BUILD_DIR:=build MODULES=gnupg bootstrap nailgun test os os/centos os/ubuntu iso cooks packages/rpm .PHONY: all clean test test-unit help mirror FORCE help: @echo 'Available targets:' @echo ' all - build product' @echo ' bootstrap - build nailgun bootstrap' @echo ' iso - build nailgun iso' @echo ' test - run all tests' @echo ' test-unit - run unit tests' @echo ' test-integration - run integration tests' @echo ' test-cookbooks - run cookbooks tests' @echo ' clean-integration-test - clean integration test environment' @echo ' clean-cookbooks-test - clean cookbooks test environment' all: test: test-unit test-unit: ifeq (mirror, $(findstring mirror,$(MAKECMDGOALS))) ifndef MIRROR_DIR $(error Please specify MIRROR_DIR variable: make MIRROR_DIR=/path/to/mirror mirror) else ifndef IGNORE_MIRROR IGNORE_MIRROR:=1 endif endif endif # target to force rebuild of other targets FORCE: clean: rm -rf $(BUILD_DIR) assert-variable=$(if $($1),,$(error Variable $1 need to be defined)) find-files=$(shell test -d $1 && cd $1 && find * -type f 2> /dev/null) include define include-module-template MODULE_SOURCE_DIR:=$1 MODULE_BUILD_DIR:=$(BUILD_DIR)/$1 .:=$$(MODULE_SOURCE_DIR) /:=$$(MODULE_BUILD_DIR)/ $$/%: .:=$$. $$/%: /:=$$/ include $1/ endef include-module=$(eval $(call include-module-template,$1)) $(foreach module,$(MODULES),$(call include-module,$(module))) include