
146 lines
5.7 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import urwid
import urwid.raw_display
import urwid.web_display
import logging
import sys
import copy
from fuelmenu.settings import *
from fuelmenu.common.urwidwrapper import *
log = logging.getLogger('fuelmenu.mirrors')
blank = urwid.Divider()
"custom_mirror": "http://mirror.your-company-name.com/",
"parent_proxy": "",
"port": "3128"
class mirrors(urwid.WidgetWrap):
def __init__(self, parent):
self.name = "Repo Mirrors"
self.priority = 25
self.visible = False
self.parent = parent
self.listbox_content = []
self.settings = copy.deepcopy(DEFAULTS)
self.screen = None
#self.screen = self.screenUI()
def apply(self, args):
if not self.check(args):
log.error("Check failed. Not applying")
return False
conf = Settings()
conf.write(module="mirrors", values=self.settings)
def check(self, args):
log = logging.getLogger('fuelmenu.mirrors')
customurl = self.edit1.get_edit_text()
self.parent.footer.set_text("Checking %s" % customurl)
log.info("Checking %s" % customurl)
if self.repochoice == "Defult":
#Ensure host can connect
import subprocess
reachable = subprocess.call(["curl", "-o", "/dev/null", "--silent",
"--head", "--write-out",
"'%{http_code}\n'", customurl])
error_msg = None
if reachable == 0:
elif reachable == 1 or reachable == 3:
error_msg = u"Unrecognized protocol. Did you spell it right?"
elif reachable == 6:
error_msg = u"Couldn't resolve host."
elif reachable == 7:
error_msg = u"Couldn't connect to host."
elif reachable == 6:
error_msg = u"Couldn't resolve host."
if error_msg:
"Could not reach custom mirror. Error: %s" % (error_msg))
return False
self.parent.footer.set_text("Reached custom mirror!")
#Ensure valid page with 2XX or 3XX return code
status_code = subprocess.check_output(["curl", "-o", "/dev/null",
"--silent", "--head",
import re
regexp = re.compile(r'[23]\d\d')
if regexp.search(status_code) is not None:
error_msg = "URL not reachable on server. Error %s" \
% status_code
log.error("Could not reach custom url %s. Error code: %s" %
(customurl, reachable))
self.parent.footer.set_text("Could not reach custom url %s.\
Error code: %s" % (customurl, reachable))
return False
self.parent.footer.set_text("Repo mirror OK!")
return True
def radioSelect(self, current, state, user_data=None):
for rb in current.group:
if rb.get_label() == current.get_label():
if rb.base_widget.state is True:
self.repochoice = rb.base_widget.get_label()
#def keypress(self, size, key):
# self.parent.footer.set_text("keypress")
#def displayTooltip(self, obj):
# focus = obj.get_focus()[0].content
# self.parent.footer.set_text(focus.get_label())
def refresh(self):
def screenUI(self):
#Define your text labels, text fields, and buttons first
text1 = TextLabel(u"Choose repo mirrors to use.\n"
u"Note: Refer to Fuel documentation on how to set "
u" up a custom mirror.")
choice_list = [u"Default", u"Custom"]
self.choices = ChoicesGroup(self, choice_list)
self.repochoice = "Default"
self.edit1 = TextField("custom_mirror", "Custom URL:", 15,
"URL goes here", self.parent.footer)
self.edit2 = TextField("parent_proxy", "Squid parent proxy:", 20,
"Squid proxy URL (include http://)",
self.edit3 = TextField("port", "Port:", 5, DEFAULTS["parent_proxy"],
"Squid Proxy port (usually 3128)",
self.proxyedits = Columns([('weight', 3, self.edit2), self.edit3])
#Button to check
button_check = Button("Check", self.check)
#Button to apply (and check again)
button_apply = Button("Apply", self.apply)
#Wrap into Columns so it doesn't expand and look ugly
check_col = Columns([button_check, button_apply, ('weight', 7, blank)])
#Build all of these into a list
self.listbox_content = [text1, blank, blank, self.choices, blank,
self.edit1, blank, self.proxyedits, blank,
blank, check_col]
#Add everything into a ListBox and return it
walker = urwid.SimpleListWalker(self.listbox_content)
#urwid.connect_signal(walker, 'modified', self.displayTooltip)
self.myscreen = urwid.ListBox(walker)
return self.myscreen