
448 lines
14 KiB

# == Class: openstack::logging
# This class is for configuring rsyslog server/client logging
# === Parameters
# [*role*]
# (optional) log server or client
# Defaults to 'client'
# [*log_remote*]
# (optional) send logs to remote server(s). Can be used with local logging.
# Defaults to true.
# [*log_local*]
# (optional) local logging. Can be used with remote logging.
# Defaults to false.
# [*log_auth_local*]
# (optional) auth logging. Can be used with remote logging.
# Defaults to false.
# [*rotation*]
# (optional) logrotate option for rotation period - daily, weekly, monthly,
# yearly.
# Defaults to 'daily'.
# [*keep*]
# (optional) logrotate option for number or rotated log files to keep.
# Defaults to '7'.
# [*minsize*]
# (optional) rotate log files periodically only if bigger than this value
# Defaults to '10M'.
# [*maxsize*]
# (optional) force rotate if this value has been exceeded
# Defaults to '100M'.
# [*rservers*]
# (optional) array of hashes which represents remote logging servers for
# client role.
# Defaults to [{'remote_type' => 'udp', 'server' => 'master', 'port' =>'514'},]
# [*port*]
# (optional) port to use by server role for remote logging.
# Defaults to 514.
# [*proto*]
# (optional) tcp/udp/both proto(s) for remote log server role.
# Defaults to 'udp'.
# [*show_timezone*]
# (optional) if enabled, high_precision_timestamps (date-rfc3339) with GMT
# would be used
# for logging. Default is false (date-rfc3164), examples:
# date-rfc3339: 2010-12-05T02:21:41.889482+01:00,
# date-rfc3164: Dec 5 02:21:13,
# Defaults to false.
# [*virtual*]
# (optional) if node is virtual, fix for udp checksums should be applied
# Defaults to false.
# [*rabbit_log_level*]
# assign syslog log level for all rabbit messages which are not an ERROR
# (rabbit does not support syslog, imfile is used for log capturing)
# Defaults to 'NOTICE'.
# [*production*]
# (optional)
# Defaults to 'prod'.
# [*escapenewline*]
# (optional) If set to true, rsyslog will be configured with
# EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive = on. This directive instructs rsyslogd to
# replace control characters during reception of the message. The intent is
# to provide a way to stop non-printable messages from entering the syslog
# system as whole. If this option is turned on, all control-characters are
# converted to a 3-digit octal number and be prefixed with the
# parser.controlCharacterEscapePrefix character (being '#' by default). For
# example, if the BEL character (ctrl-g) is included in the message, it would
# be converted to "#007". To be compatible to sysklogd, this option must be
# turned on.
# Defaults to false.
# [*debug*]
# (optional)
# Defaults to false.
# [*rabbit_fqdn_prefix*]
# (optional)
# Defaults to ''.
# [*ironic_collector*]
# (optional)
# Defaults to false.
class openstack::logging (
$role = 'client',
$log_remote = true,
$log_local = false,
$log_auth_local = false,
$rotation = 'daily',
$keep = '7',
$minsize = '10M',
$maxsize = '100M',
$rservers = [{'remote_type'=>'udp', 'server'=>'master', 'port'=>'514'},],
$port = '514',
$proto = 'udp',
$show_timezone = false,
$virtual = false,
$rabbit_log_level = 'NOTICE',
$rabbit_fqdn_prefix = '',
$production = 'prod',
$escapenewline = false,
$debug = false,
$ironic_collector = false,
) {
validate_re($proto, 'tcp|udp|both')
validate_re($role, 'client|server')
validate_re($rotation, 'daily|weekly|monthly|yearly')
# Fix for udp checksums should be applied if running on virtual node
if $virtual {
class { '::openstack::checksum_udp' : port => $port }
# Configure syslog roles
if $role == 'client' {
# configure service to load 'imfile' module once in the global config,
# next in the extra_modules as a workaround to not load in the snippets
class { '::rsyslog':
modules => [
'$ModLoad imuxsock # provides support for local system logging',
'$ModLoad imklog # provides kernel logging support (previously done by rklogd)',
'#$ModLoad immark # provides --MARK-- message capability',
'$ModLoad imfile # provides the ability to convert any standard text file into a syslog message',
extra_modules => [ 'imfile' ],
if $rservers == undef {
fail('Please provide a valid $rservers configuration')
} else {
$rservers_real = $rservers
# Configure logging templates for rsyslog client side
# Rabbitmq does not support syslogging, use imfile
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq' :
