_size_real = $mysql_log_file_size
} else {
# evaluate existing log file size and use it as a value
$innodb_log_file_size_real = $::mysql_log_file_size_real
file { $config_file:
content => template('mysql/my.cnf.erb'),
mode => '0644',