2013-03-01 04:39:21 +04:00

238 lines
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# Example file for building out a multi-node environment
# This example creates nodes of the following roles:
# swift_storage - nodes that host storage servers
# swift_proxy - nodes that serve as a swift proxy
# swift_ringbuilder - nodes that are responsible for
# rebalancing the rings
# This example assumes a few things:
# * the multi-node scenario requires a puppetmaster
# * it assumes that networking is correctly configured
# These nodes need to be brought up in a certain order
# 1. storage nodes
# 2. ringbuilder
# 3. run the storage nodes again (to synchronize the ring db)
# 4. run the proxy
# 5. test that everything works!!
# this site manifest serves as an example of how to
# deploy various swift environments
$internal_interface = 'eth0'
$admin_email = 'dan@example_company.com'
$keystone_db_password = 'keystone_db_password'
$keystone_admin_token = 'keystone_token'
$admin_user = 'admin'
$admin_password = 'admin_password'
$swift_user_password = 'swift_pass'
# swift specific configurations
$swift_shared_secret = 'changeme'
$internal_address = getvar("::ipaddress_${internal_interface}")
$swift_proxy_address = ''
$controller_node_public = ''
$verbose = true
# This node can be used to deploy a keystone service.
# This service only contains the credentials for authenticating
# swift
class testkeystone {
# set up mysql server
class { 'mysql::server':
config_hash => {
# the priv grant fails on precise if I set a root password
# TODO I should make sure that this works
# 'root_password' => $mysql_root_password,
'bind_address' => ''
# set up all openstack databases, users, grants
class { 'keystone::db::mysql':
password => $keystone_db_password,
# in stall and configure the keystone service
class { 'keystone':
admin_token => $keystone_admin_token,
# we are binding keystone on all interfaces
# the end user may want to be more restrictive
bind_host => '',
verbose => $verbose,
debug => $verbose,
catalog_type => 'sql',
# set up keystone database
# set up the keystone config for mysql
class { 'openstack::db::mysql':
keystone_db_password => $keystone_db_password,
# set up keystone admin users
class { 'keystone::roles::admin':
email => $admin_email,
password => $admin_password,
# configure the keystone service user and endpoint
class { 'swift::keystone::auth':
password => $swift_user_password,
address => $swift_proxy_address,
# configurations that need to be applied to all swift nodes
node swift_base {
class { 'ssh::server::install': }
class { 'swift':
# not sure how I want to deal with this shared secret
swift_hash_suffix => 'swift_shared_secret',
package_ensure => latest,
# The following specifies 3 swift storage nodes
node /storage1/ inherits swift_base {
$swift_zone = 1
include role_swift_storage
node /storage2/ inherits swift_base {
$swift_zone = 2
include role_swift_storage
node /storage3/ inherits swift_base {
$swift_zone = 3
include role_swift_storage
# The example below is used to model swift storage nodes that
# manage 2 endpoints.
# The endpoints are actually just loopback devices. For real deployments
# they would need to be replaced with something that create and mounts xfs
# partitions
class role_swift_storage {
# create xfs partitions on a loopback device and mount them
swift::storage::loopback { ['dev1', 'dev2']:
base_dir => '/srv/loopback-device',
mnt_base_dir => '/srv/node',
require => Class['swift'],
# install all swift storage servers together
class { 'swift::storage::all':
storage_local_net_ip => $internal_address,
swift_zone => $swift_zone,
# collect resources for synchronizing the ring databases
Swift::Ringsync<<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>>
node /swift-proxy/ inherits swift_base {
# curl is only required so that I can run tests
package { 'curl': ensure => present }
class { 'memcached':
listen_ip => '',
# specify swift proxy and all of its middlewares
class { 'swift::proxy':
proxy_local_net_ip => $internal_address,
pipeline => [
# 's3token',
account_autocreate => true,
# TODO where is the ringbuilder class?
require => Class['swift::ringbuilder'],
# configure all of the middlewares
class { [
]: }
class { 'swift::proxy::ratelimit':
clock_accuracy => 1000,
max_sleep_time_seconds => 60,
log_sleep_time_seconds => 0,
rate_buffer_seconds => 5,
account_ratelimit => 0
# class { 'swift::proxy::s3token':
# assume that the controller host is the swift api server
# auth_host => $controller_node_public,
# auth_port => '35357',
# }
class { 'swift::proxy::keystone':
operator_roles => ['admin', 'SwiftOperator'],
class { 'swift::proxy::authtoken':
admin_user => $admin_user,
admin_tenant_name => 'openstack',
admin_password => $admin_password,
# assume that the controller host is the swift api server
auth_host => $controller_node_public,
# collect all of the resources that are needed
# to balance the ring
Ring_object_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>>
Ring_container_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>>
Ring_account_device <<| tag == "${::deployment_id}::${::environment}" |>>
# create the ring
class { 'swift::ringbuilder':
# the part power should be determined by assuming 100 partitions per drive
part_power => '18',
replicas => '3',
min_part_hours => 1,
require => Class['swift'],
Class['swift::ringbuilder'] -> Class['swift::ringserver']
# sets up an rsync db that can be used to sync the ring DB
class { 'swift::ringserver':
local_net_ip => $internal_address,
# exports rsync gets that can be used to sync the ring files
@@swift::ringsync { ['account', 'object', 'container']:
ring_server => $internal_address
# deploy a script that can be used for testing
file { '/tmp/swift_keystone_test.rb':
source => 'puppet:///modules/swift/swift_keystone_test.rb'