RETIRED, Tools to upgrade OpenStack cloud managed by the Fuel installer.
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2015-03-24 21:56:12 +00:00
octane Disconnect 5.1 CICs before doing anything else to avoid IP overlap 2015-03-24 21:56:12 +00:00 [doc] Update a node upgrade section 2015-03-23 08:01:31 +00:00

Octane upgrade workflow


In this manual we assume that user manages their environment with Fuel 5.1 and has successfully upgraded it to Fuel 6.0 with the standard procedure.

Environments with the following configuration can be upgraded with Octane:

  • Ubuntu operating system
  • HA Multinode deployment mode
  • KVM Compute
  • Neutron with VLAN segmentation
  • Ceph backend for Cinder AND Glance
  • No additional services instlled (like Sahara, Murano, Ceilometer, etc)

Clean up nodes for 6.0 Seed environment

This is an optional step. Select nodes in your environment and use live migration to evacuate all virtual instances from the node. Delete the node from environment. Repeat for at least 2 nodes (CIC and Compute/Ceph OSD in 6.0 Seed environment). Wait for nodes to be discovered in Fuel as `unallocated'.

Install Octane

Unpack Octane tarball to /root/ directory. Change to bin/ directory of Octane.

[root@fuel ~]# cd /root/octane/octane/bin

Run Octane script to install necessary packages on Fuel master and patch manifests and source code of components.

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane prepare-fuel

Install 6.0 Seed environment

Clone settings

First, pick the environment of version 5.1 you want to upgrade. Log in to Fuel Master node and run:

[root@fuel bin]# fuel env

Find the environment you selected for upgrade and remember its ID. We will refer to it as ORIG_ID below.

Now run Octane script to clone settings of your environment:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane clone ORIG_ID

Remember ID of your Seed environment. We will refer to it as SEED_ID.

Add nodes

Add nodes from pool of unallocated node to the new environment via Fuel UI or CLI. You need to add at least 1 CIC node. You may add Compute node, but it is optional.

[root@fuel bin]# fuel node set --env SEED_ID --node ID[,ID,...] --role controller

Provision nodes

Use Octane script to initiate provisioning of operating system to all nodes in Seed environment:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane provision ORIG_ID SEED_ID

Wait for nodes to come to 'provisioned' state.

Configure isolation

Use Octane script to configure network isolation of Seed environment and start deployment of OpenStack services:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane prepare ORIG_ID SEED_ID
[root@fuel bin]# ./octane deploy SEED_ID

Wait for Seed environment to come into 'operational' state:

[root@fuel bin]# fuel env --env SEED_ID

Upgrade CICs to 6.0

This stage upgrades 5.1 controllers to version 6.0 by replacing them with CICs of Seed environment.

Upgrade State Database

State Database contains all metadata and status data of virtual resources in your cloud environment. Octane transfers that data to 6.0 environment as a part of upgrade of CIC.

Before it starts datat transfer, Octane stops all services on 6.0 CICs, and disables APIs on 5.1 CICs, putting the environment into Maintenance mode.

Run Octane script to upgrade databases:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane upgrade-db ORIG_ID SEED_ID

Update 6.0 Ceph cluster configuration

Use Octane script to configure Ceph Monitors to work with original Ceph cluster:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane upgrade-ceph ORIG_ID SEED_ID

Once it updated Ceph configuration, the script restarts Ceph Monitors on all 6.0 CICs.

Replace CICs 5.1 with 6.0

Now start all services on 6.0 CICs with upgraded data and redirect Compute nodes from 5.1 CICs to 6.0 CICs.

Following Octane script will start all services on 6.0 CICs, then disconnect 5.1 CICs from Management and Public networks, while keeping connection between CICs themselves, and connect 6.0 CICs to those networks:

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane upgrade-cics ORIG_ID SEED_ID

Upgrade nova-compute to 6.0

Run following script to upgrade nova-compute and dependency packages on all hypervisor hosts to version 6.0 without upgrading data plane (i.e. hypervisor, operating system and kernel). This script installs 6.0 source for APT package manager, updates versions of nova-compute package and its dependencies (including Neutron agent), updates configuration file for Neutron agent to work with new version of packages and restarts updated services.

Note that this script will affect all compute nodes in the environment.

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane upgrade-nova-compute ORIG_ID

Upgrade nodes

Patch Fuel software

To reinstall Ceph OSD with retention of data partitions requires modifications to certain components of Fuel, including Cobbler, Nailgun and Puppet manifests. Run following script on the Fuel Master node to update code of components and restart services.

[root@fuel bin]# cd /root/octane/octane/patches/pman
[root@fuel pman]# ./

Run following script to update Puppet modules to disable initialization of Ceph data partition.

[root@fuel pman]# cd /root/octane/octane/patches/puppet
[root@fuel puppet]# ./

Pick node for upgrade

Select a node to upgrade from the list of nodes in 5.1 environment:

[root@fuel puppet]# cd /root/octane/octane/bin
[root@fuel bin]# fuel node --env ORIG_ID

Run an Octane script with 'upgrade-node' command to reassign node to 6.0 environment and upgrade it. You need to specify ID of the node as a second argument.

[root@fuel bin]# ./octane upgrade-node

Repeat this process until all nodes are reassigned from 5.1 to 6.0 environment.