require 'rubygems' require 'eventmachine' require 'amqp' require 'json' require 'lib/helpers' class MyClient include Helpers def initialize test_message_id = random_string test_message_payload = JSON.dump({"msg_id" => test_message_id, "action" => "status"}) test_message_metadata = { :routing_key => "mcollective" } response_exname = test_message_id response_qname = test_message_id response_routing_key = test_message_id request_exname = "nailgun.topic" logger.debug("Connecting to rabbitmq") AMQP.connect(:host => "localhost", :port => 5672, :username => "guest", :password => "guest") do |connection| @connection = connection logger.debug("Initializing channel") do |channel| logger.debug("Initializing response exchange: #{response_exname}") response_exchange =, :direct, response_exname, :auto_delete => true) logger.debug("Initializing response queue: #{response_qname}") response_queue =, response_qname, :exclusive => true, :auto_delete => true) logger.debug("Binding response queue to response exchange") response_queue.bind(response_exchange, :routing_key => response_routing_key) logger.debug("Subscribing to response queue") response_queue.subscribe(:ack => true) do |metadata, payload| logger.debug("Response:") logger.debug("Response: metadata: #{metadata}") logger.debug("Response: payload: #{payload}") metadata.ack response_queue.purge response_queue.delete response_exchange.delete EM.stop end logger.debug("Initializing request exchange: #{request_exname}") request_exchange =, :topic, "nailgun.topic") logger.debug("Sending request: #{test_message_payload}") request_exchange.publish(test_message_payload, test_message_metadata) end end end def disconnect &blk @connection.close yield if blk end end do myclient = Signal.trap("TERM") do puts "TERM signal has been caught" myclient.disconnect do EventMachine.stop end end Signal.trap("INT") do puts "INT signal has been caught" myclient.disconnect do EventMachine.stop end end end