Alexei Sheplyakov 2a681a599e ceph: don't to install python-pushy on Ubuntu
First of all ceph-deploy 1.5.x (the current version packaged for Ubuntu)
does not use pushy at all. Secondly (and most importantly) puppet manifests
is a wrong place for expressing Debian packages' dependencies.

blueprint support-ubuntu-trusty
Closes-Bug: #1419774

Change-Id: I3b938aa38bde3d71ba1c690de8d6406c5c331088
2015-02-17 17:51:52 +03:00

54 lines
1.8 KiB

# These are per-OS parameters and should be considered static
class ceph::params {
case $::osfamily {
'RedHat': {
$service_nova_compute = 'openstack-nova-compute'
$service_httpd = 'httpd'
$package_httpd = 'httpd'
$user_httpd = 'apache'
$package_libnss = 'nss-tools'
$service_radosgw = 'ceph-radosgw'
$package_radosgw = 'ceph-radosgw'
$package_modssl = 'mod_ssl'
$package_fastcgi = 'mod_fastcgi'
$dir_httpd_conf = '/etc/httpd/conf/'
$dir_httpd_sites = '/etc/httpd/conf.d/'
$dir_httpd_ssl = '/etc/httpd/ssl/'
package { ['ceph', 'redhat-lsb-core','ceph-deploy', 'pushy',]:
ensure => installed,
file {'/etc/sudoers.d/ceph':
content => "# This is required for ceph-deploy\nDefaults !requiretty\n"
'Debian': {
$service_nova_compute = 'nova-compute'
$service_httpd = 'apache2'
$package_httpd = 'apache2'
$user_httpd = 'www-data'
$package_libnss = 'libnss3-tools'
$service_radosgw = 'radosgw'
$package_radosgw = 'radosgw'
$package_fastcgi = 'libapache2-mod-fastcgi'
$package_modssl = undef
$dir_httpd_conf = '/etc/httpd/conf/'
$dir_httpd_sites = '/etc/apache2/sites-available/'
$dir_httpd_ssl = '/etc/apache2/ssl/'
package { ['ceph','ceph-deploy', ]:
ensure => installed,
default: {
fail("Unsupported osfamily: ${::osfamily} operatingsystem: ${::operatingsystem}, module ${module_name} only support osfamily RedHat and Debian")