Let's get rid of ohai.

Ohai required support additional packages,
and unfortunatelly, not all of them are
opensource friendly (ruby-sigar, for example).

This changes will let us to rid ruby-mixlib*,
ruby-sigar and ruby-yajl packages.

Also, it may sound strange, but ohai[:virtualization]
makes decision based on /proc/cpuinfo information
only (this applies only to kvm/qemu, other virt-systems
determines correctly, AFAICS).

So, if someone will choose a non-default (qemu)
processor configuration, ohai will return incomplete
information about virtualization on a kvm-based virtual host.
Facter doing it more intelligently.

Blueprint: get-rid-of-ohai

Change-Id: Ia8021a3ab83bbf973eff548880ae10a540476b1c
This commit is contained in:
Ivan Suzdal 2016-05-10 18:51:03 +03:00
parent c5d6963e04
commit 93e84d1649
3 changed files with 262 additions and 58 deletions

View File

@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ begin
require 'rubygems' require 'rubygems'
rescue LoadError rescue LoadError
end end
require 'ohai/system' require 'facter'
require 'json' require 'json'
require 'httpclient' require 'httpclient'
require 'logger' require 'logger'
@ -160,7 +160,8 @@ class NodeAgent
@logger.info("API URL is #{@api_url}") @logger.info("API URL is #{@api_url}")
end end
@os = ohai_system_info @facter = facter_system_info
@network = _network
@numa_topology = get_numa_topology @numa_topology = get_numa_topology
@mpath_devices, @skip_devices = multipath_devices @mpath_devices, @skip_devices = multipath_devices
end end
@ -195,19 +196,9 @@ class NodeAgent
agent_settings.merge(cmdline_settings) agent_settings.merge(cmdline_settings)
end end
def ohai_system_info def facter_system_info
Timeout::timeout(30) do Facter.loadfacts
os = Ohai::System.new() Facter.to_hash
rescue Timeout::Error
# When one of disks is broken, do not collect data about block devices
# More details: https://bugs.launchpad.net/fuel/+bug/1396086
Ohai::Config[:disabled_plugins]=['linux::block_device', 'linux::filesystem']
os = Ohai::System.new()
end end
def put def put
@ -239,15 +230,219 @@ class NodeAgent
client client
end end
def _interfaces def _get_iface_info(ifname)
interfaces = @os[:network][:interfaces].inject([]) do |result, elm| info = {}
result << { :name => elm[0], :addresses => elm[1]["addresses"] } info[:name] = ifname
info[:addresses] = {}
if ifname =~ /^(\D+)(\d+.*)/ # enp0s11, enp0, eth0
info[:type] = $1 # enp, enp, eth
info[:number] = $2 # 0s11, 0, 0
end end
interfaces << { "default_interface" => @os["network"]["default_interface"] } data = `ip a s dev #{ifname}`
interfaces << { "default_gateway" => @os["network"]["default_gateway"] } #2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br-fw-admin state UP group default qlen 1000
interfaces # link/ether 64:de:13:ab:f4:1d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
# inet6 fe80::66de:13ff:feab:f41d/64 scope link
# valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
data.each_line do |line|
case line.strip
when /(\d+): #{ifname}: <([^>]*)> mtu (\d+) (.+) state (\w+)/
info[:flags] = $2.split(',')
info[:mtu] = $3
info[:state] = $5.downcase
when /link\/(\w+) ([\da-f\:]+) brd ([\da-f\:]+)/
info[:addresses][$2.upcase] = { :family => "lladdr" } if $2 != "00:00:00:00:00:00"
info[:encapsulation] = case $1
when /loopback/i then 'Loopback'
when /IPIP Tunnel/ then 'IPIP'
when /Point-to-Point Protocol/ then 'PPP'
when /IPv6-in-IPv4/ then '6to4'
when /ether/ then'Ethernet'
else nil
when /inet (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3})(\/(\d{1,2}))( brd (\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}\.\d{1,3}))? scope (\w+)?/
info[:addresses][$1] = { :family => "inet", "prefixlen" => $3 ||32 }
info[:addresses][$1][:scope] = ($6.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $6.capitalize)
info[:addresses][$1][:netmask] = IPAddr.new("").mask(($3 ||32).to_i).to_s
