
56 lines
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# == Class osnailyfacter::mysql_access
# Class that configures .my.cnf for services
# === Parameters:
# [*db_user*]
# (optional) The mysql user to create
# Defaults to 'root'
# [*db_password*]
# Password to use for db_user
# [*ensure*]
# (optional) Ensures to override .my.cnf
# Defaults to 'present'
# [*db_host*]
# (optional) The IP address of the mysql server
# Defaults to ''
class osnailyfacter::mysql_access (
$ensure = 'present',
$db_user = 'root',
$db_password = '',
$db_host = 'localhost',
) {
$default_file_path = "${::root_home}/.my.cnf"
$host_file_path = "${::root_home}/.my.${db_host}.cnf"
file { "${db_host}-mysql-access":
ensure => $ensure,
path => $host_file_path,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0640',
content => template('osnailyfacter/mysql.access.cnf.erb')
if $ensure == 'present' {
# .my.cnf is normally defined in mysql::server::root_password so
# we need to override it with our version
File <| title == $default_file_path |> {
ensure => 'symlink',
content => undef,
path => $default_file_path,
target => $host_file_path,
File["${db_host}-mysql-access"] ->
File <| path == $default_file_path |>
# Ensure .my.cnf exists even if mysql on this node is disabled
ensure_resource(file, $default_file_path)