Sergey Vasilenko 9d6647d561 Replace usage hiera() to hiera_hash() for all network_scheme lookups
Lokup by hiera() makes impossible to change network_scheme from plugin tasks.

Change-Id: I9f034906bb382db13c83e5d320e33800357d72b7
Closes-bug: #1535679
2016-01-19 16:52:02 +03:00

146 lines
5.1 KiB

notice('MODULAR: database.pp')
$network_scheme = hiera_hash('network_scheme', {})
$use_syslog = hiera('use_syslog', true)
$primary_controller = hiera('primary_controller')
$mysql_hash = hiera_hash('mysql', {})
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$database_vip = hiera('database_vip', $management_vip)
$mgmt_iface = get_network_role_property('mgmt/database', 'interface')
$direct_networks = split(direct_networks($network_scheme['endpoints'], $mgmt_iface, 'netmask'), ' ')
$access_networks = flatten(['localhost', '', '', $direct_networks])
$haproxy_stats_port = '10000'
$haproxy_stats_url = "http://${database_vip}:${haproxy_stats_port}/;csv"
$mysql_database_password = $mysql_hash['root_password']
$enabled = pick($mysql_hash['enabled'], true)
$galera_node_address = get_network_role_property('mgmt/database', 'ipaddr')
$galera_nodes = values(get_node_to_ipaddr_map_by_network_role(hiera_hash('database_nodes'), 'mgmt/database'))
$galera_primary_controller = hiera('primary_database', $primary_controller)
$mysql_bind_address = ''
$galera_cluster_name = 'openstack'
$mysql_skip_name_resolve = true
$custom_setup_class = hiera('mysql_custom_setup_class', 'galera')
# Get galera gcache factor based on cluster node's count
$galera_gcache_factor = count(unique(filter_hash(hiera('nodes', []), 'uid')))
$status_user = 'clustercheck'
$status_password = $mysql_hash['wsrep_password']
$backend_port = '3307'
$backend_timeout = '10'
$external_lb = hiera('external_lb', false)
if $enabled {
if $custom_setup_class {
file { '/etc/mysql/my.cnf':
ensure => absent,
require => Class['mysql::server']
$config_hash_real = {
'config_file' => '/etc/my.cnf'
} else {
$config_hash_real = { }
if '/var/lib/mysql' in split($::mounts, ',') {
$ignore_db_dirs = ['lost+found']
} else {
$ignore_db_dirs = []
class { 'mysql::server':
bind_address => '',
etc_root_password => true,
root_password => $mysql_database_password,
old_root_password => '',
galera_cluster_name => $galera_cluster_name,
primary_controller => $galera_primary_controller,
galera_node_address => $galera_node_address,
galera_nodes => $galera_nodes,
galera_gcache_factor => $galera_gcache_factor,
enabled => $enabled,
custom_setup_class => $custom_setup_class,
mysql_skip_name_resolve => $mysql_skip_name_resolve,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
config_hash => $config_hash_real,
ignore_db_dirs => $ignore_db_dirs,
class { 'osnailyfacter::mysql_user':
password => $mysql_database_password,
access_networks => $access_networks,
exec { 'initial_access_config':
command => '/bin/ln -sf /etc/mysql/conf.d/password.cnf /root/.my.cnf',
if ($custom_mysql_setup_class == 'percona_packages' and $::osfamily == 'RedHat') {
# This is a work around to prevent the conflict between the
# MySQL-shared-wsrep package (included as a dependency for MySQL-python) and
# the Percona shared package Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-shared-56. They both
# provide the libmysql client libraries. Since we are requiring the
# installation of the Percona package here before mysql::python, the python
# client is happy and the server installation won't fail due to the
# installation of our shared package
package { 'Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-shared-56':
ensure => 'present',
before => Class['mysql::python'],
$management_networks = get_routable_networks_for_network_role($network_scheme, 'mgmt/database', ' ')
class { 'openstack::galera::status':
status_user => $status_user,
status_password => $status_password,
status_allow => $galera_node_address,
backend_host => $galera_node_address,
backend_port => $backend_port,
backend_timeout => $backend_timeout,
only_from => " ${management_networks}",
if $external_lb {
Haproxy_backend_status<||> {
provider => 'http',
haproxy_backend_status { 'mysql':
name => 'mysqld',
url => $external_lb ? {
default => $haproxy_stats_url,
# You should setup HTTP frontend for mysqld-status on yout external LB.
# Otherwise it's impossible to wait for mysql cluster to sync.
true => "http://${database_vip}:49000",
class { 'osnailyfacter::mysql_access':
db_password => $mysql_database_password,
Class['mysql::server'] ->
Class['osnailyfacter::mysql_user'] ->
Exec['initial_access_config'] ->
Class['openstack::galera::status'] ->
Haproxy_backend_status['mysql'] ->