# vim: tabstop=4 shiftwidth=4 softtabstop=4 # Copyright 2012 OpenStack, LLC # Copyright 2013 Mirantis, Inc. # All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import logging # Default client libs import cinderclient.client import glanceclient.client import keystoneclient.v2_0.client import novaclient.client import time from fuel_health.common.ssh import Client as SSHClient from fuel_health.exceptions import SSHExecCommandFailed from fuel_health.common.utils.data_utils import rand_name from fuel_health.common.utils.data_utils import rand_int_id from fuel_health import exceptions import fuel_health.manager import fuel_health.test from fuel_health import config LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) class OfficialClientManager(fuel_health.manager.Manager): """ Manager that provides access to the official python clients for calling various OpenStack APIs. """ NOVACLIENT_VERSION = '2' CINDERCLIENT_VERSION = '1' def __init__(self): super(OfficialClientManager, self).__init__() self.compute_client = self._get_compute_client() self.image_client = self._get_image_client() self.identity_client = self._get_identity_client() self.network_client = self._get_network_client() self.volume_client = self._get_volume_client() self.client_attr_names = [ 'compute_client', 'image_client', 'identity_client', 'network_client', 'volume_client', ] def _get_compute_client(self, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None): if not username: username = self.config.identity.admin_username if not password: password = self.config.identity.admin_password if not tenant_name: tenant_name = self.config.identity.admin_tenant_name if None in (username, password, tenant_name): msg = ("Missing required credentials for compute client. " "username: %(username)s, password: %(password)s, " "tenant_name: %(tenant_name)s") % locals() raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration(msg) auth_url = self.config.identity.uri dscv = self.config.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation client_args = (username, password, tenant_name, auth_url) # Create our default Nova client to use in testing service_type = self.config.compute.catalog_type return novaclient.client.Client(self.NOVACLIENT_VERSION, *client_args, service_type=service_type, no_cache=True, insecure=dscv) def _get_image_client(self): keystone = self._get_identity_client() token = keystone.auth_token endpoint = keystone.service_catalog.url_for(service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL') dscv = self.config.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation return glanceclient.Client('1', endpoint=endpoint, token=token, insecure=dscv) def _get_volume_client(self, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None): if not username: username = self.config.identity.admin_username if not password: password = self.config.identity.admin_password if not tenant_name: tenant_name = self.config.identity.admin_tenant_name auth_url = self.config.identity.uri return cinderclient.client.Client(self.CINDERCLIENT_VERSION, username, password, tenant_name, auth_url) def _get_identity_client(self, username=None, password=None, tenant_name=None): if not username: username = self.config.identity.admin_username if not password: password = self.config.identity.admin_password if not tenant_name: tenant_name = self.config.identity.admin_tenant_name if None in (username, password, tenant_name): msg = ("Missing required credentials for identity client. " "username: %(username)s, password: %(password)s, " "tenant_name: %(tenant_name)s") % locals() raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration(msg) auth_url = self.config.identity.uri dscv = self.config.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation return keystoneclient.v2_0.client.Client(username=username, password=password, tenant_name=tenant_name, auth_url=auth_url, insecure=dscv) def _get_network_client(self): username = self.config.identity.admin_username password = self.config.identity.admin_password tenant_name = self.config.identity.admin_tenant_name if None in (username, password, tenant_name): msg = ("Missing required credentials for network client. " "username: %(username)s, password: %(password)s, " "tenant_name: %(tenant_name)s") % locals() raise exceptions.InvalidConfiguration(msg) auth_url = self.config.identity.uri dscv = self.config.identity.disable_ssl_certificate_validation return class OfficialClientTest(fuel_health.test.TestCase): manager_class = OfficialClientManager @classmethod def _create_nano_flavor(cls): name = rand_name('ost1_test-flavor-nano') flavorid = 42 flavor_list = cls.compute_client.flavors.list() if flavor_list: for flavor in flavor_list: LOG.debug(flavor.id) if '42' in flavor.id: LOG.info('42 flavor id already exists') return flavor.id flavor = cls.compute_client.flavors.create( name, 64, 1, 1, flavorid) return flavor.id @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): cls.error_msg = [] try: cls.compute_client.flavors.delete('42') except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass while cls.os_resources: thing = cls.os_resources.pop() LOG.debug("Deleting %r from shared resources of %s" % (thing, cls.