
38 lines
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class openstack_tasks::roles::enable_compute {
notice('MODULAR: roles/enable_compute.pp')
include ::nova::params
$compute_service_name = $::nova::params::compute_service_name
$use_ovs = hiera('use_ovs', true)
$roles = hiera('roles')
if $use_ovs {
$neutron_integration_bridge = 'br-int'
$bridge_exists_check = "ovs-vsctl br-exists ${neutron_integration_bridge}"
# We need to restart nova-compute service in orderto apply new settings
# nova-compute must not be restarted until integration bridge is created by
# Neutron L2 agent.
# The reason is described here https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1477475
exec { 'wait-for-int-br':
command => $bridge_exists_check,
path => ['/usr/bin', '/usr/sbin'],
unless => $bridge_exists_check,
try_sleep => 6,
tries => 10,
Exec['wait-for-int-br'] -> Service['nova-compute']
service { 'nova-compute':
ensure => running,
name => $compute_service_name,
enable => true,
hasstatus => true,
hasrestart => true,