Sergey Abramov 55d0836681 prepare_net_info only if info contains quantum_settings
Nailgun changed API:

It returned list of nodes and everyone of them contain common
information (for example quantum_settings)

Now it returns list of all nodes without common settings and common
settings dict

Change-Id: I15154c93c83bcfcd5107c7dd253fc8232506c092
Closses-bug: 1623854
2016-09-16 14:09:01 +03:00

155 lines
5.9 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
from octane.handlers.upgrade import controller as controller_upgrade
from octane.helpers.node_attributes import copy_disks
from octane.helpers.node_attributes import copy_ifaces
from octane import magic_consts
from octane.util import env as env_util
from octane.util import network
from octane.util import node as node_util
from cliff import command as cmd
from fuelclient.objects import environment as environment_obj
from fuelclient.objects import node as node_obj
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def isolate(nodes, env):
nodes.sort(key=lambda node: node.id, reverse=True)
hub = nodes[0]
deployment_info = env_util.get_node_default_facts(
env, nodes=[hub.data['id']])
network.create_bridges(hub, env, deployment_info)
for node in nodes[1:]:
deployment_info = env_util.get_node_default_facts(
env, nodes=[node.data['id']])
network.setup_isolation(hub, node, env, deployment_info)
for node in nodes:
def update_node_settings(node, disks_fixture, ifaces_fixture):
if not magic_consts.DEFAULT_DISKS:
LOG.info("Updating node %s disk settings with fixture: %s",
str(node.id), disks_fixture)
disks = node.get_attribute('disks')
LOG.info("Original node %s disk settings: %s",
str(node.id), disks)
new_disks = list(copy_disks(disks_fixture, disks, 'by_name'))
LOG.info("New disk info generated: %s", new_disks)
node.upload_node_attribute('disks', new_disks)
LOG.warn("Using default volumes for node %s", node)
LOG.warn("To keep custom volumes layout, change DEFAULT_DISKS const "
"in magic_consts.py module")
if not magic_consts.DEFAULT_NETS:
LOG.info("Updating node %s network settings with fixture: %s",
str(node.id), ifaces_fixture)
ifaces = node.get_attribute('interfaces')
LOG.info("Original node %s network settings: %s",
str(node.id), ifaces)
new_ifaces = list(copy_ifaces(ifaces_fixture, ifaces))
LOG.info("New interfaces info generated: %s", new_ifaces)
node.upload_node_attribute('interfaces', new_ifaces)
LOG.warn("Using default networks for node %s", node)
class NoSuchNetwork(Exception):
message = "Environment ID {0} doesn't have {1} network"
def __init__(self, env_id, network):
super(NoSuchNetwork, self).__init__(self.message.format(
env_id, network))
def check_networks(orig_env, seed_env, networks):
orig_networks = \
[net['name'] for net in env_util.get_env_networks(orig_env)]
seed_networks = \
[net['name'] for net in env_util.get_env_networks(seed_env)]
for net in networks:
if net not in orig_networks:
raise NoSuchNetwork(orig_env.data['id'], net)
if net not in seed_networks:
raise NoSuchNetwork(seed_env.data['id'], net)
def install_node(orig_id, seed_id, node_ids, isolated=False, networks=None):
if orig_id == seed_id:
raise Exception("Original and seed environments have the same ID: %s",
orig_env = environment_obj.Environment(orig_id)
seed_env = environment_obj.Environment(seed_id)
check_networks(orig_env, seed_env, networks)
nodes = [node_obj.Node(node_id) for node_id in node_ids]
orig_node = env_util.get_one_controller(orig_env)
seed_env.assign(nodes, orig_node.data['roles'])
for node in nodes:
disk_info_fixture = orig_node.get_attribute('disks')
nic_info_fixture = orig_node.get_attribute('interfaces')
update_node_settings(node, disk_info_fixture, nic_info_fixture)
if networks:
env_util.clone_ips(orig_id, networks)
LOG.info("Nodes reboot in progress. Please wait...")
node_util.reboot_nodes(nodes, timeout=180 * 60)
env_util.provision_nodes(seed_env, nodes)
env_util.update_deployment_info(seed_env, isolated)
if isolated and len(nodes) > 1:
isolate(nodes, seed_env)
env_util.deploy_changes(seed_env, nodes)
for node in nodes:
node, seed_env, isolated=isolated).postdeploy()
class InstallNodeCommand(cmd.Command):
"""Install nodes to environment based on settings of orig environment"""
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(InstallNodeCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name)
'--isolated', action='store_true',
help="Isolate node's network from original cluster")
'orig_id', type=int, metavar='ORIG_ID',
help="ID of original environment")
'seed_id', type=int, metavar='SEED_ID',
help="ID of upgrade seed environment")
'node_ids', type=int, metavar='NODE_ID', nargs='+',
help="IDs of nodes to be moved")
'--networks', type=str, nargs='+', default=[],
help="Names of networks which IPs should be copied")
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
install_node(parsed_args.orig_id, parsed_args.seed_id,
parsed_args.node_ids, isolated=parsed_args.isolated,