Currently we are not handling situation when we have Ceph with RadosGW enabled with enabled TLS/SSL. As a result we have wrong addresses for Swift endpoints in Keystone. This commit fixes that. Also this patch creates radosgw_keystone task for managing endpoint and removes unused parameters from ceph-osd and radosgw modulars. Change-Id: Id86d85a13fbec27265156a5b12fad0fd892c7cd9 Closes-bug: #1540133
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# ceph configuration and resource relations
# TODO: split ceph module to submodules instead of using case with roles
class ceph (
# General settings
$mon_hosts = undef,
$mon_ip_addresses = undef,
$cluster_node_address = $::ipaddress, # This should be the cluster service address
$primary_mon = $::hostname, # This should be the first controller
$mon_addr = $::ipaddress, # This needs to be replaced with the address we want to bind the mon to (if this is a mon)
$node_hostname = $::hostname,
$osd_devices = split($::osd_devices_list, ' '),
$use_ssl = false,
$use_rgw = false,
# ceph.conf Global settings
$auth_supported = 'cephx',
$osd_journal_size = '2048',
$osd_mkfs_type = 'xfs',
$osd_pool_default_size = undef,
$osd_pool_default_min_size = '1',
$osd_pool_default_pg_num = undef,
$osd_pool_default_pgp_num = undef,
$cluster_network = undef,
$public_network = undef,
#ceph.conf osd settings
$osd_max_backfills = '1',
$osd_recovery_max_active = '1',
#RBD client settings
$rbd_cache = true,
$rbd_cache_writethrough_until_flush = true,
# RadosGW settings
$rgw_host = $::hostname,
$rgw_ip = '',
$rgw_port = '6780',
$swift_endpoint_port = '8080',
$rgw_keyring_path = '/etc/ceph/keyring.radosgw.gateway',
$rgw_socket_path = '/tmp/radosgw.sock',
$rgw_frontends = 'fastcgi socket_port=9000 socket_host=',
$rgw_log_file = '/var/log/ceph/radosgw.log',
$rgw_use_keystone = true,
$rgw_use_pki = false,
$rgw_keystone_url = "${cluster_node_address}:35357", #"fix my formatting.
$rgw_keystone_admin_token = undef,
$rgw_keystone_token_cache_size = '10',
$rgw_keystone_accepted_roles = '_member_, Member, admin, swiftoperator',
$rgw_keystone_revocation_interval = $::ceph::rgw_use_pki ? { false => 1000000, default => 60 },
$rgw_s3_auth_use_keystone = false,
$rgw_data = '/var/lib/ceph/radosgw',
$rgw_dns_name = "*.${::domain}",
$rgw_print_continue = true,
$rgw_nss_db_path = '/etc/ceph/nss',
$rgw_large_pool_name = '.rgw',
$rgw_large_pool_pg_nums = '512',
# Cinder settings
$volume_driver = 'cinder.volume.drivers.rbd.RBDDriver',
$glance_api_version = '2',
$cinder_user = 'volumes',
$cinder_pool = 'volumes',
# TODO: generate rbd_secret_uuid
$rbd_secret_uuid = 'a5d0dd94-57c4-ae55-ffe0-7e3732a24455',
# Cinder Backup settings
$cinder_backup_user = 'backups',
$cinder_backup_pool = 'backups',
# Glance settings
$glance_backend = 'ceph',
$glance_user = 'images',
$glance_pool = 'images',
$show_image_direct_url = 'True',
# Compute settings
$compute_user = 'compute',
$compute_pool = 'compute',
$libvirt_images_type = 'rbd',
$ephemeral_ceph = false,
# Log settings
$use_syslog = false,
$syslog_log_facility = 'daemon',
$syslog_log_level = 'info',
) {
Exec {
path => [ '/bin/', '/sbin/' , '/usr/bin/', '/usr/sbin/' ],
cwd => '/root',
# the regex includes all roles that require ceph.conf
if roles_include(['primary-controller', 'controller', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph-osd', 'compute', 'cinder']) {
include ceph::ssh
include ceph::params
include ceph::conf
Class[['ceph::ssh', 'ceph::params']] -> Class['ceph::conf']
if roles_include(['primary-controller', 'controller', 'ceph-mon', 'ceph-osd']) {
service { 'ceph':
ensure => 'running',
name => $::ceph::params::service_name,
enable => true,
hasrestart => true,
require => Class['ceph::conf']
Package<| title == 'ceph' |> ~> Service['ceph']
if !defined(Service['ceph']) {
notify{ "Module ${module_name} cannot notify service ceph on packages update": }
if roles_include(['primary-controller', 'controller', 'ceph-mon']) {
include ceph::mon
Class['ceph::conf'] -> Class['ceph::mon'] ->
if ($::ceph::use_rgw) {
include ceph::radosgw
Class['ceph::mon'] ->
if defined(Class['::keystone']) {
Class['::keystone'] -> Class['ceph::radosgw']
Ceph_conf <||> ~> Service['ceph']
if roles_include('ceph-osd') {
if ! empty($osd_devices) {
include ceph::osds
if roles_include(['ceph-mon']) {
Class['ceph::mon'] -> Class['ceph::osds']
Class['ceph::conf'] -> Class['ceph::osds']
Ceph_conf <||> ~> Service['ceph']
# set the recommended value according: http://tracker.ceph.com/issues/10988
sysctl::value { 'kernel.pid_max':
value => '4194303',
Sysctl::Value <| |> -> Service['ceph']