info[:addresses][$1][:broadcast] = $5
when /inet6 ([a-f0-9\:]+)\/(\d+) scope (\w+)/
info[:addresses][$1] = { :family => "inet6", "prefixlen" => $2, "scope" => ($3.eql?("host") ? "Node" : $3.capitalize) }
data = `ip -d link show dev #{ifname}`
#2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc pfifo_fast master br-fw-admin state UP mode DEFAULT group default qlen 1000
# link/ether 64:de:13:ab:f4:1d brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff promiscuity 1
# bridge_slave state forwarding priority 32 cost 4 hairpin off guard off root_block off fastleave off learning on flood on addrgenmode eui64
data.each_line do |line|
next if line =~ /^\d+/
if line =~ /state (\w+)/
info[:state] = $1.downcase
if line =~ /vlan id (\d+)/
vid = $1
info[:state][:vlan] = {}
info[:state][:vlan][:id] = vid
end end
def _get_all_interfaces_info
res = {}
res[:interfaces] = {}
Facter::Util::IP.get_interfaces().each do |ifname|
res[:interfaces][ifname] = _get_iface_info(ifname)
%w[inet inet6].each do |family|
#default via dev br-ex
# dev br-fw-admin proto kernel scope link src
# dev br-mgmt proto kernel scope link src
# dev br-storage proto kernel scope link src
# dev br-ex proto kernel scope link src
# dev hapr-host proto kernel scope link src
# dev vr-host-base proto kernel scope link src
`ip -f #{family} route show`.each_line do |line|
if line =~ /^([^\s]+)\s(.*)$/
rdest = $1
rend = $2
next if not rend =~ /\bdev\s+([^\s]+)\b/
rint = $1
next if not res[:interfaces].has_key?(rint)
rent = {:destination => rdest, :family => family}
%w[via scope metric proto src].each do |k|
rent[k] = $1 if rend =~ /\b#{k}\s+([^\s]+)\b/
next if rent[:src] and not res[:interfaces][rint].has_key?(rent[:src])
res[:interfaces][rint][:routes] = [] if not res[:interfaces][rint][:routes]
res[:interfaces][rint][:routes] << rent
def _network
iface = nil
gw = nil
route = `ip r list 0/0`.strip # 'default via dev eth0'
if route =~ /^default via ?([0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.[0-9]+) dev ([a-zA-Z0-9_-]+)/
gw = $1
iface = $2
result = _get_all_interfaces_info
result[:default_gateway] = gw
result[:default_interface] = iface
result[:mac] = @facter["macaddress_#{iface.gsub('-', '_')}"].upcase
def _get_detailed_cpuinfo
real = {}
info = {}
info[:total] = 0
curr_proc = nil
File.open('/proc/cpuinfo').each do |l|
case l.strip
when /processor\s+:\s(.+)/
info[:total] += 1
curr_proc = $1
info[curr_proc] = {}
when /^cpu MHz\s+:\s(.+)/
info[curr_proc][:mhz] = $1
when /^physical id\s+:\s(.+)/
info[curr_proc][:physical_id] = $1
real[$1] = true
when /^flags\s+:\s(.+)/
info[curr_proc][:flags] = $1.split
when /^address sizes\s+:\s(\d+) bits (\w+), (\d+) bits (\w+)/
info[curr_proc][:address_sizes] = {}
info[curr_proc][:address_sizes][$2.to_sym] = $1
info[curr_proc][:address_sizes][$4.to_sym] = $3
when /(.+)\s+:\s(.+)/
value = $2
key = $1.strip.downcase.gsub(/ /, '_')
info[curr_proc][key.to_sym] = value
info[:real] = real.keys.size
def _get_blkdev_info
info = {}
if File.directory?('/sys/block/')
Timeout::timeout(10) do
Dir['/sys/block/*'].each do |blkdir|
blkdev = File.basename(blkdir)
info[blkdev] = Hash.new
Dir.glob("/sys/block/#{blkdev}/{size,removable}").each do |g|
File.open(g) { |f| info[blkdev][File.basename(g).to_sym] = f.read_nonblock(1024).strip }
Dir.glob("/sys/block/#{blkdev}/device/{model,rev,state,timeout,vendor}").each do |g|
File.open(g) { |f| info[blkdev][File.basename(g).to_sym] = f.read_nonblock(1024).strip }
end # of blkdir
end # of timeout
rescue => e
@logger.error("Error '#{e.message}' in gathering disks metadata: #{e.backtrace}")
end # File.directory
def _get_dmi_info
info = {}
Dir['/sys/class/dmi/id/*'].each do |key|
if File.file?(key)
case File.basename(key)
when /product_uuid/
File.open(key) {|f| info[:uuid] = f.read_nonblock(1024).strip}
when /sys_vendor/