__name__)) try: # OpenStack resources are assumed to have a delete() # method which destroys the resource... thing.delete() except Exception as e: # If the resource is already missing, mission accomplished. if e.__class__.__name__ == 'NotFound': continue cls.error_msg.append(e) LOG.debug(e) def is_deletion_complete(): # Deletion testing is only required for objects whose # existence cannot be checked via retrieval. if isinstance(thing, dict): return True try: thing.get() except Exception as e: # Clients are expected to return an exception # called 'NotFound' if retrieval fails. if e.__class__.__name__ == 'NotFound': return True cls.error_msg.append(e) LOG.debug(e) return False # Block until resource deletion has completed or timed-out fuel_health.test.call_until_true(is_deletion_complete, 10, 1) class NovaNetworkScenarioTest(OfficialClientTest): """ Base class for nova network scenario tests """ _enabled = True @classmethod def check_preconditions(cls): cls._create_nano_flavor() cls._enabled = True if cls.config.network.neutron_available: cls._enabled = False else: cls._enabled = True # ensure the config says true try: cls.compute_client.networks.list() except exceptions.EndpointNotFound: cls._enabled = False def setUp(self): super(NovaNetworkScenarioTest, self).setUp() if not self._enabled: self.fail('Nova Networking is not available') @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(NovaNetworkScenarioTest, cls).setUpClass() cls.host = cls.config.compute.controller_nodes cls.usr = cls.config.compute.controller_node_ssh_user cls.pwd = cls.config.compute.controller_node_ssh_password cls.key = cls.config.compute.path_to_private_key cls.timeout = cls.config.compute.ssh_timeout cls.tenant_id = cls.manager._get_identity_client( cls.config.identity.admin_username, cls.config.identity.admin_password, cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name).tenant_id cls.network = [] cls.floating_ips = [] cls.sec_group = [] cls.error_msg = [] def _create_keypair(self, client, namestart='ost1_test-keypair-smoke-'): kp_name = rand_name(namestart) keypair = client.keypairs.create(kp_name) self.set_resource(kp_name, keypair) self.verify_response_body_content(keypair.id, kp_name, 'Keypair creation failed') return keypair def _create_security_group( self, client, namestart='ost1_test-secgroup-smoke-netw'): # Create security group sg_name = rand_name(namestart) sg_desc = sg_name + " description" secgroup = client.security_groups.create(sg_name, sg_desc) self.set_resource(sg_name, secgroup) self.verify_response_body_content(secgroup.name, sg_name, "Security group creation failed") self.verify_response_body_content(secgroup.description, sg_desc, "Security group creation failed") # Add rules to the security group # These rules are intended to permit inbound ssh and icmp # traffic from all sources, so no group_id is provided. # Setting a group_id would only permit traffic from ports # belonging to the same security group. rulesets = [ { # ssh 'ip_protocol': 'tcp', 'from_port': 22, 'to_port': 22, 'cidr': '', }, { # ping 'ip_protocol': 'icmp', 'from_port': -1, 'to_port': -1, 'cidr': '', } ] for ruleset in rulesets: try: client.security_group_rules.create(secgroup.id, **ruleset) except Exception: self.fail("Failed to create rule in security group.") return secgroup def _create_network(self, label='ost1_test-network-smoke-'): n_label = rand_name(label) cidr = self.config.network.tenant_network_cidr networks = self.compute_client.networks.create( label=n_label, cidr=cidr) self.set_resource(n_label, networks) self.network.append(networks) self.verify_response_body_content(networks.label, n_label, "Network creation failed") return networks @classmethod def _clear_networks(cls): try: for net in cls.network: cls.compute_client.networks.delete(net) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _list_networks(self): nets = self.compute_client.networks.list() return nets def _create_server(self, client, name, security_groups): base_image_id = get_image_from_name() create_kwargs = { 'security_groups': security_groups, } self._create_nano_flavor() server = client.servers.create(name, base_image_id, 42, **create_kwargs) self.verify_response_body_content(server.name, name, "Instance creation failed") self.set_resource(name, server) self.status_timeout(client.servers, server.id, 'ACTIVE') # The instance retrieved on creation is missing network # details, necessitating retrieval