# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from __future__ import division import copy # pylint: disable=no-name-in-module # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from distutils import version # pylint: enable=no-name-in-module import inspect import json import os import posixpath import random import re import signal import string import time import traceback from warnings import warn import netaddr from proboscis import asserts from proboscis.asserts import assert_true from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal # pylint: disable=import-error # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from six.moves import configparser # pylint: enable=import-error # pylint: disable=redefined-builtin # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences from six.moves import xrange # pylint: enable=redefined-builtin import yaml from core.helpers.log_helpers import logwrap from core.models.value_objects import FuelAccessParams from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test import settings from fuelweb_test.helpers.ssh_manager import SSHManager from gates_tests.helpers import exceptions @logwrap def get_yaml_to_json(node_ssh, filename): msg = ( 'get_yaml_to_json helper is unused in fuel-qa and planned ' 'for deletion on 14.09.2016') warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) traceback.print_stack() logger.critical(msg) cmd = ("python -c 'import sys, yaml, json; json.dump(" "yaml.load(sys.stdin)," " sys.stdout)' < {0}").format(filename) err_res = '' res = node_ssh.execute(cmd) err_res.join(res['stderr']) asserts.assert_equal( res['exit_code'], 0, 'Command {0} execution failed ' 'with message {1}'.format(cmd, err_res)) return res['stdout'] @logwrap def put_json_on_remote_from_dict(remote, src_dict, cluster_id): msg = ( 'put_json_on_remote_from_dict helper is unused in fuel-qa and planned ' 'for deletion on 14.09.2016') warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) traceback.print_stack() logger.critical(msg) cmd = ('python -c "import json; ' 'data=json.dumps({0}); print data"').format(src_dict) result = remote.execute( '{0} > /var/log/network_{1}.json'.format(cmd, cluster_id)) asserts.assert_equal( result['exit_code'], 0, 'Failed to run cmd {0} with result {1}'.format(cmd, result)) @logwrap def nova_service_get_pid(node_ssh, nova_services=None): pid_dict = {} for el in nova_services: cmd = "pgrep {0}".format(el) pid_dict[el] = node_ssh.execute(cmd)['stdout'] logger.debug('current dict is {0}'. format(pid_dict)) return pid_dict @logwrap def check_if_service_restarted(node_ssh, services_list=None, pattern='(re)?start', skip=0): if services_list: # from the log file {2}, scan all lines after line {0} with the # pattern {1} to find restarted services, print their names to stdout cmd = ("awk 'NR >= {0} && /{1}/ {{print $11}}' {2}" .format(skip, pattern, '/var/log/puppet.log')) res = ''.join(node_ssh.execute(cmd)['stdout']) logger.debug('Next services were restarted {0}'.format(res)) for service in services_list: asserts.assert_true( any(service in x for x in res), 'Seems service {0} was not restarted {1}'.format(service, res)) @logwrap def pull_out_logs_via_ssh(admin_remote, name, logs_dirs=('/var/log/', '/root/', '/etc/fuel/')): def _compress_logs(_dirs, _archive_path): cmd = 'tar --absolute-names --warning=no-file-changed -czf {t} {d}'.\ format(t=_archive_path, d=' '.join(_dirs)) result = admin_remote.execute(cmd) if result['exit_code'] != 0: logger.error("Compressing of logs on master node failed: {0}". format(result)) return False return True archive_path = '/var/tmp/fail_{0}_diagnostic-logs_{1}.tgz'.format( name, time.strftime("%Y_%m_%d__%H_%M_%S", time.gmtime())) try: if _compress_logs(logs_dirs, archive_path): if not admin_remote.download(archive_path, settings.LOGS_DIR): logger.error(("Downloading of archive with logs failed, file" "wasn't saved on local host")) except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @logwrap def store_astute_yaml(env): func_name = get_test_method_name() nailgun_nodes = env.fuel_web.client.list_nodes() def