
338 lines
15 KiB

# Start post_install_network_config generated code
#if $getVar("system_name","") != ""
## this is being provisioned by system records, not profile records
## so we can do the more complex stuff
## get the list of interface names
#set ikeys = $interfaces.keys()
#set osversion = $getVar("os_version","")
#import re
#set $vlanpattern = $re.compile("[a-zA-Z0-9]+[\.:][0-9]+")
## Determine if we should use the MAC address to configure the interfaces first
## Only physical interfaces are required to have a MAC address
## Also determine the number of bonding devices we have, so we can set the
## max-bonds option in modprobe.conf accordingly. -- jcapel
#set $configbymac = True
#set $numbondingdevs = 0
#set $enableipv6 = False
## =============================================================================
#for $iname in $ikeys
## look at the interface hash data for the specific interface
#set $idata = $interfaces[$iname]
## do not configure by mac address if we don't have one AND it's not for bonding/vlans
## as opposed to a "real" physical interface
#if $idata.get("mac_address", "") == "" and not $vlanpattern.match($iname) and not $idata.get("interface_type", "").lower() in ("master","bond","bridge"):
## we have to globally turn off the config by mac feature as we can't
## use it now
#set $configbymac = False
#end if
## count the number of bonding devices we have.
#if $idata.get("interface_type", "").lower() in ("master","bond")
#set $numbondingdevs += 1
#end if
## enable IPv6 networking if we set an ipv6 address or turn on autoconfiguration
#if $idata.get("ipv6_address", "") != "" or $ipv6_autoconfiguration == True
#set $enableipv6 = True
#end if
#end for
## end looping through the interfaces to see which ones we need to configure.
## =============================================================================
#set $i = 0
## setup bonding if we have to
#if $numbondingdevs > 0
# we have bonded interfaces, so set max_bonds
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then
echo "options bonding max_bonds=$numbondingdevs" >> /etc/modprobe.conf
#end if
## =============================================================================
## create a staging directory to build out our network scripts into
## make sure we preserve the loopback device
# create a working directory for interface scripts
mkdir /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler
cp /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-lo /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/
## =============================================================================
## configure the gateway if set up (this is global, not a per-interface setting)
#if $gateway != ""
# set the gateway in the network configuration file
grep -v GATEWAY /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
echo "GATEWAY=$gateway" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
#end if
## =============================================================================
## Configure the system's primary hostname. This is also passed to anaconda, but
## anaconda doesn't seem to honour it in DHCP-setups.
#if $hostname != ""
# set the hostname in the network configuration file
grep -v HOSTNAME /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
echo "HOSTNAME=$hostname" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
# Also set the hostname now, some applications require it
# (e.g.: if we're connecting to Puppet before a reboot).
/bin/hostname $hostname
#end if
#if $enableipv6 == True
grep -v NETWORKING_IPV6 /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
echo "NETWORKING_IPV6=yes" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
#if $ipv6_autoconfiguration != ""
grep -v IPV6_AUTOCONF /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
#if $ipv6_autoconfiguration == True
echo "IPV6_AUTOCONF=yes" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
echo "IPV6_AUTOCONF=no" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
#end if
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
#end if
#if $ipv6_default_device != ""
grep -v IPV6_DEFAULTDEV /etc/sysconfig/network > /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
echo "IPV6_DEFAULTDEV=$ipv6_default_device" >> /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network
