Artem Roma 8c0fa6ed46 Field 'deployment_tags' for tests and test_sets alongside with migration to
support these changes were added. To fabfile task that performs creation
of new alembic migration was added. Additional refactoring and non-major

cluster_id field was added for test_sets (migration script was
supplied). Logic of discovering test_sets and tests was moved to
controllers (test-set controller). Nose plugin was refactored. Tests was not be
supplied for new features.

Test discovering in controllers. Models description and discovery logic changing

New pure init revision for alembic (other have been deleted). Some non-major refactoring to other files

All system was refactored in order to support new logic of discovering test_sets and tests in ostf runtime

Non-major fix in fabfile. For unit tests logic that controlls data writing to db from tests has been added. Test for nose_discovery have been supplied

Some non-major fixes to nose_discovery plugin. Unit tests for nose_discovery have been finished

deployments_types_tests were added for the purpose of testing new discovery behaviour and with intesions to keep logic defined with dummy_tests. Unit tests for nose discovery have been fixed.

New fake empty tests were added just to keep logic defined in dummy_tests

Unit tests for wsgi_controllers have been fixed

unit tests for wsgi controllers have been finished

Some fixes to wsgi contorollers (now test_set controller returns non
first result from query but all; test controller return all tests with
no test_run id present within it). Nose discovery function was fixed:
now it searches for test_sets for given cluster id without checking data
in db (in this case sqlalchemy merge should prevent from making
dublicates). Some methods in nose_storage_plugin were fixed for the sake
of supporting new behaviour of get_description function (with new
addition value returning - deployment_tags). Attemptings to rewrite
functional tests were made thus TestingAdapterClient was modified. Some
other non-major fixes were added.

New changes to nose_discovery func (checking out of cluster's
redeploying, implementing is not finished). Some changed to controllers
(mostly to returning value). Nose discovery tests were changed in order
to implement future changes. Proper processing of debug_tests path was
added to wsgi_utils.

Some fixes to discovery logic and different tests

BaseTestingAdapter was simplified. Several functional tests have been

For Test class new element 'disabled' for statuses enumerate was added.
New initial_migration was added (since models were modified). Functional
tests were fixed to support new logic.

Smth strange with wsgi_utils.

Test for redeployed cluster were added to test_wsgi_controllers.py.
multinode_deployment_tests were fixed.

Change-Id: Ie9acfc6b57c4c3d2d1e5a7480929328fb193bf2c
2013-10-08 14:55:40 +03:00

24 lines
775 B

# Tox (http://tox.testrun.org/) is a tool for running tests
# in multiple virtualenvs. This configuration file will run the
# test suite on all supported python versions. To use it, "pip install tox"
# and then run "tox" from this directory.
envlist = py26, py27, pep8, cover
commands = nosetests fuel_plugin.tests.unit
deps = -r{toxinidir}/tools/test-requires
deps = pep8
commands = pep8 --repeat --show-source --exclude=.venv,.tox,dist,./build,doc,*egg,tests,functional,test_utils,ostf_client .
commands = nosetests fuel_plugin.tests.unit --no-path-adjustment --with-coverage --cover-erase --cover-package=fuel_plugin.ostf_adapter
#deps = requests
#commands = nosetests functional/tests.py:AdapterTests