store_astute_yaml_for_one_node(nailgun_node): ssh_manager = SSHManager() if 'roles' not in nailgun_node: return None errmsg = 'Downloading "{0}.yaml" from the {1} failed' msg = 'File "{0}.yaml" was downloaded from the {1}' nodename = nailgun_node['name'] ip = nailgun_node['ip'] for role in nailgun_node['roles']: filename = '{0}/{1}-{2}-{3}.yaml'.format(settings.LOGS_DIR, func_name, nodename, role) if not ssh_manager.isfile_on_remote(ip, '/etc/{0}.yaml'.format(role)): role = 'primary-' + role if ssh_manager.download_from_remote(ip, '/etc/{0}.yaml'.format(role), filename): logger.info(msg.format(role, nodename)) else: logger.error(errmsg.format(role, nodename)) if settings.DOWNLOAD_FACTS: fact_filename = re.sub(r'-\w*\.', '-facts.', filename) generate_facts(ip) if ssh_manager.download_from_remote(ip, '/tmp/facts.yaml', fact_filename): logger.info(msg.format('facts', nodename)) else: logger.error(errmsg.format('facts', nodename)) try: for node in nailgun_nodes: store_astute_yaml_for_one_node(node) except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @logwrap def generate_facts(ip): ssh_manager = SSHManager() facter_dir = '/var/lib/puppet/lib/facter' exluded_facts = ['naily.rb'] if not ssh_manager.isdir_on_remote(ip, facter_dir): ssh_manager.mkdir_on_remote(ip, facter_dir) logger.debug('Directory {0} was created'.format(facter_dir)) ssh_manager.execute_on_remote(ip, 'rm -f {0}/*.rb'.format(facter_dir)) logger.debug('rb files were removed from {0}'.format(facter_dir)) facts_files = ssh_manager.execute_on_remote( ip, 'find /etc/puppet/modules/ -wholename "*/lib/facter/*.rb"')['stdout'] facts_files = [i.strip() for i in facts_files] logger.debug('The following facts {0} will' ' be copied to {1}'.format(facts_files, facter_dir)) for fact in facts_files: if not fact or re.sub(r'.*/', '', fact) in exluded_facts: continue ssh_manager.execute_on_remote(ip, 'cp {0} {1}/'.format(fact, facter_dir)) logger.debug('Facts were copied') ssh_manager.execute_on_remote(ip, 'facter -p -y > /tmp/facts.yaml') logger.info('Facts yaml was created') ssh_manager.execute_on_remote(ip, 'rm -f {0}/*.rb'.format(facter_dir)) logger.debug('rb files were removed from {0}'.format(facter_dir)) @logwrap def get_node_packages(remote, func_name, node_role, packages_dict, release=settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE): if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in release: cmd = "dpkg-query -W -f='${Package} ${Version}'\r" else: cmd = 'rpm -qa --qf "%{name} %{version}"\r' node_packages = remote.execute(cmd)['stdout'][0].split('\r')[:-1] logger.debug("node packages are {0}".format(node_packages)) packages_dict[func_name][node_role] = node_packages\ if node_role not in packages_dict[func_name].keys()\ else list(set(packages_dict[func_name][node_role]) | set(node_packages)) return packages_dict @logwrap def store_packages_json(env): func_name = "".join(get_test_method_name()) packages = {func_name: {}} cluster_id = env.fuel_web.get_last_created_cluster() for nailgun_node in env.fuel_web.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id): role = '_'.join(nailgun_node['roles']) logger.debug('role is {0}'.format(role)) with env.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(nailgun_node['ip']) as remote: packages = get_node_packages(remote, func_name, role, packages) packages_file = '{0}/packages.json'.format(settings.LOGS_DIR) if os.path.isfile(packages_file): with open(packages_file, 'r') as outfile: try: file_packages = json.load(outfile) except: file_packages = {} packages.update(file_packages) with open(packages_file, 'w') as outfile: json.dump(packages, outfile) @logwrap def get_test_method_name(): # Find the name of the current test in the stack. It can be found # right under the class name 'NoneType' (when proboscis # run the test method with unittest.FunctionTestCase) stack = inspect.stack() method = '' for m in stack: if 'self' in m[0].f_locals: if m[0].f_locals['self'].__class__.__name__ == 'NoneType': break method = m[3] return method def get_current_env(args): if args[0].__class__.__name__ == "EnvironmentModel": return args[0] elif args[0].__class__.