
169 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import contextlib
import itertools
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tarfile
from cliff import command as cmd
from fuelclient.objects import environment as environment_obj
from octane import magic_consts
from octane.util import env as env_util
from octane.util import node as node_util
from octane.util import ssh
def short_hostname(hostname):
return hostname.partition('.')[0]
def remove_mask(ip_addr):
return ip_addr.partition('/')[0]
def replace_addresses(conf, hostnames, mgmt_ips):
mon_initial_members = ' '.join(hostnames)
mon_host = ' '.join(mgmt_ips)
conf = re.sub(r'\n(mon_initial_members\s+=\s+)[-.\w\s]*\n',
conf = re.sub(r'\n(mon_host\s+=\s+)[-.\w\s]*\n',
return conf
def get_fsid(conf):
match = re.search(r'\nfsid\s+=\s+([-.\w]+)\s*\n', conf)
if match is not None:
return match.group(1)
def replace_host(conf, hostname):
conf = re.sub(r'\n(host\s+=\s+)[-.\w\s]*\n',
return conf
def import_bootstrap_osd(node):
ssh.call(['ceph', 'auth', 'import', '-i',
'/root/ceph.bootstrap-osd.keyring'], node=node)
ssh.call(['ceph', 'auth', 'caps', 'client.bootstrap-osd', 'mon',
"'allow profile bootstrap-osd'"], node=node)
def get_ceph_conf_filename(node):
cmd = [
'bash', '-c',
'pgrep ceph-mon | xargs -I{} cat /proc/{}/cmdline',
cmdlines = ssh.call_output(cmd, node=node)
if cmdlines:
cmdline = cmdlines.split('\n')[0].split('\0')
for i, value in enumerate(cmdline):
if value == '-c' and i < len(cmdline):
return cmdline[i + 1]
return '/etc/ceph/ceph.conf'
def ceph_set_new_mons(seed_env, filename, conf_filename, db_path):
nodes = list(env_util.get_controllers(seed_env))
hostnames = map(short_hostname, node_util.get_hostnames(nodes))
mgmt_ips = map(remove_mask, node_util.get_ips('management', nodes))
with contextlib.closing(tarfile.open(filename)) as f:
conf = f.extractfile(conf_filename).read()
conf = replace_addresses(conf, hostnames, mgmt_ips)
fsid = get_fsid(conf)
monmaptool_cmd = ['monmaptool', '--fsid', fsid, '--clobber', '--create']
for node_hostname, node_ip in itertools.izip(hostnames, mgmt_ips):
monmaptool_cmd += ['--add', node_hostname, node_ip]
for node, node_hostname in itertools.izip(nodes, hostnames):
node_db_path = "/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{0}".format(node_hostname)
node_conf = replace_host(conf, node_hostname)
ssh.call(['stop', 'ceph-mon', "id={0}".format(node_hostname)],
except subprocess.CalledProcessError:
ssh.call(['rm', '-rf', node_db_path], node=node)
node_util.untar_files(filename, node)
sftp = ssh.sftp(node)
with sftp.open(conf_filename, 'w') as f:
ssh.call(['mv', db_path, node_db_path], node=node)
sysvinit = os.path.join(node_db_path, 'sysvinit')
except IOError:
upstart = os.path.join(node_db_path, 'upstart')
sftp.open(upstart, 'w').close()
with ssh.tempdir(node) as tempdir:
monmap_filename = os.path.join(tempdir, 'monmap')
ssh.call(monmaptool_cmd + [monmap_filename], node=node)
ssh.call(['ceph-mon', '-i', node_hostname, '--inject-monmap',
monmap_filename], node=node)
for node, node_hostname in itertools.izip(nodes, hostnames):
ssh.call(['start', 'ceph-mon', "id={0}".format(node_hostname)],
def extract_mon_conf_files(orig_env, tar_filename):
controller = env_util.get_one_controller(orig_env)
conf_filename = get_ceph_conf_filename(controller)
conf_dir = os.path.dirname(conf_filename)
hostname = short_hostname(
db_path = "/var/lib/ceph/mon/ceph-{0}".format(hostname)
node_util.tar_files(tar_filename, controller, conf_dir, db_path)
return conf_filename, db_path
def upgrade_ceph(orig_id, seed_id):
orig_env = environment_obj.Environment(orig_id)
seed_env = environment_obj.Environment(seed_id)
tar_filename = os.path.join(magic_consts.FUEL_CACHE,
conf_filename, db_path = extract_mon_conf_files(orig_env, tar_filename)
ceph_set_new_mons(seed_env, tar_filename, conf_filename, db_path)
class UpgradeCephCommand(cmd.Command):
"""update Ceph cluster configuration."""
def get_parser(self, prog_name):
parser = super(UpgradeCephCommand, self).get_parser(prog_name)
'orig_id', type=int, metavar='ORIG_ID',
help="ID of original environment")
'seed_id', type=int, metavar='SEED_ID',
help="ID of seed environment")
return parser
def take_action(self, parsed_args):
upgrade_ceph(parsed_args.orig_id, parsed_args.seed_id)