
69 lines
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# == Class: fuel::ostf::auth
# This class creates keystone users, services, endpoints, and roles
# for OSTF services.
# The user is given the admin role in the services tenant.
# === Parameters
# [*auth_user*]
# String. The name of the user.
# Optional. Defaults to 'ostf'.
# [*password*]
# String. The user's password.
# Optional. Defaults to 'ostf'.
class fuel::ostf::auth (
$auth_name = $::fuel::params::keystone_ostf_user,
$password = $::fuel::params::keystone_ostf_password,
$address = $::fuel::params::keystone_host,
$internal_address = undef,
$admin_address = undef,
$public_address = undef,
$port = '8000',
$region = 'RegionOne',
) inherits fuel::params {
if ($internal_address == undef) {
$internal_address_real = $address
} else {
$internal_address_real = $internal_address
if ($admin_address == undef) {
$admin_address_real = $address
} else {
$admin_address_real = $admin_address
if ($public_address == undef) {
$public_address_real = $address
} else {
$public_address_real = $public_address
keystone_user { $auth_name:
ensure => present,
enabled => 'True',
password => $password,
keystone_user_role { "${auth_name}@services":
ensure => present,
roles => 'admin',
keystone_service { 'ostf':
ensure => present,
type => 'ostf',
description => 'OSTF',
keystone_endpoint { "$region/ostf":
ensure => present,
public_url => "http://${public_address_real}:${port}/ostf",
admin_url => "http://${admin_address_real}:${port}/ostf",
internal_url => "http://${internal_address_real}:${port}/ostf",