#!/bin/bash # Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # This file contains the functions to manage VMs in through VirtualBox CLI source ./functions/shell.sh get_vm_base_path() { echo `execute VBoxManage list systemproperties | grep '^Default machine folder' | sed 's/^Default machine folder\:[ \t]*//'` } get_vms_running() { echo `execute VBoxManage list runningvms | sed 's/[ \t]*{.*}//' | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/"$//'` } get_vms_present() { echo `execute VBoxManage list vms | sed 's/[ \t]*{.*}//' | sed 's/^"//' | sed 's/"$//'` } is_vm_running() { name=$1 list=$(get_vms_running) # Check that the list of running VMs contains the given VM for name_in_list in $list; do if [[ "$name_in_list" == "$name" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } is_vm_present() { name=$1 list=$(get_vms_present) for name_in_list in $list; do if [[ "$name_in_list" == "$name" ]]; then return 0 fi done return 1 } check_running_vms() { OIFS=$IFS IFS="," local hostonly_interfaces=$1 local list_running_vms=$(execute VBoxManage list runningvms | sed 's/\" {/\",{/g') for vm_name in $list_running_vms; do vm_name=$(echo $vm_name | grep "\"" | sed 's/"//g') vm_names+="$vm_name," done for i in $vm_names; do for j in $hostonly_interfaces; do running_vm=`execute VBoxManage showvminfo $i | grep "$j"` if [[ $? -eq 0 ]]; then echo "The \"$i\" VM uses host-only interface \"$j\" and it cannot be removed...." echo "You should turn off the \"$i\" virtual machine, run the script again and then the host-only interface will be deleted. Aborting..." exit 1 fi done done IFS=$OIFS } create_vm() { name=$1 nic=$2 cpu_cores=$3 memory_mb=$4 disk_mb=$5 os='RedHat_64' # There is a chance that some files are left from previous VM instance vm_base_path=$(get_vm_base_path) vm_path="$vm_base_path/$name/" execute rm -rf "$vm_path" # Create virtual machine with the right name and type (assuming CentOS) execute VBoxManage createvm --name $name --ostype $os --register # Set the real-time clock (RTC) operate in UTC time # Set memory and CPU parameters # Set video memory to 16MB, so VirtualBox does not complain about "non-optimal" settings in the UI execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --rtcuseutc on --memory $memory_mb --cpus $cpu_cores --vram 16 # Configure main network interface for management/PXE network add_hostonly_adapter_to_vm $name 1 "$nic" execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --boot1 disk --boot2 dvd --boot3 net --boot4 none # Configure storage controllers execute VBoxManage storagectl $name --name 'IDE' --add ide --hostiocache on execute VBoxManage storagectl $name --name 'SATA' --add sata --hostiocache on # Create and attach the main hard drive add_disk_to_vm $name 0 $disk_mb # Enable RDP execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --vrde on } add_hostonly_adapter_to_vm() { name=$1 id=$2 nic=$3 echo "Adding hostonly adapter to $name and bridging with host NIC $nic..." # Add Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM) card to VM. The card is 1Gbps. execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --nic${id} hostonly --hostonlyadapter${id} "$nic" --nictype${id} 82540EM \ --cableconnected${id} on --macaddress${id} auto execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --nicpromisc${id} allow-all } add_nat_adapter_to_vm() { name=$1 id=$2 nat_network=$3 echo "Adding NAT adapter to $name for outbound network access through the host system..." # Add Intel PRO/1000 MT Desktop (82540EM) card to VM. The card is 1Gbps. execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --nic${id} nat --nictype${id} 82540EM \ --cableconnected${id} on --macaddress${id} auto --natnet${id} "${nat_network}" execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --nicpromisc${id} allow-all execute VBoxManage controlvm $name setlinkstate${id} on } add_disk_to_vm() { vm_name=$1 port=$2 disk_mb=$3 echo "Adding disk to $vm_name, with size $disk_mb Mb..." vm_disk_path="$(get_vm_base_path)/$vm_name/" disk_name="${vm_name}_${port}" disk_filename="${disk_name}.vdi" execute VBoxManage createhd --filename "$vm_disk_path/$disk_filename" --size $disk_mb --format VDI execute VBoxManage storageattach $vm_name --storagectl 'SATA' --port $port --device 0 --type hdd --medium "$vm_disk_path/$disk_filename" # Add serial numbers of disks to slave nodes echo "Adding serial numbers of disks to $vm_name..." execute VBoxManage setextradata $vm_name "VBoxInternal/Devices/ahci/0/Config/Port$port/SerialNumber" "VBOX-MIRANTIS-VHD$port" } delete_vm() { name=$1 vm_base_path=$(get_vm_base_path) vm_path="$vm_base_path/$name/" # Power off VM, if it's running count=0 while is_vm_running $name; do echo "Stopping Virtual Machine $name..." execute VBoxManage controlvm $name poweroff if [[ "$count" != 5 ]]; then count=$((count+1)) sleep 5 else echo "VirtualBox cannot stop VM $name... Exiting" exit 1 fi done echo "Deleting existing virtual machine $name..." while is_vm_present $name do execute VBoxManage unregistervm $name --delete done # Virtualbox does not fully delete VM file structure, so we need to delete the corresponding directory with files as well execute rm -rf "$vm_path" } delete_vms_multiple() { name_prefix=$1 list=$(get_vms_present) # Loop over the list of VMs and delete them, if its name matches the given refix for name in $list; do if [[ $name == $name_prefix* ]]; then echo "Found existing VM: $name. Deleting it..." delete_vm $name fi done } start_vm() { name=$1 # Just start it if [[ $headless == 1 ]]; then execute VBoxManage startvm $name --type headless else execute VBoxManage startvm $name fi if [ -n "$boot_line" ]; then sleep 3 # Pressing/releasing escape key execute VBoxManage controlvm ${name} keyboardputscancode 01 81 for letter in ${boot_line}; do execute VBoxManage controlvm ${name} keyboardputscancode ${letter} done fi } mount_iso_to_vm() { name=$1 iso_path=$2 # Mount ISO to the VM execute VBoxManage storageattach $name --storagectl "IDE" --port 0 --device 0 --type dvddrive --medium "$iso_path" } enable_network_boot_for_vm() { name=$1 # Set the right boot priority execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --boot1 net --boot2 disk --boot3 none --boot4 none --nicbootprio1 1 } enable_vrde(){ name=$1 port=${2:-$RDPport} # Enable VRDE, set port and address execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --vrde on execute VBoxManage modifyvm $name --vrdeport $port }