file_name => "/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@${rabbit_fqdn_prefix}${::hostname}.log",
file_tag => 'rabbitmq',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => $rabbit_log_level,
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq-sasl' :
file_name => "/var/log/rabbitmq/rabbit@${rabbit_fqdn_prefix}${::hostname}-sasl.log",
file_tag => 'rabbitmq-sasl',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => $rabbit_log_level,
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq-startup_err' :
file_name => '/var/log/rabbitmq/startup_err',
file_tag => 'rabbitmq-startup_err',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq-startup_log' :
file_name => '/var/log/rabbitmq/startup_log',
file_tag => 'rabbitmq-startup_log',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => $rabbit_log_level,
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq-shutdown_err' :
file_name => '/var/log/rabbitmq/shutdown_err',
file_tag => 'rabbitmq-shutdown_err',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
::rsyslog::imfile { '04-rabbitmq-shutdown_log' :
file_name => '/var/log/rabbitmq/shutdown_log',
file_tag => 'rabbitmq-shutdown_log',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => $rabbit_log_level,
::rsyslog::imfile { '05-apache2-error':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/error.log',
file_tag => 'apache2_error',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
::rsyslog::imfile { '11-horizon_access':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/horizon_access.log',
file_tag => 'horizon_access',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'INFO',
::rsyslog::imfile { '11-horizon_error':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/horizon_error.log',
file_tag => 'horizon_error',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
::rsyslog::imfile { '12-keystone_wsgi_admin_access':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/keystone_wsgi_admin_access.log',
file_tag => 'keystone_wsgi_admin_access',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'INFO',
::rsyslog::imfile { '12-keystone_wsgi_admin_error':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/keystone_wsgi_admin_error.log',
file_tag => 'keystone_wsgi_admin_error',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
::rsyslog::imfile { '13-keystone_wsgi_main_access':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/keystone_wsgi_main_access.log',
file_tag => 'keystone_wsgi_main_access',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'INFO',
::rsyslog::imfile { '13-keystone_wsgi_main_error':
file_name => '/var/log/apache2/keystone_wsgi_main_error.log',
file_tag => 'keystone_wsgi_main_error',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'ERROR',
# mco does not support syslog also, hence use imfile
::rsyslog::imfile { '61-mco_agent_debug' :
file_name => '/var/log/mcollective.log',
file_tag => 'mcollective',
file_facility => 'daemon',
file_severity => 'DEBUG',
::rsyslog::imfile { '10-dpkg' :
file_name => '/var/log/dpkg.log',
file_tag => 'dpkg',
file_facility => 'syslog',
file_severity => 'INFO',
# OS syslog configs for rsyslog client
::rsyslog::snippet { '10-nova':
content => template("${module_name}/10-nova.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '20-keystone':
content => template("${module_name}/20-keystone.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '30-cinder':
content => template("${module_name}/30-cinder.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '40-glance':
content => template("${module_name}/40-glance.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '50-neutron':
content => template("${module_name}/50-neutron.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '51-ceilometer':
content => template("${module_name}/51-ceilometer.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '53-aodh':
content => template("${module_name}/53-aodh.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '55-murano':
content => template("${module_name}/55-murano.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '54-heat':
content => template("${module_name}/54-heat.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '02-ha':
content => template("${module_name}/02-ha.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '03-dashboard':
content => template("${module_name}/03-dashboard.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '04-mysql':
