define ACTION.COPY @mkdir -p $(@D) cp $< $@ endef define ACTION.TOUCH @mkdir -p $(@D) touch $@ endef # This macros is to make targets dependent on variables # It writes variable value into temporary file varname.tmp, # then it compares temporary file with the varname.dep file. # If there is a difference between them, varname.dep will be updated # and the target which depends on it will be rebuilt. # Example: # target: $(call depv,varname) DEPV_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/depv define depv $(shell mkdir -p $(DEPV_DIR)) $(shell echo "$($1)" > $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.tmp) $(shell diff >/dev/null 2>&1 $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.tmp $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.dep \ || mv $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.tmp $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.dep) $(DEPV_DIR)/$1.dep endef define NEWLINE endef $(BUILD_DIR)/%/.dir: mkdir -p $(@D) @touch $@ assert-variable=$(if $($1),,$(error Variable $1 need to be defined)) find-files=$(shell test -e $1 && find $1 -type f 2> /dev/null)