
261 lines
9.2 KiB

notice('MODULAR: keystone.pp')
$network_scheme = hiera_hash('network_scheme', {})
$network_metadata = hiera_hash('network_metadata', {})
$node_name = hiera('node_name')
$keystone_hash = hiera_hash('keystone', {})
$verbose = pick($keystone_hash['verbose'], hiera('verbose', true))
$debug = pick($keystone_hash['debug'], hiera('debug', false))
$use_neutron = hiera('use_neutron', false)
$use_syslog = hiera('use_syslog', true)
$use_stderr = hiera('use_stderr', false)
$access_hash = hiera_hash('access',{})
$management_vip = hiera('management_vip')
$database_vip = hiera('database_vip')
$public_vip = hiera('public_vip')
$service_endpoint = hiera('service_endpoint')
$glance_hash = hiera_hash('glance', {})
$nova_hash = hiera_hash('nova', {})
$cinder_hash = hiera_hash('cinder', {})
$ceilometer_hash = hiera_hash('ceilometer', {})
$syslog_log_facility = hiera('syslog_log_facility_keystone')
$rabbit_hash = hiera_hash('rabbit_hash', {})
$neutron_user_password = hiera('neutron_user_password', false)
$service_workers = pick($keystone_hash['workers'],
min(max($::processorcount, 2), 16))
$default_log_levels = hiera_hash('default_log_levels')
$primary_controller = hiera('primary_controller')
$db_type = 'mysql'
$db_host = pick($keystone_hash['db_host'], $database_vip)
$db_password = $keystone_hash['db_password']
$db_name = pick($keystone_hash['db_name'], 'keystone')
$db_user = pick($keystone_hash['db_user'], 'keystone')
$admin_token = $keystone_hash['admin_token']
$admin_tenant = $access_hash['tenant']
$admin_email = $access_hash['email']
$admin_user = $access_hash['user']
$admin_password = $access_hash['password']
$region = hiera('region', 'RegionOne')
$public_ssl_hash = hiera('public_ssl')
$public_service_endpoint = hiera('public_service_endpoint', $public_vip)
$public_address = $public_ssl_hash['services'] ? {
true => $public_ssl_hash['hostname'],
default => $public_service_endpoint,
$public_cert = $public_ssl_hash['services']? {
true => '/etc/pki/tls/certs/public_haproxy.pem',
default => undef,
$admin_address = $service_endpoint
$local_address_for_bind = get_network_role_property('keystone/api', 'ipaddr')
$memcache_server_port = hiera('memcache_server_port', '11211')
$memcache_pool_maxsize = '100'
$memcached_server = hiera('memcached_addresses')
$public_port = '5000'
$admin_port = '35357'
$internal_port = '5000'
$public_protocol = $public_ssl_hash['services'] ? {
true => 'https',
default => 'http',
$token_provider = hiera('token_provider')
$public_url = "${public_protocol}://${public_address}:${public_port}"
$admin_url = "http://${admin_address}:${admin_port}"
$internal_url = "http://${service_endpoint}:${internal_port}"
$revoke_driver = 'keystone.contrib.revoke.backends.sql.Revoke'
$enabled = true
$ssl = false
$vhost_limit_request_field_size = 'LimitRequestFieldSize 81900'
$rabbit_password = $rabbit_hash['password']
$rabbit_user = $rabbit_hash['user']
$rabbit_hosts = split(hiera('amqp_hosts',''), ',')
$rabbit_virtual_host = '/'
$max_pool_size = hiera('max_pool_size')
$max_overflow = hiera('max_overflow')
$max_retries = '-1'
$database_idle_timeout = '3600'
$murano_settings_hash = hiera('murano_settings', {})
if has_key($murano_settings_hash, 'murano_repo_url') {
$murano_repo_url = $murano_settings_hash['murano_repo_url']
} else {
$murano_repo_url = 'http://storage.apps.openstack.org'
####### KEYSTONE ###########
class { 'openstack::keystone':
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $debug,
default_log_levels => $default_log_levels,
db_type => $db_type,
db_host => $db_host,
db_password => $db_password,
db_name => $db_name,
db_user => $db_user,
admin_token => $admin_token,
public_address => $public_address,
public_ssl => $public_ssl_hash['services'],
public_hostname => $public_ssl_hash['hostname'],
internal_address => $service_endpoint,
admin_address => $admin_address,
public_bind_host => $local_address_for_bind,
admin_bind_host => $local_address_for_bind,
primary_controller => $primary_controller,
enabled => $enabled,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
