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# == Class: openstack::ha::ironic
# HA configuration for OpenStack Ironic
# === Parameters
# [*internal_virtual_ip*]
# (required) String. This is the ipaddress to be used for the internal facing
# vip
# [*ipaddresses*]
# (required) Array. This is an array of ipaddresses for the backend services
# to be loadbalanced
# [*public_ssl*]
# (optional) Boolean. If true, enables SSL for $public_virtual_ip
# Defaults to false.
# [*public_ssl_path*]
# (optional) String. Path to public SSL certificate
# Defaults to undef.
# [*public_virtual_ip*]
# (required) String. This is the ipaddress to be used for the external facing
# vip
# [*baremetal_virtual_ip*]
# (required) String. This is the ipaddress to be used for the baremetal facing
# vip
# [*server_names*]
# (required) Array. This is an array of server names for the haproxy service
class openstack::ha::ironic (
$public_ssl = false,
$public_ssl_path = undef,
) {
# defaults for any haproxy_service within this class
Openstack::Ha::Haproxy_service {
listen_port => 6385,
internal_virtual_ip => $internal_virtual_ip,
ipaddresses => $ipaddresses,
public_virtual_ip => $public_virtual_ip,
server_names => $server_names,
haproxy_config_options => {
'option' => ['httpchk GET /', 'httplog', 'forceclose', 'http-buffer-request'],
'timeout' => 'http-request 10s',
'http-request' => 'set-header X-Forwarded-Proto https if { ssl_fc }',
openstack::ha::haproxy_service { 'ironic':
order => '180',
public => true,
public_ssl => $public_ssl,
public_ssl_path => $public_ssl_path,
openstack::ha::haproxy_service { 'ironic-baremetal':
order => '185',
public_virtual_ip => false,
internal_virtual_ip => $baremetal_virtual_ip,