mv /etc/sysconfig/network.cobbler /etc/sysconfig/network
#end if
#end if
## =============================================================================
## now create the config file for each interface
#for $iname in $ikeys
# Start configuration for $iname
## create lots of variables to use later
#set $idata = $interfaces[$iname]
#set $mac = $idata.get("mac_address", "").upper()
#set $mtu = $idata.get("mtu", "")
#set $static = $idata.get("static", "")
#set $ip = $idata.get("ip_address", "")
#set $netmask = $idata.get("netmask", "")
#set $static_routes = $idata.get("static_routes", "")
#set $iface_type = $idata.get("interface_type", "").lower()
#set $iface_master = $idata.get("interface_master", "")
#set $bonding_opts = $idata.get("bonding_opts", "")
#set $bridge_opts = $idata.get("bridge_opts", "").split(" ")
#set $ipv6_address = $idata.get("ipv6_address", "")
#set $ipv6_secondaries = $idata.get("ipv6_secondaries", "")
#set $ipv6_mtu = $idata.get("ipv6_mtu", "")
#set $ipv6_default_gateway = $idata.get("ipv6_default_gateway", "")
#set $ipv6_static_routes = $idata.get("ipv6_static_routes", "")
#set $devfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/ifcfg-" + $iname
#set $routesfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/route-" + $iname
#set $ipv6_routesfile = "/etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/route6-" + $iname
## determine if this interface is for a VLAN
#if $vlanpattern.match($iname)
#set $is_vlan = "true"
#set $is_vlan = "false"
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Things every interface get, no matter what
## ===================================================================
echo "DEVICE=$iname" > $devfile
#set $interface_extra_param_pattern = $re.compile("interface_extra_%s_.+" % $iname)
#for $mgmt_param in $mgmt_parameters
#if $interface_extra_param_pattern.match($mgmt_param)
#set $interface_extra = $re.split("interface_extra_%s_" % $iname, $mgmt_param)[1]
echo "$interface_extra.upper()=$mgmt_parameters.get($mgmt_param)" >> $devfile
#end if
#end for
#if $mac != "" and $iface_type not in ("master","bond","bridge")
## virtual interfaces don't get MACs
echo "HWADDR=$mac" >> $devfile
IFNAME=\$(ifconfig -a | grep -i '$mac' | cut -d ' ' -f 1)
## Rename this interface in modprobe.conf
## FIXME: if both interfaces startwith eth this is wrong
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ] && [ \$IFNAME ]; then
grep \$IFNAME /etc/modprobe.conf | sed "s/\$IFNAME/$iname/" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
grep -v \$IFNAME /etc/modprobe.conf >> /etc/modprobe.conf.new
rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf
mv /etc/modprobe.conf.new /etc/modprobe.conf
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Actions based on interface_type
## ===================================================================
#if $iface_type in ("master","bond")
## if this is a bonded interface, configure it in modprobe.conf
#if $osversion == "rhel4"
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then
echo "install $iname /sbin/modprobe bonding -o $iname $bonding_opts" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
## Add required entry to modprobe.conf
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then
echo "alias $iname bonding" >> /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
#end if
#if $bonding_opts != ""
cat >> $devfile << EOF
#end if
#elif $iface_type in ("slave","bond_slave") and $iface_master != ""
echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $devfile
echo "SLAVE=yes" >> $devfile
echo "MASTER=$iface_master" >> $devfile
echo "HOTPLUG=no" >> $devfile
#elif $iface_type == "bridge"
echo "TYPE=Bridge" >> $devfile
#for $bridge_opt in $bridge_opts
#if $bridge_opt.strip() != ""
echo "$bridge_opt" >> $devfile
#end if
#end for
#elif $iface_type == "bridge_slave" and $iface_master != ""
echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $devfile
echo "BRIDGE=$iface_master" >> $devfile
echo "HOTPLUG=no" >> $devfile
echo "TYPE=Ethernet" >> $devfile
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Actions based on static/dynamic configuration
## ===================================================================
#if $static
#if $mac == "" and $iface_type == ""
