Dmitry Ilyin 3b01fecf2e Fixes for pcmk_nodes and crm_node
* Use crm_node -n to get node's hostname
* Check if node is in cluster in service provider
* implement pacemaker nodes add in pcmk_nodes
* compatibility between fqdn and hostname in pcmk_nodes
* fix new node id and number generation in pcmk_nodes

Change-Id: I2e40e25df975621506141dfe78efa884255f1642
Related-Bug: 1451795
2015-05-14 17:29:05 +03:00

256 lines
7.4 KiB

# == Class: corosync
# This class will set up corosync for use by the Puppet Enterprise console to
# facilitate an active/standby configuration for high availability. It is
# assumed that this module has been initially ran on a Puppet master with the
# capabilities of signing certificates to do the initial key generation.
# === Parameters
# [*enable_secauth*]
# Controls corosync's ability to authenticate and encrypt multicast messages.
# [*authkey_source*]
# Allows to use either a file or a string as a authkey.
# Defaults to 'file'. Can be set to 'string'.
# [*authkey*]
# Specifies the path to the CA which is used to sign Corosync's certificate if
# authkey_source is 'file' or the actual authkey if 'string' is used instead.
# [*threads*]
# How many threads you are going to let corosync use to encode and decode
# multicast messages. If you turn off secauth then corosync wil ignore
# threads.
# [*bind_address*]
# The ip address we are going to bind the corosync daemon too.
# Can be specified as an array to have multiple rings (multicast only).
# [*port*]
# The udp port that corosync will use to do its multicast communication. Be
# aware that corosync used this defined port plus minus one.
# Can be specified as an array to have multiple rings (multicast only).
# [*multicast_address*]
# An IP address that has been reserved for multicast traffic. This is the
# default way that Corosync accomplishes communication across the cluster.
# Use 'broadcast' to have broadcast instead
# Can be specified as an array to have multiple rings (multicast only).
# [*corosync_nodes*]
# { node_name => { 'ip' => '...', 'id' => '...' }}
# [*force_online*]
# True/false parameter specifying whether to force nodes that have been put
# in standby back online.
# [*check_standby*]
# True/false parameter specifying whether puppet should return an error log
# message if a node is in standby. Useful for monitoring node state.
# [*debug*]
# True/false parameter specifying whether Corosync should produce debug
# output in its logs.
# [*rrp_mode*]
# Mode of redundant ring. May be none, active, or passive.
# [*ttl*]
# Time To Live (multicast only).
# [*packages*]
# Define the list of software packages which should be installed.
# === Examples
# class { 'corosync':
# enable_secauth => false,
# bind_address => '',
# multicast_address => '',
# }
# === Authors
# Cody Herriges <cody@puppetlabs.com>
# === Copyright
# Copyright 2012, Puppet Labs, LLC.
class corosync(
$enable_secauth = $::corosync::params::enable_secauth,
$authkey_source = $::corosync::params::authkey_source,
$authkey = $::corosync::params::authkey,
$threads = $::corosync::params::threads,
$port = $::corosync::params::port,
$bind_address = $::corosync::params::bind_address,
$multicast_address = $::corosync::params::multicast_address,
$corosync_nodes = $::corosync::params::corosync_nodes,
$force_online = $::corosync::params::force_online,
$check_standby = $::corosync::params::check_standby,
$debug = $::corosync::params::debug,
$rrp_mode = $::corosync::params::rrp_mode,
$ttl = $::corosync::params::ttl,
$packages = $::corosync::params::packages,
$corosync_version = $::corosync::params::corosync_version,
) inherits ::corosync::params {
if ! is_bool($enable_secauth) {
validate_re($enable_secauth, '^(on|off)$')
validate_re($authkey_source, '^(file|string)$')
$threads_real = $threads ? {
'UNSET' => $::threads ? {
undef => $::processorcount,
default => $::threads,
default => $threads,
$port_real = $port ? {
'UNSET' => $::port ? {
undef => '5405',
default => $::port,
default => $port,
$bind_address_real = $bind_address ? {
'UNSET' => $::bind_address ? {
undef => $::ipaddress,
default => $::bind_address,
default => $bind_address,
if $corosync_nodes == 'UNSET' {
$corosync_conf = "${module_name}/corosync.conf.erb"
} else {
$corosync_conf = "${module_name}/corosync.conf.udpu.erb"
# $multicast_address is NOT required if $unicast_address is provided
if $multicast_address == 'UNSET' and $corosync_nodes == 'UNSET' {
fail('You must provide a value for multicast_address')
case $enable_secauth {
true: { $enable_secauth_real = 'on' }
false: { $enable_secauth_real = 'off' }
default: { $enable_secauth_real = $enable_secauth }
# Using the Puppet infrastructure's ca as the authkey, this means any node in
# Puppet can join the cluster. Totally not ideal, going to come up with
# something better.
if $enable_secauth_real == 'on' {
case $authkey_source {
'file': {
file { '/etc/corosync/authkey':
ensure => file,
source => $authkey,
mode => '0400',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
notify => Service['corosync'],
require => Package['corosync'],
'string': {
file { '/etc/corosync/authkey':
ensure => file,
content => $authkey,
mode => '0400',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
notify => Service['corosync'],
require => Package['corosync'],
default: {}
package {$packages:
ensure => present,
# Template uses:
# - $unicast_addresses
# - $multicast_address
# - $debug
# - $bind_address_real
# - $port_real
# - $enable_secauth_real
# - $threads_real
file { '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf':
ensure => file,
mode => '0644',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template($corosync_conf),
require => Package['corosync'],
file { '/etc/corosync/service.d':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
recurse => true,
purge => true,
require => Package['corosync']
case $::osfamily {
'Debian': {
exec { 'enable corosync':
command => 'sed -i s/START=no/START=yes/ /etc/default/corosync',
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin' ],
unless => 'grep START=yes /etc/default/corosync',
require => Package['corosync'],
before => Service['corosync'],
default: {}
if $check_standby {
# Throws a puppet error if node is on standby
exec { 'check_standby node':
command => 'echo "Node appears to be on standby" && false',
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin' ],
onlyif => "crm node status|grep ${::hostname}-standby|grep 'value=\"on\"'",
require => Service['corosync'],
if $force_online {
exec { 'force_online node':
command => 'crm node online',
path => [ '/bin', '/usr/bin', '/sbin', '/usr/sbin' ],
onlyif => "crm node status|grep ${::hostname}-standby|grep 'value=\"on\"'",
require => Service['corosync'],
service { 'corosync':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => File[ [ '/etc/corosync/corosync.conf', '/etc/corosync/service.d' ] ],
if $corosync_version != '1' {
service { 'pacemaker':
ensure => running,
enable => true,
subscribe => Service['corosync'],