content => template("${module_name}/04-mysql.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '60-puppet-apply':
content => template("${module_name}/60-puppet-apply.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '61-mco-nailgun-agent':
content => template("${module_name}/61-mco-nailgun-agent.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '62-mongod':
content => template("${module_name}/62-mongod.conf.erb"),
if $ironic_collector {
::rsyslog::snippet { '70-ironic':
content => template("${module_name}/70-ironic.conf.erb"),
::rsyslog::snippet { '80-swift':
content => template("${module_name}/80-swift.conf.erb"),
# Custom settings for rsyslog default system file
# WARNING: don't change the filename (same used in the syslog package)
::rsyslog::snippet { '50-default':
content => template("${module_name}/50-default.conf.erb"),
# Custom settings for rsyslog client to define local logging
::rsyslog::snippet { '90-local':
content => template("${module_name}/90-local.conf.erb"),
# Custom settings for rsyslog client to define remote logging
# WARNING: don't change the filename (same used in the fuel-agent)
::rsyslog::snippet { '00-remote':
content => template("${module_name}/00-remote.conf.erb"),
# TODO(mmalchuk) local and remote settings should be moved from snippets
# into rsyslog::client class when it will be able to use $custom_config
# together with $custom_params options in upstream module.
# Custom settings for rsyslog configuration with minimal configuration.
class { '::rsyslog::client':
log_remote => false,
high_precision_timestamps => $show_timezone,
unless $escapenewline {
::rsyslog::snippet{ '00-disable-EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive':
content => '$EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off'
} else { # server
if $proto == 'both' {
firewall { "${port} udp rsyslog":
port => $port,
proto => 'udp',
action => 'accept',
firewall { "${port} tcp rsyslog":
port => $port,
proto => 'tcp',
action => 'accept',
} else {
firewall { "${port} ${proto} rsyslog":
port => $port,
proto => $proto,
action => 'accept',
$enable_tcp = $proto ? { 'tcp' => true, 'both' => true, default => false }
$enable_udp = $proto ? { 'udp' => true, 'both' => true, default => true }
class { '::rsyslog::server':
enable_tcp => $enable_tcp,
enable_udp => $enable_udp,
server_dir => '/var/log/',
high_precision_timestamps => $show_timezone,
port => $port,
::rsyslog::snippet{ '00-disable-EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive':
content => '$EscapeControlCharactersOnReceive off'
::rsyslog::snippet{ '01-maxopenfiles':
content => '$MaxOpenFiles 16384'
# Fuel specific config for logging parse formats used for /var/log/remote
::rsyslog::snippet { '30-remote-log':
content => template("${module_name}/30-server-remote-log.conf.erb"),
include ::rsyslog::params
$rsyslog_service_name = $::rsyslog::params::service_name
Rsyslog::Snippet <| |> -> Service[$rsyslog_service_name]
# Configure log rotation
class { '::openstack::logrotate':
role => $role,
rotation => $rotation,
keep => $keep,
minsize => $minsize,
maxsize => $maxsize,
debug => $debug,
# Deprecated stuff handling section
# Use this section to ensure the absence of the deprecated config
# options for an Openstack services, or any other custom for Fuel
# changes what should be removed forcibly.
# (only if it couldn't be done in the synced upstream modules as well)
# Ensure all OS services logging reconfiguration for deleted log_configs
# (log_config was deprecated and should be removed from existing configs)
# lint:ignore:80chars
Ceilometer_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Cinder_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Glance_api_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Glance_registry_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Heat_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Keystone_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Neutron_dhcp_agent_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Neutron_l3_agent_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Neutron_metadata_agent_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Neutron_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Nova_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Sahara_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
Murano_config <| title == 'DEFAULT/log_config' |> { ensure => absent }
# lint:endignore