
271 lines
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# [*use_syslog*] Rather or not service should log to syslog. Optional. Defaults to false.
# [*use_stderr*] Rather or not service should send output to stderr. Optional. Defaults to true.
# [*syslog_log_facility*] Facility for syslog, if used. Optional. Note: duplicating conf option
# wouldn't have been used, but more powerfull rsyslog features managed via conf template instead
# [*notification_driver*] The driver(s) name to handle notifications. Defaults to undef.
class openstack::cinder(
$queue_provider = 'rabbitmq',
$amqp_hosts = '',
$amqp_user = 'nova',
$amqp_password = 'rabbit_pw',
$rabbit_ha_queues = false,
$volume_group = 'cinder-volumes',
$physical_volume = undef,
$volume_backend_name = 'DEFAULT',
$manage_volumes = false,
$iser = false,
$enabled = true,
$enable_volumes = true,
$purge_cinder_config = true,
$bind_host = '',
$iscsi_bind_host = '',
$use_syslog = false,
$use_stderr = true,
$syslog_log_facility = 'LOG_LOCAL3',
$cinder_rate_limits = undef,
$primary_controller = false,
$debug = false,
$default_log_levels = undef,
$idle_timeout = '3600',
$max_pool_size = '10',
$max_overflow = '30',
$max_retries = '-1',
$keystone_enabled = true,
$keystone_tenant = 'services',
$auth_uri = false,
$privileged_auth_uri = false,
$identity_uri = false,
$keystone_user = 'cinder',
$region = 'RegionOne',
$notification_driver = undef,
$service_workers = $::os_workers,
$rbd_pool = 'volumes',
$rbd_user = 'volumes',
$rbd_secret_uuid = 'a5d0dd94-57c4-ae55-ffe0-7e3732a24455',
$swift_url = false,
$openstack_version = {},
) {
warning('openstack::cinder is deprecated in mitaka and will be removed in Newton')
include cinder::params
# if ($purge_cinder_config) {
# resources { 'cinder_config':
# purge => true,
# }
# There are two assumptions - everyone should use keystone auth
# and we had glance_api_servers set globally in every mode except
# single when service should authenticate itself against
# localhost anyway.
class {'cinder::glance':
glance_api_servers => $glance_api_servers,
# Glance API v2 is required for Ceph RBD backend
glance_api_version => '2',
#NOTE(mattymo): Remove keymgr_encryption_auth_url after LP#1516085 is fixed
if $identity_uri {
$keymgr_encryption_auth_url = "${identity_uri}/v3"
} else {
$keymgr_encryption_auth_url = $::os_service_default
if $queue_provider == 'rabbitmq' and $rabbit_ha_queues {
Cinder_config['oslo_messaging_rabbit/rabbit_ha_queues']->Service<| title == 'cinder-api'|>
Cinder_config['oslo_messaging_rabbit/rabbit_ha_queues']->Service<| title == 'cinder-volume' |>
Cinder_config['oslo_messaging_rabbit/rabbit_ha_queues']->Service<| title == 'cinder-scheduler' |>
case $queue_provider {
'rabbitmq': {
if $rabbit_ha_queues {
if !is_array($amqp_hosts) {
$rabbit_hosts_real = split($amqp_hosts, ',')
} else {
$rabbit_hosts_real = $amqp_hosts
# ::cinder module accepts rabbit_host and rabbit_port and then
# makes "rabbit_host:rabbit_port" from it. So we need to split
# our aqmp_hosts or provide defaults
$rabbit_host_array = [undef,undef]
} else {
$rabbit_hosts_real = false
# ::cinder module accepts rabbit_host and rabbit_port and then
# makes "rabbit_host:rabbit_port" from it. So we need to split
# our aqmp_hosts or provide defaults
$rabbit_host_array = split($amqp_hosts, ':')
class { '::cinder':
package_ensure => $openstack_version['cinder'],
rpc_backend => 'cinder.openstack.common.rpc.impl_kombu',
rabbit_host => $rabbit_host_array[0],
rabbit_port => $rabbit_host_array[1],
rabbit_hosts => $rabbit_hosts_real,
rabbit_userid => $amqp_user,
rabbit_password => $amqp_password,
rabbit_virtual_host => $rabbit_virtual_host,
database_connection => $sql_connection,
use_syslog => $use_syslog,
use_stderr => $use_stderr,
log_facility => $syslog_log_facility,
debug => $debug,
database_idle_timeout => $idle_timeout,
database_max_pool_size => $max_pool_size,
