This is the puppet-mmm module.
recommend creating a services/manifests/s_mmmcommon.pp
define services::s_mmmcommon {
mmm::cluster::config { "mmm cluster config ${name}":
ensure => 'present',
cluster_interface => 'eth0:2',
replication_user => 'replication',
replication_password => 'xxxxxxxxx',
agent_user => 'mmm_agent',
agent_password => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
monitor_user =>' mmm_monitor',
monitor_password => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
monitor_ip => '',
masters => [ [ 'tx-db01', '', 'tx-db02' ], ['tx-db02', '', 'tx-db01'] ],
slaves => [ [ 'tx-dbslave-01', ''], [ 'tx-dbslave-02', '' ] ],
readers => ['tx-db01', 'tx-db02', 'tx-dbslave-01', 'tx-dbslave-02' ],
writer_virtual_ip => '',
reader_virtual_ips => ['','',''],
localsubnet => '192.168.%',
reader_user => 'webapp',
reader_pass => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
writer_user => 'webapp_write',
writer_pass => 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx',
mmm_type => $name
Ensure your replicaiton_password is less than 32 characters: http://bugs.mysql.com/bug.php?id=43439
Your dbserver node/class will contain:
services::s_mmmcommon{ 'agent': }
And the monitor node/class will contain:
services::s_mmmcommon { 'monitor': }