
36 lines
840 B

# == Class: osnailyfacter::puppet_pull
# Installs a convenience script to pull manifests from master node
# == Parameters
# [*script*]
# Specifies path where script will be installed
# [*template*]
# Specifies template to be used for script
# [*modules_source*]
# Specifies location from which modules will be pulled
# [*manifests_source*]
# Specifies location from which manifests will be pulled
class osnailyfacter::puppet_pull (
$script = '/usr/local/bin/puppet-pull',
$template = "${module_name}/puppet-pull.sh.erb",
$modules_source = 'rsync://',
$manifests_source = 'rsync://',
) {
file { $script :
ensure => present,
mode => '0755',
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
content => template($template),