
241 lines
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class osnailyfacter::rabbitmq::rabbitmq {
notice('MODULAR: rabbitmq/rabbitmq.pp')
$network_scheme = hiera_hash('network_scheme', {})
$queue_provider = hiera('queue_provider', 'rabbit')
if $queue_provider == 'rabbit' {
$erlang_cookie = hiera('erlang_cookie', 'EOKOWXQREETZSHFNTPEY')
$version = hiera('rabbit_version', '3.3.5')
$amqp_port = hiera('amqp_port', '5673')
$rabbit_hash = hiera_hash('rabbit',
'user' => false,
'password' => false,
$rabbit_ocf_default = {
'start_timeout' => '180',
'stop_timeout' => '120',
'mon_timeout' => '180',
'promote_timeout' => '120',
'demote_timeout' => '120',
'notify_timeout' => '180',
'master_mon_interval' => '27',
'mon_interval' => '30',
$rabbit_ocf = merge($rabbit_ocf_default, hiera_hash('rabbit_ocf', {}))
$debug = pick($rabbit_hash['debug'], hiera('debug', false))
$enabled = pick($rabbit_hash['enabled'], true)
$use_pacemaker = pick($rabbit_hash['pacemaker'], true)
$file_limit = pick($rabbit_hash['file_limit'], '100000')
$pid_file = pick($rabbit_hash['pid_file'], '/var/run/rabbitmq/p_pid')
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$command_timeout = '-s KILL'
$package_provider = 'yum'
'Debian': {
$command_timeout = '--signal=KILL'
$package_provider = 'apt'
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem},\
module ${module_name} only support osfamily RedHat and Debian")
$rabbit_levels = sprintf('[{connection, %s}]',
$debug ? { true => 'debug', default => 'info' }
$cluster_partition_handling = hiera('rabbit_cluster_partition_handling', 'ignore')
$mnesia_table_loading_timeout = hiera('mnesia_table_loading_timeout', '10000')
$rabbitmq_bind_ip_address = pick(get_network_role_property('mgmt/messaging', 'ipaddr'), 'UNSET')
$management_bind_ip_address = hiera('management_bind_ip_address', '')
$management_port = hiera('rabbit_management_port', '15672')
$enable_rpc_ha = hiera('enable_rpc_ha', false)
$enable_notifications_ha = hiera('enable_notifications_ha', true)
$fqdn_prefix = hiera('node_name_prefix_for_messaging', 'messaging-')
# NOTE(mattymo) UNSET is a puppet ref, but would break real configs
if $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address == 'UNSET' {
$epmd_bind_ip_address = ''
} else {
$epmd_bind_ip_address = $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address
$config_kernel_variables = hiera_hash('rabbit_config_kernel_variables', {})
$config_kernel_variables_default = {
'inet_dist_listen_min' => '41055',
'inet_dist_listen_max' => '41055',
'inet_default_connect_options' => '[{nodelay,true}]',
'net_ticktime' => '60',
$config_kernel_variables_merged = merge ($config_kernel_variables_default, $config_kernel_variables)
$config_variables_default = {
'log_levels' => $rabbit_levels,
'default_vhost' => "<<\"/\">>",
'default_permissions' => '[<<".*">>, <<".*">>, <<".*">>]',
'cluster_partition_handling' => $cluster_partition_handling,
'mnesia_table_loading_timeout' => $mnesia_table_loading_timeout,
'collect_statistics_interval' => '30000',
'disk_free_limit' => '5000000', # Corosync checks for disk space, reduce rabbitmq check to 5M see LP#1493520 comment #15
# TODO(mpolenchuk) Get optimal value for number of
# Erlang processes that will accept connections
'num_tcp_acceptors' => 10,
$config_variables = hiera_hash('rabbit_config_variables', {})
$config_variables_merged = merge($config_variables_default, $config_variables)
$config_management_variables = hiera_hash('rabbit_config_management_variables', {})
$config_management_variables_default ={
'rates_mode' => 'none',
$config_management_variables_merged = merge($config_management_variables_default, $config_management_variables)
$environment_variables_init = hiera('rabbit_environment_variables',
'SERVER_ERL_ARGS' => "\"+K true +P 1048576\"",
'ERL_EPMD_ADDRESS' => $epmd_bind_ip_address,
'PID_FILE' => $pid_file,
$environment_variables = merge($environment_variables_init, {
'NODENAME' => "rabbit@${fqdn_prefix}${::hostname}",
'NODE_IP_ADDRESS' => $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address,
$rabbitmq_admin_enabled = pick($rabbit_hash['use_rabbitmq_admin'], true)
if ($enabled) {
class { '::rabbitmq':
admin_enable => $rabbitmq_admin_enabled,