# WARNING! Configuring interfaces by their names only
# is error-prone, and can cause issues if and when
# the kernel gives an interface a different name
# following a reboot/hardware changes.
#end if
#if $ip != "" and $iface_type not in ("slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave")
## Only configure static networking if an IP-address is configured
## and if the interface isn't slaved to another interface (bridging or bonding)
echo "BOOTPROTO=static" >> $devfile
echo "IPADDR=$ip" >> $devfile
#if $netmask == ""
## Default to
#set $netmask = ""
#end if
echo "NETMASK=$netmask" >> $devfile
## Leave the interface unconfigured
## we don't have enough info for static configuration
echo "BOOTPROTO=none" >> $devfile
#end if
#if $enableipv6 == True and $ipv6_autoconfiguration == False
#if $ipv6_address != ""
echo "IPV6INIT=yes" >> $devfile
echo "IPV6ADDR=$ipv6_address" >> $devfile
#end if
#if $ipv6_secondaries != ""
#set ipv6_secondaries = ' '.join(ipv6_secondaries)
## The quotes around the ipv6 ip's need to be here
echo "IPV6ADDR_SECONDARIES=\"$ipv6_secondaries\"" >> $devfile
#end if
#if $ipv6_mtu != ""
echo "IPV6MTU=$ipv6_mtu" >> $devfile
#end if
#if $ipv6_default_gateway != ""
echo "IPV6_DEFAULTGW=$ipv6_default_gateway" >> $devfile
#end if
#end if
## this is an unassigned interface, much less work to do
echo "BOOTPROTO=none" >> $devfile
#end if
## ===================================================================
## VLAN configuration
## ===================================================================
#if $is_vlan == "true"
echo "VLAN=yes" >> $devfile
echo "ONPARENT=yes" >> $devfile
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Optional configuration stuff
## ===================================================================
#if $mtu != ""
echo "MTU=$mtu" >> $devfile
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Non-slave DNS configuration, when applicable
## ===================================================================
## If the interface is anything but a slave then add DNSn entry
#if $iface_type.lower() not in ("slave","bond_slave","bridge_slave")
#set $nct = 0
#for $nameserver in $name_servers
#set $nct = $nct + 1
echo "DNS$nct=$nameserver" >> $devfile
#end for
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Interface route configuration
## ===================================================================
#for $route in $static_routes
#set routepattern = $re.compile("[0-9/.]+:[0-9.]+")
#if $routepattern.match($route)
#set $routebits = $route.split(":")
#set [$network, $router] = $route.split(":")
echo "$network via $router" >> $routesfile
# Warning: invalid route "$route"
#end if
#end for
#if $enableipv6 == True
#for $route in $ipv6_static_routes
#set routepattern = $re.compile("[0-9a-fA-F:/]+,[0-9a-fA-F:]+")
#if $routepattern.match($route)
#set $routebits = $route.split(",")
#set [$network, $router] = $route.split(",")
echo "$network via $router dev $iname" >> $ipv6_routesfile
# Warning: invalid ipv6 route "$route"
#end if
#end for
#end if
## ===================================================================
## Done with this interface
## ===================================================================
#set $i = $i + 1
# End configuration for $iname
#end for
## =============================================================================
## Configure name server search path in /etc/resolv.conf
#set $num_ns = $len($name_servers)
#set $num_ns_search = $len($name_servers_search)
#if $num_ns_search > 0
sed -i -e "/^search /d" /etc/resolv.conf
echo -n "search " >>/etc/resolv.conf
#for $nameserversearch in $name_servers_search
echo -n "$nameserversearch " >>/etc/resolv.conf
#end for
echo "" >>/etc/resolv.conf
#end if
## =============================================================================
## Configure name servers in /etc/resolv.conf
#if $num_ns > 0
sed -i -e "/^nameserver /d" /etc/resolv.conf
#for $nameserver in $name_servers
echo "nameserver $nameserver" >>/etc/resolv.conf
#end for
#end if
## Disable all eth interfaces by default before overwriting
## the old files with the new ones in the working directory
## This stops unneccesary (and time consuming) DHCP queries
## during the network initialization
sed -i 's/ONBOOT=yes/ONBOOT=no/g' /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-eth*
## Move all staged files to their final location
rm -f /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-*
mv /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler/* /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/
rm -r /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/cobbler
if [ -f "/etc/modprobe.conf" ]; then
cat /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler >> /etc/modprobe.conf
rm -f /etc/modprobe.conf.cobbler
#end if
# End post_install_network_config generated code