import netaddr import time from fuel_health import clients from fuel_health.common import log as logging from fuel_health.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name from fuel_health import exceptions import fuel_health.test from fuel_health.tests import smoke LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class BaseComputeTest(fuel_health.test.BaseTestCase): """Base test case class for all Compute API tests.""" conclusion = smoke.generic_setup_package() @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): cls.isolated_creds = [] if cls.config.compute.allow_tenant_isolation: creds = cls._get_isolated_creds() username, tenant_name, password = creds os = clients.Manager(username=username, password=password, tenant_name=tenant_name, interface=cls._interface) else: os = clients.Manager(interface=cls._interface) cls.os = os cls.servers_client = os.servers_client cls.flavors_client = os.flavors_client cls.images_client = os.images_client cls.floating_ips_client = os.floating_ips_client cls.keypairs_client = os.keypairs_client cls.security_groups_client = os.security_groups_client cls.quotas_client = os.quotas_client cls.limits_client = os.limits_client cls.volumes_client = os.volumes_client cls.snapshots_client = os.snapshots_client cls.interfaces_client = os.interfaces_client cls.fixed_ips_client = os.fixed_ips_client cls.services_client = os.services_client cls.hypervisor_client = os.hypervisor_client cls.build_interval = cls.config.compute.build_interval cls.build_timeout = cls.config.compute.build_timeout cls.ssh_user = cls.config.compute.ssh_user cls.image_ref = cls.config.smoke.image_ref cls.image_ref_alt = cls.config.smoke.image_ref_alt cls.flavor_ref = cls.config.smoke.flavor_ref cls.flavor_ref_alt = cls.config.smoke.flavor_ref_alt if cls.network_client = cls.servers = [] cls.volumes = [] cls.servers_client_v3_auth = os.servers_client_v3_auth @classmethod def _get_identity_admin_client(cls): """ Returns an instance of the Identity Admin API client """ os = clients.AdminManager(interface=cls._interface) admin_client = os.identity_client return admin_client @classmethod def _get_client_args(cls): return ( cls.config, cls.config.identity.admin_username, cls.config.identity.admin_password, cls.config.identity.uri ) @classmethod def _get_isolated_creds(cls): """ Creates a new set of user/tenant/password credentials for a **regular** user of the Compute API so that a test case can operate in an isolated tenant container. """ admin_client = cls._get_identity_admin_client() password = "pass" while True: try: rand_name_root = rand_name(cls.__name__) if cls.isolated_creds: # Main user already created. Create the alt one... rand_name_root += '-alt' tenant_name = rand_name_root + "-tenant" tenant_desc = tenant_name + "-desc" resp, tenant = admin_client.create_tenant( name=tenant_name, description=tenant_desc) break except exceptions.Duplicate: if cls.config.compute.allow_tenant_reuse: tenant = admin_client.get_tenant_by_name(tenant_name)'Re-using existing tenant %s', tenant) break while True: try: rand_name_root = rand_name(cls.__name__) if cls.isolated_creds: # Main user already created. Create the alt one... rand_name_root += '-alt' username = rand_name_root + "-user" email = rand_name_root + "" resp, user = admin_client.create_user(username, password, tenant['id'], email) break except exceptions.Duplicate: if cls.config.compute.allow_tenant_reuse: user = admin_client.get_user_by_username(tenant['id'], username)'Re-using existing user %s', user) break # Store the complete creds (including UUID ids...) for later # but return just the username, tenant_name, password tuple # that the various clients will use. cls.isolated_creds.append((user, tenant)) return username, tenant_name, password @classmethod def clear_isolated_creds(cls): if not cls.isolated_creds: return admin_client = cls._get_identity_admin_client() for user, tenant in cls.isolated_creds: admin_client.delete_user(user['id']) admin_client.delete_tenant(tenant['id']) @classmethod def clear_servers(cls): for server in cls.servers: try: cls.servers_client.delete_server(server['id']) except Exception: pass for server in cls.servers: try: cls.servers_client.wait_for_server_termination(server['id']) except Exception: pass @classmethod def clear_volumes(cls): for volume in cls.volumes: try: cls.volumes_client.delete_volume(volume['id']) except Exception: pass for volume in cls.volumes: try: cls.volumes_client.wait_for_resource_deletion(volume['id']) except Exception: pass @classmethod def create_server(cls, **kwargs): """Wrapper utility that returns a test server.""" name = rand_name('ost1_test-' + '-instance' + cls.__name__ ) name = rand_name("ost1_test-" + cls.__name__ + "-instance") if 'name' in kwargs: name = kwargs.pop('name') flavor = kwargs.get('flavor', cls.flavor_ref) image_id = kwargs.get('image_id', cls.image_ref) resp, body = cls.servers_client.create_server( name, image_id, flavor, **kwargs) # handle the case of multiple servers servers = [body] if 'min_count' in kwargs or 'max_count' in kwargs: # Get servers created which name match with name param. r, b = cls.servers_client.list_servers() servers = [s for s in b['servers'] if s['name'].startswith(name)] cls.servers.extend(servers) if 'wait_until' in kwargs: for server in servers: cls.servers_client.wait_for_server_status( server['id'], kwargs['wait_until']) return resp, body @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.clear_servers() cls.clear_isolated_creds() cls.clear_volumes() def wait_for(self, condition): """Repeatedly calls condition() until a timeout.""" start_time = int(time.time()) while True: try: condition() except Exception: pass else: return if int(time.time()) - start_time >= self.build_timeout: condition() return time.sleep(self.build_interval) class BaseComputeAdminTest(BaseComputeTest): """Base test case class for all Compute Admin API tests.""" @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(BaseComputeAdminTest, cls).setUpClass() admin_username = cls.config.compute_admin.username admin_password = cls.config.compute_admin.password admin_tenant = cls.config.compute_admin.tenant_name if not (admin_username and admin_password and admin_tenant): msg = ("Missing Compute Admin API credentials " "in configuration.") raise cls.skipException(msg) cls.os_adm = clients.ComputeAdminManager(interface=cls._interface) class BaseIdentityAdminTest(fuel_health.test.BaseTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): os = clients.AdminManager(interface=cls._interface) cls.client = os.identity_client cls.token_client = os.token_client cls.service_client = os.services_client if not cls.client.has_admin_extensions(): raise cls.skipException("Admin extensions disabled") = DataGenerator(cls.client) os = clients.Manager(interface=cls._interface) cls.non_admin_client = os.identity_client @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): def disable_user(self, user_name): user = self.get_user_by_name(user_name) self.client.enable_disable_user(user['id'], False) def disable_tenant(self, tenant_name): tenant = self.get_tenant_by_name(tenant_name) self.client.update_tenant(tenant['id'], enabled=False) def get_user_by_name(self, name): _, users = self.client.get_users() user = [u for u in users if u['name'] == name] if len(user) > 0: return user[0] def get_tenant_by_name(self, name): _, tenants = self.client.list_tenants() tenant = [t for t in tenants if t['name'] == name] if len(tenant) > 0: return tenant[0] def get_role_by_name(self, name): _, roles = self.client.list_roles() role = [r for r in roles if r['name'] == name] if len(role) > 0: return role[0] class DataGenerator(object): def __init__(self, client): self.client = client self.users = [] self.tenants = [] self.roles = [] self.role_name = None def setup_test_user(self): """Set up a test user.""" self.setup_test_tenant() self.test_user = rand_name('ost1_test-user-') self.test_password = rand_name('ist1_test-pass_') self.test_email = self.test_user + '' resp, self.user = self.client.create_user(self.test_user, self.test_password, self.tenant['id'], self.test_email) self.users.append(self.user) def setup_test_tenant(self): """Set up a test tenant.""" self.test_tenant = rand_name('ost1_test-test-tenant_') self.test_description = rand_name('desc_') resp, self.tenant = self.client.create_tenant( name=self.test_tenant, description=self.test_description) self.tenants.append(self.tenant) def setup_test_role(self): """Set up a test role.""" self.test_role = rand_name('ost1_test-role') resp, self.role = self.client.create_role(self.test_role) self.roles.append(self.role) def teardown_all(self): for user in self.users: self.client.delete_user(user['id']) for tenant in self.tenants: self.client.delete_tenant(tenant['id']) for role in self.roles: self.client.delete_role(role['id']) class BaseNetworkTest(fuel_health.test.BaseTestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): os = clients.Manager() cls.network_cfg = if not cls.network_cfg.quantum_available: raise cls.skipException("Quantum support is required") cls.client = os.network_client cls.networks = [] cls.subnets = [] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): for subnet in cls.subnets: cls.client.delete_subnet(subnet['id']) for network in cls.networks: cls.client.delete_network(network['id']) @classmethod def create_network(cls, network_name=None): """Wrapper utility that returns a test network.""" network_name = network_name or rand_name('ost1_test-test-network-') resp, body = cls.client.create_network(network_name) network = body['network'] cls.networks.append(network) return network @classmethod def create_subnet(cls, network): """Wrapper utility that returns a test subnet.""" cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(cls.network_cfg.tenant_network_cidr) mask_bits = cls.network_cfg.tenant_network_mask_bits # Find a cidr that is not in use yet and create a subnet with it for subnet_cidr in cidr.subnet(mask_bits): try: resp, body = cls.client.create_subnet(network['id'], str(subnet_cidr)) break except exceptions.BadRequest as e: is_overlapping_cidr = 'overlaps with another subnet' in str(e) if not is_overlapping_cidr: raise subnet = body['subnet'] cls.subnets.append(subnet) return subnet class FixedIPsBase(BaseComputeAdminTest): _interface = 'json' ip = None @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(FixedIPsBase, cls).setUpClass() # NOTE(maurosr): The idea here is: the server creation is just an # auxiliary element to the ip details or reservation, there was no way # (at least none in my mind) to get an valid and existing ip except # by creating a server and using its ip. So the intention is to create # fewer server possible (one) and use it to both: json and xml tests. # This decreased time to run both tests, in my test machine, from 53 # secs to 29 (agains 23 secs when running only json tests) if cls.ip is None: cls.client = cls.os_adm.fixed_ips_client cls.non_admin_client = cls.fixed_ips_client resp, server = cls.create_server(wait_until='ACTIVE') resp, server = cls.servers_client.get_server(server['id']) for ip_set in server['addresses']: for ip in server['addresses'][ip_set]: if ip['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed': cls.ip = ip['addr'] break if cls.ip: break