database_max_retries => $max_retries,
database_max_overflow => $max_overflow,
control_exchange => 'cinder',
rabbit_ha_queues => $rabbit_ha_queues,
'qpid': {
$rpc_backend = 'cinder.openstack.common.rpc.impl_qpid'
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/qpid_hosts': value => $amqp_hosts;
'DEFAULT/qpid_username': value => $amqp_user;
'DEFAULT/qpid_password': value => $amqp_password;
if ($bind_host) {
class { 'cinder::api':
keystone_enabled => $keystone_enabled,
package_ensure => $openstack_version['cinder'],
auth_uri => $auth_uri,
identity_uri => $identity_uri,
keystone_user => $keystone_user,
keystone_tenant => $keystone_tenant,
keystone_password => $cinder_user_password,
os_region_name => $region,
bind_host => $bind_host,
ratelimits => $cinder_rate_limits,
service_workers => $service_workers,
privileged_user => true,
os_privileged_user_password => $cinder_user_password,
os_privileged_user_tenant => $keystone_tenant,
os_privileged_user_auth_url => $privileged_auth_uri,
os_privileged_user_name => $keystone_user,
keymgr_encryption_auth_url => $keymgr_encryption_auth_url,
nova_catalog_admin_info => 'compute:nova:adminURL',
nova_catalog_info => 'compute:nova:internalURL',
sync_db => $primary_controller,
class { 'cinder::scheduler':
package_ensure => $openstack_version['cinder'],
enabled => true,
if $manage_volumes {
####### Disable upstart startup on install #######
#NOTE(bogdando) ceph::backends::rbd creates override file as well
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $manage_volumes != 'ceph') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-volume':
package_name => 'cinder-volume',
if($::operatingsystem == 'Ubuntu' and $manage_volumes == 'ceph') {
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { "tgtd-service":
package_name => "$::cinder::params::tgt_package_name",
service_name => "$::cinder::params::tgt_service_name",
package { "$::cinder::params::tgt_package_name":
ensure => installed,
name => $::cinder::params::tgt_package_name,
before => Class['cinder::volume'],
service { "$::cinder::params::tgt_service_name":
enable => false,
ensure => stopped,
class { 'cinder::volume':
package_ensure => $openstack_version['cinder'],
enabled => $enable_volumes,
case $manage_volumes {
true, 'iscsi': {
cinder::backend::iscsi { 'DEFAULT':
iscsi_ip_address => $iscsi_bind_host,
volume_group => $volume_group,
volume_backend_name => $volume_backend_name,
class { 'cinder::backup':
enabled => true,
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-backup':
package_name => 'cinder-backup',
class { 'cinder::backup::swift':
backup_swift_url => "${swift_url}/v1/AUTH_",
backup_swift_auth_url => "${auth_uri}/v2.0",
'ceph': {
if defined(Class['::ceph']) {
Ceph::Pool<| title == $::ceph::cinder_pool |> ->
cinder::backend::rbd { 'DEFAULT':
rbd_pool => $rbd_pool,
rbd_user => $rbd_user,
rbd_secret_uuid => $rbd_secret_uuid,
volume_backend_name => $volume_backend_name,
class { 'cinder::backup':
enabled => true,
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'cinder-backup':
package_name => 'cinder-backup',
class { 'cinder::backup::ceph':
backup_ceph_user => 'backups',
backup_ceph_pool => 'backups',
'fake': {
class { 'cinder::config':
cinder_config => {
'DEFAULT/iscsi_ip_address' => { value => $iscsi_bind_host },
'DEFAULT/iscsi_helper' => { value => 'fake' },
'DEFAULT/iscsi_protocol' => { value => 'iscsi' },
'DEFAULT/volume_backend_name' => { value => $volume_backend_name },
'DEFAULT/volume_driver' => { value => 'cinder.volume.drivers.block_device.BlockDeviceDriver' },
'DEFAULT/volume_group' => { value => 'cinder' },
'DEFAULT/volume_dir' => { value => '/var/lib/cinder/volumes' },
'DEFAULT/available_devices' => { value => $physical_volume },
if $use_syslog {
cinder_config {
'DEFAULT/use_syslog_rfc_format': value => true;
if $notification_driver {
class { 'cinder::ceilometer':
notification_driver => $notification_driver