use_stderr => $use_stderr,
syslog_log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
region => $region,
memcache_servers => $memcached_server,
memcache_server_port => $memcache_server_port,
memcache_pool_maxsize => $memcache_pool_maxsize,
max_retries => $max_retries,
max_pool_size => $max_pool_size,
max_overflow => $max_overflow,
rabbit_password => $rabbit_password,
rabbit_userid => $rabbit_user,
rabbit_hosts => $rabbit_hosts,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_virtual_host,
database_idle_timeout => $database_idle_timeout,
revoke_driver => $revoke_driver,
public_url => $public_url,
admin_url => $admin_url,
internal_url => $internal_url,
ceilometer => $ceilometer_hash['enabled'],
service_workers => $service_workers,
token_provider => $token_provider,
fernet_src_repository => '/var/lib/astute/keystone',
####### WSGI ###########
# Listen directives with host required for ip_based vhosts
class { 'osnailyfacter::apache':
listen_ports => hiera_array('apache_ports', ['', '', '', '']),
class { 'keystone::wsgi::apache':
priority => '05',
threads => 3,
workers => min($::processorcount, 6),
ssl => $ssl,
vhost_custom_fragment => $vhost_limit_request_field_size,
access_log_format => '%{X-Forwarded-For}i %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b %D \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"',
# ports and host should be set for ip_based vhost
public_port => $public_port,
admin_port => $admin_port,
bind_host => $local_address_for_bind,
wsgi_script_ensure => $::osfamily ? {
'RedHat' => 'link',
default => 'file',
wsgi_script_source => $::osfamily ? {
# TODO: (adidenko) use file from package for Debian, when
# https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1476688 is fixed.
# 'Debian' => '/usr/share/keystone/wsgi.py',
'RedHat' => '/usr/share/keystone/keystone.wsgi',
default => undef,
include ::tweaks::apache_wrappers
class { 'keystone::roles::admin':
admin => $admin_user,
password => $admin_password,
email => $admin_email,
admin_tenant => $admin_tenant,
class { 'openstack::auth_file':
admin_user => $admin_user,
admin_password => $admin_password,
admin_tenant => $admin_tenant,
region_name => $region,
controller_node => $service_endpoint,
murano_repo_url => $murano_repo_url,
cacert => $public_cert
# Get paste.ini source
include keystone::params
$keystone_paste_ini = $::keystone::params::paste_config ? {
undef => '/etc/keystone/keystone-paste.ini',
default => $::keystone::params::paste_config,
# Make sure admin token auth middleware is in place
exec { 'add_admin_token_auth_middleware':
path => ['/bin', '/usr/bin'],
command => "sed -i 's/\\( token_auth \\)/\\1admin_token_auth /' $keystone_paste_ini",
unless => "fgrep -q ' admin_token_auth' $keystone_paste_ini",
require => Package['keystone'],
#Can't use openrc to create admin user
exec { 'purge_openrc':
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
command => 'rm -f /root/openrc',
onlyif => 'test -f /root/openrc',
Exec <| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |> ~>
Exec <| title == 'purge_openrc' |>
Exec <| title == 'add_admin_token_auth_middleware' |> ->
Exec <| title == 'keystone-manage db_sync' |> ->
Exec <| title == 'purge_openrc' |> ->
Class['keystone::roles::admin'] ->
$haproxy_stats_url = "http://${service_endpoint}:10000/;csv"
haproxy_backend_status { 'keystone-public' :
name => 'keystone-1',
url => $haproxy_stats_url,
haproxy_backend_status { 'keystone-admin' :
name => 'keystone-2',
url => $haproxy_stats_url,
Service['keystone'] -> Haproxy_backend_status<||>
Service<| title == 'httpd' |> -> Haproxy_backend_status<||>
Haproxy_backend_status<||> -> Class['keystone::roles::admin']
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
if ($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'keystone':
package_name => 'keystone',
# Override confguration options
$override_configuration = hiera_hash('configuration', {})
override_resources { 'keystone_config':
data => $override_configuration['keystone_config']