
238 lines
8.6 KiB

# Generated by Chef
# Based on the Ubuntu apache2.conf
ServerRoot "<%= node['apache']['dir'] %>"
# The accept serialization lock file MUST BE STORED ON A LOCAL DISK.
<% if node['platform'] == "debian" || node['platform'] == "ubuntu" -%>
LockFile /var/lock/apache2/accept.lock
<% elsif node['platform'] == "freebsd" -%>
LockFile /var/log/accept.lock
<% else %>
LockFile logs/accept.lock
<% end -%>
# PidFile: The file in which the server should record its process
# identification number when it starts.
PidFile <%= node['apache']['pid_file'] %>
# Timeout: The number of seconds before receives and sends time out.
Timeout <%= node['apache']['timeout'] %>
# KeepAlive: Whether or not to allow persistent connections (more than
# one request per connection). Set to "Off" to deactivate.
KeepAlive <%= node['apache']['keepalive'] %>
# MaxKeepAliveRequests: The maximum number of requests to allow
# during a persistent connection. Set to 0 to allow an unlimited amount.
# We recommend you leave this number high, for maximum performance.
MaxKeepAliveRequests <%= node['apache']['keepaliverequests'] %>
# KeepAliveTimeout: Number of seconds to wait for the next request from the
# same client on the same connection.
KeepAliveTimeout <%= node['apache']['keepalivetimeout'] %>
## Server-Pool Size Regulation (MPM specific)
# prefork MPM
# StartServers: number of server processes to start
# MinSpareServers: minimum number of server processes which are kept spare
# MaxSpareServers: maximum number of server processes which are kept spare
# MaxClients: maximum number of server processes allowed to start
# MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves
<IfModule mpm_prefork_module>
StartServers <%= node['apache']['prefork']['startservers'] %>
MinSpareServers <%= node['apache']['prefork']['minspareservers'] %>
MaxSpareServers <%= node['apache']['prefork']['maxspareservers'] %>
ServerLimit <%= node['apache']['prefork']['serverlimit'] %>
MaxClients <%= node['apache']['prefork']['maxclients'] %>
MaxRequestsPerChild <%= node['apache']['prefork']['maxrequestsperchild'] %>
# worker MPM
# StartServers: initial number of server processes to start
# MaxClients: maximum number of simultaneous client connections
# MinSpareThreads: minimum number of worker threads which are kept spare
# MaxSpareThreads: maximum number of worker threads which are kept spare
# ThreadsPerChild: constant number of worker threads in each server process
# MaxRequestsPerChild: maximum number of requests a server process serves
<IfModule mpm_worker_module>
StartServers <%= node['apache']['worker']['startservers'] %>
MaxClients <%= node['apache']['worker']['maxclients'] %>
MinSpareThreads <%= node['apache']['worker']['minsparethreads'] %>
MaxSpareThreads <%= node['apache']['worker']['maxsparethreads'] %>
ThreadsPerChild <%= node['apache']['worker']['threadsperchild'] %>
MaxRequestsPerChild <%= node['apache']['worker']['maxrequestsperchild'] %>
User <%= node['apache']['user'] %>
Group <%= node['apache']['group'] %>
# AccessFileName: The name of the file to look for in each directory
# for additional configuration directives. See also the AllowOverride
# directive.
AccessFileName .htaccess
# The following lines prevent .htaccess and .htpasswd files from being
# viewed by Web clients.
<Files ~ "^\.ht">
Order allow,deny
Deny from all
# DefaultType is the default MIME type the server will use for a document
# if it cannot otherwise determine one, such as from filename extensions.
# If your server contains mostly text or HTML documents, "text/plain" is
# a good value. If most of your content is binary, such as applications
# or images, you may want to use "application/octet-stream" instead to
# keep browsers from trying to display binary files as though they are
# text.
DefaultType text/plain
# HostnameLookups: Log the names of clients or just their IP addresses
# e.g., www.apache.org (on) or (off).
# The default is off because it'd be overall better for the net if people
# had to knowingly turn this feature on, since enabling it means that
# each client request will result in AT LEAST one lookup request to the
# nameserver.
HostnameLookups Off
# ErrorLog: The location of the error log file.
# If you do not specify an ErrorLog directive within a <VirtualHost>
# container, error messages relating to that virtual host will be
# logged here. If you *do* define an error logfile for a <VirtualHost>
# container, that host's errors will be logged there and not here.
ErrorLog <%= node['apache']['log_dir'] %>/<%= node['apache']['error_log'] %>