after it becomes active to # ensure correct details. server = client.servers.get(server.id) self.set_resource(name, server) return server def _create_floating_ip(self): floating_ips_pool = self.compute_client.floating_ip_pools.list() if floating_ips_pool: floating_ip = self.compute_client.floating_ips.create( pool=floating_ips_pool[0].name) self.floating_ips.append(floating_ip) return floating_ip else: self.fail('No available floating IP found') def _assign_floating_ip_to_instance(self, client, server, floating_ip): try: client.servers.add_floating_ip(server, floating_ip) except Exception: self.fail('Can not assign floating ip to instance') @classmethod def _clean_floating_is(cls): for ip in cls.floating_ips: try: cls.compute_client.floating_ips.delete(ip) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _ping_ip_address(self, ip_address): def ping(): cmd = 'ping -c1 -w1 ' + ip_address time.sleep(30) if self.host: try: SSHClient(self.host[0], self.usr, self.pwd, key_filename=self.key, timeout=self.timeout).exec_command(cmd) return True except SSHExecCommandFailed as exc: output_msg = "Instance is not reachable by floating IP." LOG.debug(exc) self.fail(output_msg) except Exception as exc: LOG.debug(exc) self.fail("Connection failed.") else: self.fail('Wrong tests configurations, one from the next ' 'parameters are empty controller_node_name or ' 'controller_node_ip ') # TODO Allow configuration of execution and sleep duration. return fuel_health.test.call_until_true(ping, 40, 1) def _ping_ip_address_from_instance(self, ip_address, viaHost=None): def ping(): time.sleep(30) ssh_timeout = self.timeout > 30 and self.timeout or 30 if not (self.host or viaHost): self.fail('Wrong tests configurations, one from the next ' 'parameters are empty controller_node_name or ' 'controller_node_ip ') try: host = viaHost or self.host[0] ssh = SSHClient(host, self.usr, self.pwd, key_filename=self.key, timeout=ssh_timeout) LOG.debug('Get ssh to auxiliary host') ssh.exec_command_on_vm(command='ping -c1 -w1', user='cirros', password='cubswin:)', vm=ip_address) LOG.debug('Get ssh to instance') return True except SSHExecCommandFailed as exc: output_msg = "Ping command failed." LOG.debug(exc) self.fail(output_msg) except Exception as exc: LOG.debug(exc) self.fail("Connection failed.") # TODO Allow configuration of execution and sleep duration. return fuel_health.test.call_until_true(ping, 40, 1) def _check_vm_connectivity(self, ip_address): self.assertTrue(self._ping_ip_address(ip_address), "Timed out waiting for %s to become " "reachable. Please, check Network " "configuration" % ip_address) def _check_connectivity_from_vm(self, ip_address, viaHost=None): self.assertTrue(self._ping_ip_address_from_instance(ip_address, viaHost=viaHost), "Timed out waiting for %s to become " "reachable. Please, check Network " "configuration" % ip_address) @classmethod def _verification_of_exceptions(cls): if cls.error_msg: for err in cls.error_msg: if err.__class__.__name__ == 'InternalServerError': raise cls.failureException('REST API of ' 'OpenStack is inaccessible.' ' Please try again') if err.__class__.__name__ == 'ClientException': raise cls.failureException('REST API of ' 'OpenStack is inaccessible.' ' Please try again') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(NovaNetworkScenarioTest, cls).tearDownClass() cls._clean_floating_is() cls._clear_networks() cls._verification_of_exceptions() def get_image_from_name(): cfg = config.FuelConfig() image_name = cfg.compute.image_name image_client = OfficialClientManager()._get_compute_client() images = image_client.images.list() LOG.debug(images) if images: for im in images: LOG.debug(im.name) if im.name.strip().lower() == image_name.strip().lower(): return im.id else: raise exceptions.ImageFault class SanityChecksTest(OfficialClientTest): """ Base class for openstack sanity tests """ _enabled = True @classmethod def check_preconditions(cls): cls._enabled = True if cls.config.network.neutron_available: cls._enabled = False else: cls._enabled = True # ensure the config says true try: cls.compute_client.networks.list() except exceptions.EndpointNotFound: cls._enabled = False def setUp(self): super(SanityChecksTest, self).setUp() if not self._enabled: self.fail('Nova Networking is not available') @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(SanityChecksTest, cls).setUpClass() cls.tenant_id = cls.manager._get_identity_client( cls.config.identity.admin_username, cls.config.identity.admin_password, cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name).tenant_id cls.network = [] cls.floating_ips = [] @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): pass def _list_instances(self, client): instances = client.servers.list() return instances def _list_images(self, client): images = client.images.list() return