management_port => $management_port,
repos_ensure => false,
package_provider => $package_provider,
package_source => undef,
service_ensure => 'running',
service_manage => true,
port => $amqp_port,
delete_guest_user => true,
default_user => $rabbit_hash['user'],
default_pass => $rabbit_hash['password'],
# NOTE(bogdando) set to true and uncomment the lines below, if puppet should create a cluster
# We don't want it as far as OCF script creates the cluster
config_cluster => false,
#erlang_cookie => $erlang_cookie,
#wipe_db_on_cookie_change => true,
#cluster_nodes => $rabbitmq_cluster_nodes,
#cluster_node_type => 'disc',
#cluster_partition_handling => $cluster_partition_handling,
version => $version,
# since 5.4.0 used only for management plugin, so NODE_IP_ADDRESS set
# via $environment_variables hash to the $rabbitmq_bind_ip_address value
node_ip_address => $management_bind_ip_address,
config_kernel_variables => $config_kernel_variables_merged,
config_management_variables => $config_management_variables_merged,
config_variables => $config_variables_merged,
environment_variables => $environment_variables,
file_limit => $file_limit,
tcp_keepalive => true,
# Make sure the various providers have their requirements in place.
Class['::rabbitmq::install'] -> File['/etc/rabbitmq'] -> Rabbitmq_plugin<| |> -> Rabbitmq_exchange<| |>
rabbitmq_user { $rabbit_hash['user']:
admin => true,
password => $rabbit_hash['password'],
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
} ->
rabbitmq_user_permissions { "${rabbit_hash['user']}@/":
configure_permission => '.*',
write_permission => '.*',
read_permission => '.*',
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
$virtual_host = '/'
rabbitmq_vhost { $virtual_host:
provider => 'rabbitmqctl',
if ($use_pacemaker) {
# Install rabbit-fence daemon
class { '::cluster::rabbitmq_fence':
enabled => $enabled,
require => Class['::rabbitmq']
class { '::cluster::rabbitmq_ocf':
command_timeout => $command_timeout,
debug => $debug,
erlang_cookie => $erlang_cookie,
admin_user => $rabbit_hash['user'],
admin_pass => $rabbit_hash['password'],
# NOTE(binarin) This value is needed by (never-used) feature
# of dumping/resoring RabbitMQ definitions during
# recovery. Default value of '' works very well,
# but when this value has node-specific values it can lead
# to random deploy failures. So in a very unlikely event the
# need to change this value arises the following things
# needs to be done:
# - support for private pacemaker attirbutes (attrd_update -p)
# should be added to https://github.com/fuel-infra/puppet-pacemaker
# - '::cluster::rabbitmq_ocf' should start setting this attribute
# via that new private attr functionality
# - HA OCF script should be updated accordingly in rabbitmq upstream
host_ip => $management_bind_ip_address,
enable_rpc_ha => $enable_rpc_ha,
enable_notifications_ha => $enable_notifications_ha,
fqdn_prefix => $fqdn_prefix,
pid_file => $pid_file,
# NOTE(bogdando) The fuel-libraryX package installs the custom
# policy file by the given path. So not a hardcode.
policy_file => '/usr/sbin/set_rabbitmq_policy',
start_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['start_timeout'],
stop_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['stop_timeout'],
mon_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['mon_timeout'],
promote_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['promote_timeout'],
demote_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['demote_timeout'],
notify_timeout => $rabbit_ocf['notify_timeout'],
master_mon_interval => $rabbit_ocf['master_mon_interval'],
mon_interval => $rabbit_ocf['mon_interval'],
require => Class['::rabbitmq::install'],
if !defined(Service_status['rabbitmq']) {
ensure_resource('service_status', ['rabbitmq'],
{ 'ensure' => 'online', 'check_cmd' => 'rabbitmqctl node_health_check'})
Service_status['rabbitmq'] -> Rabbitmq_user <||>
if $rabbitmq_admin_enabled {
Service_status['rabbitmq'] -> Staging::File['rabbitmqadmin']
include ::rabbitmq::params
tweaks::ubuntu_service_override { 'rabbitmq-server':
package_name => $rabbitmq::params::package_name,
service_name => $rabbitmq::params::service_name,