File.open(key) {|f| info[:sys_vendor] = info[:manufacturer] = f.read_nonblock(1024).strip}
File.open(key) {|f| info[File.basename(key).to_sym] = f.read_nonblock(1024).strip}
def _get_dmidecode_system_info
info = {}
info[:system] = {}
# dmidecode -t system
## dmidecode 3.0
#Getting SMBIOS data from sysfs.
#SMBIOS 2.8 present.
#Handle 0x0100, DMI type 1, 27 bytes
#System Information
# Manufacturer: QEMU
# Product Name: Standard PC (i440FX + PIIX, 1996)
# Version: pc-i440fx-2.4
# Serial Number: Not Specified
# UUID: 0C2041CE-94E4-453D-95DD-1682D5D8E487
# Wake-up Type: Power Switch
# SKU Number: Not Specified
# Family: Not Specified
#Handle 0x2000, DMI type 32, 11 bytes
#System Boot Information
# Status: No errors detected
`dmidecode -t system`.each_line do |l|
case l.strip
when /^SMBIOS (\S+)/
info[:dmidecode_version] = $1.strip
when /(.+):(.+)/
k = $1
v = $2
info[:system][k.downcase.gsub(/([ -])/, '_').to_sym] = v.strip
# transform input array into array of the objects # transform input array into array of the objects
# Example: # Example:
# [{ # [{
@ -387,19 +582,21 @@ class NodeAgent
:system => _system_info, :system => _system_info,
:interfaces => [], :interfaces => [],
:cpu => { :cpu => {
:total => (@os[:cpu][:total].to_i rescue nil), :total => (@facter['processorcount'].to_i rescue nil),
:real => (@os[:cpu][:real].to_i rescue nil), :real => (@facter['physicalprocessorcount'].to_i rescue nil),
:spec => [], :spec => [],
}, },
:disks => [], :disks => [],
:memory => (_dmi_memory or _ohai_memory), :memory => (_dmi_memory or _facter_memory),
:pci_devices => _get_pci_dev_list, :pci_devices => _get_pci_dev_list,
:numa_topology => @numa_topology, :numa_topology => @numa_topology,
} }
admin_mac = (_master_ip_and_mac[:mac] or @os[:macaddress]) rescue nil admin_mac = (_master_ip_and_mac[:mac] or @network[:mac]) rescue nil
begin begin
(@os[:network][:interfaces] or {} rescue {}).each do |int, intinfo| (@network[:interfaces] or {} rescue {}).each do |int, intinfo|
#next if not intinfo.has_key?(:name)
#int = intinfo[:name]
# Send info about physical interfaces only # Send info about physical interfaces only
next if intinfo[:encapsulation] !~ /^Ethernet.*/ next if intinfo[:encapsulation] !~ /^Ethernet.*/
@ -489,7 +686,7 @@ class NodeAgent
end end
begin begin
(@os[:cpu] or {} rescue {}).each do |cpu, cpuinfo| (_get_detailed_cpuinfo or {} rescue {}).each do |cpu, cpuinfo|
if cpu =~ /^[\d]+/ and cpuinfo if cpu =~ /^[\d]+/ and cpuinfo
frequency = cpuinfo[:mhz].to_i rescue nil frequency = cpuinfo[:mhz].to_i rescue nil
begin begin
@ -520,7 +717,7 @@ class NodeAgent
# http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/scsi/sd.c?v=4.4#L2340 # http://lxr.free-electrons.com/source/drivers/scsi/sd.c?v=4.4#L2340
block_size = 512 block_size = 512
(@os[:block_device] or {} rescue {}).each do |bname, binfo| (_get_blkdev_info or {} rescue {}).each do |bname, binfo|
@logger.debug("Found block device: #{bname}") @logger.debug("Found block device: #{bname}")
@logger.debug("Block device info: #{binfo.inspect}") @logger.debug("Block device info: #{binfo.inspect}")
dname = bname.gsub(/!/, '/') dname = bname.gsub(/!/, '/')
@ -829,31 +1026,35 @@ class NodeAgent
end end
def _is_virtualbox def _is_virtualbox
@os[:dmi][:system][:product_name] == "VirtualBox" rescue false @facter['productname'] == "VirtualBox"
end end
def _is_virtual def _is_virtual
_is_virtualbox or @os[:virtualization][:role] == "guest" rescue false @facter[:is_virtual]
end end
# JFYI: if /QEMU/ doesn't matched in /proc/cpuinfo
# ohai[:virtualization] will return empty hash on kvm systems
# So, this code have exactly same behavior.
# But in my opinion here should be returned real value.
def _manufacturer def _manufacturer
if _is_virtualbox if _is_virtualbox
@os[:dmi][:system][:product_name] rescue nil @facter['productname']
elsif _is_virtual elsif (@facter['manufacturer'].upcase != 'QEMU' && @facter['is_virtual'])
