
38 lines
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maintainer "Opscode, Inc."
maintainer_email "cookbooks@opscode.com"
license "Apache 2.0"
description "Installs runit and provides runit_service definition"
version "0.15.0"
recipe "runit", "Installs and configures runit"
%w{ ubuntu debian gentoo }.each do |os|
supports os
attribute "runit",
:display_name => "Runit",
:description => "Hash of runit attributes",
:type => "hash"
attribute "runit/sv_bin",
:display_name => "Runit sv bin",
:description => "Location of the sv binary",
:default => "/usr/bin/sv"
attribute "runit/chpst_bin",
:display_name => "Runit chpst bin",
:description => "Location of the chpst binary",
:default => "/usr/bin/chpst"
attribute "runit/service_dir",
:display_name => "Runit service directory",
:description => "Symlinks to services managed under runit",
:default => "/etc/service"
attribute "runit/sv_dir",
:display_name => "Runit sv directory",
:description => "Location of services managed by runit",
:default => "/etc/sv"