# LogLevel: Control the number of messages logged to the error_log.
# Possible values include: debug, info, notice, warn, error, crit,
# alert, emerg.
LogLevel warn
# COOK-1021: Dummy LoadModule directive to aid module installations
#LoadModule dummy_module modules/mod_dummy.so
# Include module configuration:
Include <%= node['apache']['dir'] %>/mods-enabled/*.load
Include <%= node['apache']['dir'] %>/mods-enabled/*.conf
<% if node['platform'] == "freebsd" -%>
AcceptFilter http none
AcceptFilter https none
<% end %>
# Include ports listing
Include <%= node['apache']['dir'] %>/ports.conf
# The following directives define some format nicknames for use with
# a CustomLog directive (see below).
LogFormat "%v:%p %h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %O \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" vhost_combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b \"%{Referer}i\" \"%{User-Agent}i\"" combined
LogFormat "%h %l %u %t \"%r\" %>s %b" common
LogFormat "%{Referer}i -> %U" referer
LogFormat "%{User-agent}i" agent
# Customizable error responses come in three flavors:
# 1) plain text 2) local redirects 3) external redirects
# Some examples:
#ErrorDocument 500 "The server made a boo boo."
#ErrorDocument 404 /missing.html
#ErrorDocument 404 "/cgi-bin/missing_handler.pl"
#ErrorDocument 402 http://www.example.com/subscription_info.html
# Putting this all together, we can internationalize error responses.
# We use Alias to redirect any /error/HTTP_<error>.html.var response to
# our collection of by-error message multi-language collections. We use
# includes to substitute the appropriate text.
# You can modify the messages' appearance without changing any of the
# default HTTP_<error>.html.var files by adding the line:
# Alias /error/include/ "/your/include/path/"
# which allows you to create your own set of files by starting with the
# /usr/share/apache2/error/include/ files and copying them to /your/include/path/,
# even on a per-VirtualHost basis. The default include files will display
# your Apache version number and your ServerAdmin email address regardless
# of the setting of ServerSignature.
# The internationalized error documents require mod_alias, mod_include
# and mod_negotiation. To activate them, uncomment the following 30 lines.
# Alias /error/ "/usr/share/apache2/error/"
# <Directory "/usr/share/apache2/error">
# AllowOverride None
# Options IncludesNoExec
# AddOutputFilter Includes html
# AddHandler type-map var
# Order allow,deny
# Allow from all
# LanguagePriority en cs de es fr it nl sv pt-br ro
# ForceLanguagePriority Prefer Fallback
# </Directory>
# ErrorDocument 400 /error/HTTP_BAD_REQUEST.html.var
# ErrorDocument 401 /error/HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED.html.var
# ErrorDocument 403 /error/HTTP_FORBIDDEN.html.var
# ErrorDocument 404 /error/HTTP_NOT_FOUND.html.var
# ErrorDocument 405 /error/HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED.html.var
# ErrorDocument 408 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT.html.var
# ErrorDocument 410 /error/HTTP_GONE.html.var
# ErrorDocument 411 /error/HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED.html.var
# ErrorDocument 412 /error/HTTP_PRECONDITION_FAILED.html.var
# ErrorDocument 413 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE.html.var
# ErrorDocument 414 /error/HTTP_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LARGE.html.var
# ErrorDocument 415 /error/HTTP_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE.html.var
# ErrorDocument 500 /error/HTTP_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR.html.var
# ErrorDocument 501 /error/HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED.html.var
# ErrorDocument 502 /error/HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY.html.var
# ErrorDocument 503 /error/HTTP_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE.html.var
# ErrorDocument 506 /error/HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES.html.var
# Include generic snippets of statements
Include <%= node['apache']['dir'] %>/conf.d/
# Include the virtual host configurations:
Include <%= node['apache']['dir'] %>/sites-enabled/