@os[:virtualization][:system].upcase.strip rescue nil @facter['virtual']
else else
@os[:dmi][:system][:manufacturer].strip rescue nil @facter['manufacturer']
end end
end end
def _product_name def _product_name
unless _is_virtual unless _is_virtual
@os[:dmi][:system][:product_name].strip rescue nil @facter['productname']
end end
end end
def _serial def _serial
@os[:dmi][:system][:serial_number].strip rescue nil @facter['serialnumber']
end end
# Returns unique identifier of machine # Returns unique identifier of machine
@ -861,7 +1062,7 @@ class NodeAgent
# * for physical HW that would be unique chassis id (from BIOS settings) # * for physical HW that would be unique chassis id (from BIOS settings)
# * for other hypervizors - not tested # * for other hypervizors - not tested
def uuid def uuid
node_uuid = @os.data.fetch(:dmi, {}).fetch(:system, {}).fetch(:uuid, nil) node_uuid = @facter['uuid']
node_uuid && node_uuid.strip node_uuid && node_uuid.strip
end end
@ -872,9 +1073,9 @@ class NodeAgent
:uuid => uuid, :uuid => uuid,
:runtime_uuid => @settings['runtime_uuid'], :runtime_uuid => @settings['runtime_uuid'],
:product => _product_name, :product => _product_name,
:family => (@os[:dmi][:system][:family].strip rescue nil), :family => (_get_dmidecode_system_info[:system][:family].strip rescue nil),
:version => (@os[:dmi][:system][:version].strip rescue nil), :version => _get_dmi_info[:chassis_version],
:fqdn => (@os[:fqdn].strip rescue @os[:hostname].strip rescue nil), :fqdn => (@facter['fqdn'].strip rescue @facter['hostname'].strip rescue nil),
}.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? or value.empty? or value == "Not Specified" } }.delete_if { |key, value| value.nil? or value.empty? or value == "Not Specified" }
end end
@ -929,15 +1130,15 @@ class NodeAgent
end end
end end
def _ohai_memory def _facter_memory
info = {} info = {}
size = @os['memory']['total'].gsub(/(kb|mb|gb)$/i, "").to_i rescue (return nil) size = @facter['memorysize'].gsub(/(kb|mb|gb)$/i, "").to_i rescue (return nil)
info[:total] = _size(size, $1) info[:total] = _size(size, $1)
info info
end end
def _get_ip_mac_pair_for(local_addr) def _get_ip_mac_pair_for(local_addr)
@os[:network][:interfaces].each do |_, intinfo| @network[:interfaces].each do |int, intinfo|
next unless intinfo.has_key?(:addresses) next unless intinfo.has_key?(:addresses)
intinfo[:addresses].each do |k, v| intinfo[:addresses].each do |k, v|
# Here we need to check family because IPAddr.new with bad # Here we need to check family because IPAddr.new with bad
@ -977,16 +1178,16 @@ class NodeAgent
def _data def _data
res = { res = {
:mac => (@os[:macaddress] rescue nil), :mac => (@network[:mac] rescue nil),
:ip => (@os[:ipaddress] rescue nil), :ip => (@facter['ipaddress'] rescue nil),
:os_platform => (@os[:platform] rescue nil), :os_platform => (@facter['operatingsystem'].downcase rescue nil)
} }
begin begin
detailed_data = _detailed detailed_data = _detailed
master_data=_master_ip_and_mac master_data=_master_ip_and_mac
res.merge!({ res.merge!({
:ip => (( master_data[:ip] or @os[:ipaddress]) rescue nil), :ip => (( master_data[:ip] or @facter['ipaddress']) rescue nil),
:mac => (( master_data[:mac] or @os[:macaddress]) rescue nil), :mac => (( master_data[:mac] or @network[:mac]) rescue nil),
:manufacturer => _manufacturer, :manufacturer => _manufacturer,
:platform_name => _product_name, :platform_name => _product_name,
:meta => detailed_data :meta => detailed_data
@ -1074,8 +1275,8 @@ class NodeAgent
end end
def supported_hugepages def supported_hugepages
return [2048, 1048576] if @os[:cpu]['0']['flags'].include?('pdpe1gb') return [2048, 1048576] if _get_detailed_cpuinfo['0'][:flags].include?('pdpe1gb')
return [2048] if @os[:cpu]['0']['flags'].include?('pse') return [2048] if _get_detailed_cpuinfo['0'][:flags].include?('pse')
[] []
end end

