Michael Polenchuk 5791101158 Disable accounting procacct mode
Turn off process accounting ('no procacct' mode).
But atop still has an ability to collect valuable stats.

Bring in internal "custom_acct_file" option:
* false - use atop default accounting file
* /path_to/atop.acct - custom one
* undef - disable accounting procacct mode

DocImpact: 'custom_accounting_file' is system wide process
accounting file (valid values is above).

Change-Id: Ida00dc663dd8c6494c479de2ae2f0f7ab6014a84
Closes-Bug: #1530167
2016-01-19 12:57:17 +03:00

115 lines
2.5 KiB

# == Class: osnailyfacter::atop
# Allow to install and configure atop.
# === Parameters
# [*service_enabled*]
# Enable atop service, default to true.
# [*service_state*]
# Start atop service, default to running.
# [*interval*]
# Interval between snapshots, default to 20 seconds.
# [*logpath*]
# Directory were the log will be saved by the service.
# Default is /var/log/atop.
# [*rotate*]
# How many days keep binary logs.
# Default is 7.
# [*custom_acct_file*]
# Location of the custom accounting file. (e.g. '/tmp/atop.d/atop.acct')
# Set 'undef' to disable accounting, 'false' to use atop default settings.
# Default is undef.
class osnailyfacter::atop (
$service_enabled = true,
$service_state = 'running',
$interval = '20',
$logpath = '/var/log/atop',
$rotate = '7',
$custom_acct_file = undef,
) {
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
$conf_file = '/etc/default/atop'
$acct_package = 'acct'
'RedHat': {
$conf_file = '/etc/sysconfig/atop'
$acct_package = 'psacct'
default: {
fail("Unsupported platform: ${::osfamily}/${::operatingsystem}")
$atop_retention = '/etc/cron.daily/atop_retention'
File {
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0600'
if $custom_acct_file {
$acct_file_dir = dirname($custom_acct_file)
# Manage the parent directory
file { $acct_file_dir:
ensure => directory,
} ->
file { $custom_acct_file:
} ~>
exec { 'turns process accounting on':
path => ['/sbin', '/usr/sbin'],
command => "accton ${custom_acct_file}",
refreshonly => true,
Package[$acct_package] -> Exec['turns process accounting on'] -> Service['atop']
package { ['atop', $acct_package]:
ensure => 'installed',
} ->
# Template uses:
# - $interval
# - $logpath
# - $custom_acct_file
file { $conf_file:
mode => '0644',
content => template('osnailyfacter/atop.erb'),
} ~>
service { 'atop':
ensure => $service_state,
enable => $service_enabled,
} ->
# This file is used for atop binary log rotations by (ana)cron
# Template uses:
# - $rotate
# - $logpath
file { $atop_retention:
mode => '0755',
content => template('osnailyfacter/atop_retention.erb'),
} ~>
exec { 'initialize atop_current':
command => $atop_retention,
refreshonly => true,