
200 lines
6.1 KiB

class fuel::rabbitmq (
$rabbitmq_gid = $::fuel::params::rabbitmq_gid,
$rabbitmq_uid = $::fuel::params::rabbitmq_uid,
$astute_user = $::fuel::params::rabbitmq_astute_user,
$astute_password = $::fuel::params::rabbitmq_astute_password,
$mco_user = $::fuel::params::mco_user,
$mco_password = $::fuel::params::mco_password,
$mco_vhost = $::fuel::params::mco_vhost,
$bind_ip = $::fuel::params::mco_host,
$management_port = '15672',
$stompport = $::fuel::params::mco_port,
$env_config = {},
$stomp = false,
) inherits fuel::params {
include stdlib
anchor { 'rabbitmq-begin' :}
anchor { 'rabbitmq-end' :}
file { '/etc/default/rabbitmq-server':
ensure => absent,
require => Package['rabbitmq-server'],
before => Service['rabbitmq-server'],
group { "rabbitmq" :
provider => "groupadd",
ensure => "present",
gid => $rabbitmq_gid,
user { "rabbitmq":
ensure => present,
managehome => true,
uid => $rabbitmq_uid,
gid => $rabbitmq_gid,
shell => '/bin/bash',
home => '/var/lib/rabbitmq',
comment => 'RabbitMQ messaging server',
require => Group["rabbitmq"],
file { "/var/log/rabbitmq":
ensure => directory,
owner => 'rabbitmq',
group => 'rabbitmq',
mode => 0755,
require => User['rabbitmq'],
before => Service["rabbitmq-server"],
rabbitmq_user { $astute_user:
admin => true,
password => $astute_password,
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_vhost { "/":
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${astute_user}@/":
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => [Class['::rabbitmq'], Rabbitmq_vhost['/']]
file { "/etc/rabbitmq/enabled_plugins":
content => '[amqp_client,rabbitmq_stomp,rabbitmq_management].',
owner => root,
group => root,
mode => 0644,
require => Package["rabbitmq-server"],
notify => Service["rabbitmq-server"],
if $stomp {
$actual_mco_vhost = "/"
} else {
rabbitmq_vhost { $mco_vhost:
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
$actual_mco_vhost = $mco_vhost
rabbitmq_user { $mco_user:
admin => true,
password => $mco_password,
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${mco_user}@${actual_mco_vhost}":
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
require => Class['::rabbitmq'],
exec { 'create-mcollective-directed-exchange':
command => "curl -L -i -u ${mco_user}:${mco_password} -H \"content-type:application/json\" -XPUT \
logoutput => true,
require => [
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
tries => 10,
try_sleep => 3,
exec { 'create-mcollective-broadcast-exchange':
command => "curl -L -i -u ${mco_user}:${mco_password} -H \"content-type:application/json\" -XPUT \
-d'{\"type\":\"topic\",\"durable\":true}' \
logoutput => true,
require => [Service['rabbitmq-server'],
path => '/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/usr/sbin',
tries => 10,
try_sleep => 3,
# NOTE(bogdando) indentation is important
$rabbit_tcp_listen_options =
{packet, raw},
{reuseaddr, true},
{backlog, 128},
{nodelay, true},
{exit_on_close, false},
{keepalive, true}
$rabbitmq_management_variables = {'listener' => "[{port, 15672}, {ip, \"${bind_ip}\"}]"}
# NOTE(bogdando) requires rabbitmq module >=4.0
class { '::rabbitmq':
repos_ensure => false,
package_provider => 'yum',
package_source => undef,
environment_variables => $env_config,
service_ensure => 'running',
delete_guest_user => true,
config_cluster => false,
cluster_nodes => [],
config_stomp => true,
stomp_port => $stompport,
ssl => false,
node_ip_address => $bind_ip,
config_kernel_variables => {
'inet_dist_listen_min' => '41055',
'inet_dist_listen_max' => '41055',
'inet_default_connect_options' => '[{nodelay,true}]',
config_variables => {
'log_levels' => '[{connection,debug,info,error}]',
'default_vhost' => '<<"">>',
'default_permissions' => '[<<".*">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>]',
'tcp_listen_options' => $rabbit_tcp_listen_options,
config_management_variables => $rabbitmq_management_variables,
require => User["rabbitmq"],
# NOTE(bogdando) retries for the rabbitmqadmin curl command, unmerged MODULES-1650
Staging::File <| title == 'rabbitmqadmin' |> {
tries => 30,
try_sleep => 6,
# TODO(bogdando) contribute this to puppetlabs-rabbitmq
# Start epmd as rabbitmq so it doesn't run as root when installing plugins
exec { 'epmd_daemon':
command => 'epmd -daemon',
path => '/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin',
user => 'rabbitmq',
group => 'rabbitmq',
unless => 'pgrep epmd',
# Make sure the various providers have their requirements in place.
Class['::rabbitmq::install'] -> Exec['epmd_daemon']
-> Rabbitmq_plugin<| |> -> Rabbitmq_exchange<| |>
Anchor['rabbitmq-begin'] ->
Class['::rabbitmq'] ->