debian/changelog vendored
View File

@ -1,3 +1,9 @@
nailgun-agent (10.0.1) trusty; urgency=low
* Remove ohai-related code
-- Ivan Suzdal <isuzdal@mirantis.com> Tue, 10 May 2016 15:35:26 +0000
nailgun-agent (10.0.0-1) trusty; urgency=low nailgun-agent (10.0.0-1) trusty; urgency=low
* Bump version to 10.0.0 * Bump version to 10.0.0

debian/control vendored
View File

@ -4,24 +4,21 @@ Priority: extra
Maintainer: PKG OpenStack <openstack-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org> Maintainer: PKG OpenStack <openstack-devel@lists.alioth.debian.org>
Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), openstack-pkg-tools Build-Depends: debhelper (>= 9), openstack-pkg-tools
Standards-Version: 3.9.6 Standards-Version: 3.9.6
Homepage: https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-nailgun-agent Homepage: https://github.com/openstack/fuel-nailgun-agent
Vcs-Git: https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-nailgun-agent.git Vcs-Git: https://github.com/openstack/fuel-nailgun-agent.git
Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/stackforge/fuel-nailgun-agent Vcs-Browser: https://github.com/openstack/fuel-nailgun-agent
Package: nailgun-agent Package: nailgun-agent
Architecture: all Architecture: all
XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions} XB-Ruby-Versions: ${ruby:Versions}
Recommends: lshw, Recommends: lshw,
pciutils Depends: facter,
Depends: ohai (<< 7),
ethtool, ethtool,
ruby-cstruct, ruby-cstruct,
ruby-httpclient, ruby-httpclient,
ruby-ipaddress, ruby-ipaddress,
ruby-json, ruby-json,
ruby-rethtool, ruby-rethtool,
ruby | ruby-interpreter,
${misc:Depends} ${misc:Depends}
Description: collects the node hardware data and submits it to the Fuel master Description: collects the node hardware data and submits it to the Fuel master
The nailgun agent collects the servers hardware information and submits it The nailgun agent collects the servers hardware information and submits it