images def _list_volumes(self, client): volumes = client.volumes.list(detailed=False) return volumes def _list_snapshots(self, client): snapshots = client.volume_snapshots.list(detailed=False) return snapshots def _list_flavors(self, client): flavors = client.flavors.list() return flavors def _list_limits(self, client): limits = client.limits.get() return limits def _list_services(self, client): services = client.services.list() return services def _list_users(self, client): users = client.users.list() return users def _list_networks(self, client): networks = client.networks.list() return networks class SmokeChecksTest(OfficialClientTest): """ Base class for openstack smoke tests """ _enabled = True def setUp(self): super(SmokeChecksTest, self).setUp() if not self._enabled: self.fail('Nova Networking is not available') @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): super(SmokeChecksTest, cls).setUpClass() cls._create_nano_flavor() cls.tenant_id = cls.manager._get_identity_client( cls.config.identity.admin_username, cls.config.identity.admin_password, cls.config.identity.admin_tenant_name).tenant_id cls.build_interval = cls.config.volume.build_interval cls.build_timeout = cls.config.volume.build_timeout cls.flavors = [] cls.tenants = [] cls.users = [] cls.roles = [] cls.volumes = [] cls.error_msg = [] def _create_flavors(self, client, ram, disk, vcpus=1): name = rand_name('ost1_test-flavor-') flavorid = rand_int_id() flavor = client.flavors.create(name, ram, disk, vcpus, flavorid) self.flavors.append(flavor) return flavor @classmethod def _clean_flavors(cls): if cls.flavors: for flav in cls.flavors: try: cls.compute_client.flavors.delete(flav) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _create_tenant(self, client): name = rand_name('ost1_test-tenant-') tenant = client.tenants.create(name) self.tenants.append(tenant) return tenant @classmethod def _clean_tenants(cls): if cls.tenants: for ten in cls.tenants: try: cls.identity_client.tenants.delete(ten) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _create_user(self, client, tenant_id): password = "123456" email = "test@test.com" name = rand_name('ost1_test-user-') user = client.users.create(name, password, email, tenant_id) self.users.append(user) return user @classmethod def _clean_users(cls): if cls.users: for user in cls.users: try: cls.identity_client.users.delete(user) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _create_role(self, client): name = rand_name('ost1_test-role-') role = client.roles.create(name) self.roles.append(role) return role @classmethod def _clean_roles(cls): if cls.roles: for role in cls.roles: try: cls.identity_client.roles.delete(role) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass def _create_volume(self, client): display_name = rand_name('ost1_test-volume') volume = client.volumes.create(size=1, display_name=display_name) self.set_resource(display_name, volume) self.volumes.append(volume) return volume @classmethod def _clean_volumes(cls): if cls.volumes: for v in cls.volumes: if v.status == 'available' or v.status == 'error': try: cls.volume_client.volumes.delete(v) except Exception as exc: cls.error_msg.append(exc) LOG.debug(exc) pass else: pass def _create_server(self, client): name = rand_name('ost1_test-volume-instance') base_image_id = get_image_from_name() flavor_id = self._create_nano_flavor() server = client.servers.create(name, base_image_id, flavor_id) self.set_resource(name, server) self.verify_response_body_content(server.name, name, "Instance creation failed") # The instance retrieved on creation is missing network # details, necessitating retrieval after it becomes active to # ensure correct details. server = client.servers.get(server.id) #self.set_resource(name, server) return server def _attach_volume_to_instance(self, volume, instance): device = '/dev/vdb' attached_volume = self.compute_client.volumes.create_server_volume( volume_id=volume.id, server_id=instance, device=device) return attached_volume def _detach_volume(self, client, volume): volume = client.volumes.detach(volume) return volume def is_resource_deleted(self, volume): try: self.client.volumes.get(volume) except exceptions.NotFound: return True return False @classmethod def _verification_of_exceptions(cls): if cls.error_msg: for err in cls.error_msg: if err.__class__.__name__ == 'InternalServerError': raise cls.failureException('REST API of ' 'OpenStack is inaccessible.' ' Please try again') if err.__class__.__name__ == 'ClientException': raise cls.failureException('REST API of ' 'OpenStack is inaccessible.' ' Please try again') @classmethod def tearDownClass(cls): super(SmokeChecksTest, cls).tearDownClass() cls._clean_flavors() cls._clean_tenants() cls._clean_users() cls._clean_roles() cls._clean_volumes() cls._verification_of_exceptions()