__name__ in ("FuelWebClient", "FuelWebClient29", "FuelWebClient30"): return args[0].environment else: try: return args[0].env except AttributeError as attr_err: logger.error("Class '{0}' doesn't have 'env' attribute! {1}" .format(args[0].__class__.__name__, attr_err.message)) raise @logwrap def update_yaml(yaml_tree=None, yaml_value='', is_uniq=True, yaml_file=settings.TIMESTAT_PATH_YAML): """Store/update a variable in YAML file. yaml_tree - path to the variable in YAML file, will be created if absent, yaml_value - value of the variable, will be overwritten if exists, is_uniq - If false, add the unique two-digit suffix to the variable name. """ if yaml_tree is None: yaml_tree = [] yaml_data = {} if os.path.isfile(yaml_file): with open(yaml_file, 'r') as f: yaml_data = yaml.load(f) # Walk through the 'yaml_data' dict, find or create a tree using # sub-keys in order provided in 'yaml_tree' list item = yaml_data for n in yaml_tree[:-1]: if n not in item: item[n] = {} item = item[n] if is_uniq: last = yaml_tree[-1] else: # Create an uniq suffix in range '_00' to '_99' for n in range(100): last = str(yaml_tree[-1]) + '_' + str(n).zfill(2) if last not in item: break item[last] = yaml_value with open(yaml_file, 'w') as f: yaml.dump(yaml_data, f, default_flow_style=False) class TimeStat(object): """ Context manager for measuring the execution time of the code. Usage: with TimeStat([name],[is_uniq=True]): """ def __init__(self, name=None, is_uniq=False): if name: self.name = name else: self.name = 'timestat' self.is_uniq = is_uniq self.begin_time = 0 self.end_time = 0 self.total_time = 0 def __enter__(self): self.begin_time = time.time() return self def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb): self.end_time = time.time() self.total_time = self.end_time - self.begin_time # Create a path where the 'self.total_time' will be stored. yaml_path = [] # There will be a list of one or two yaml subkeys: # - first key name is the method name of the test method_name = get_test_method_name() if method_name: yaml_path.append(method_name) # - second (subkey) name is provided from the decorator (the name of # the just executed function), or manually. yaml_path.append(self.name) try: update_yaml(yaml_path, '{:.2f}'.format(self.total_time), self.is_uniq) except Exception: logger.error("Error storing time statistic for {0}" " {1}".format(yaml_path, traceback.format_exc())) raise @property def spent_time(self): return time.time() - self.begin_time def install_pkg(remote, pkg_name): """Install a package on node :param remote: SSHClient to remote node :param pkg_name: name of a package :return: exit code of installation """ remote_status = remote.execute("rpm -q '{0}'".format(pkg_name)) if remote_status['exit_code'] == 0: logger.info("Package '{0}' already installed.".format(pkg_name)) else: logger.info("Installing package '{0}' ...".format(pkg_name)) remote_status = remote.execute("yum -y install {0}" .format(pkg_name)) logger.info("Installation of the package '{0}' has been" " completed with exit code {1}" .format(pkg_name, remote_status['exit_code'])) return remote_status['exit_code'] def install_pkg_2(ip, pkg_name, port=22): """Install a package on node :param ip: ip of node :param pkg_name: name of a package :param port: ssh port :return: exit code of installation """ ssh_manager = SSHManager() remote_status = ssh_manager.execute( ip=ip, port=port, cmd="rpm -q '{0}'".format(pkg_name) ) if remote_status['exit_code'] == 0: logger.info("Package '{0}' already installed.".format(pkg_name)) else: logger.info("Installing package '{0}' ...".format(pkg_name)) remote_status = ssh_manager.execute( ip=ip, port=port, cmd="yum -y install {0}".format(pkg_name) ) logger.info("Installation of the package '{0}' has been" " completed with exit code {1}" .format(pkg_name, remote_status['exit_code'])) return remote_status['exit_code'] def cond_upload(remote, source, target, condition=''): # Upload files only if condition in regexp matches filenames if remote.isdir(target): target = posixpath.join(target, os.path.basename(source)) source = os.path.expanduser(source) if not os.path.isdir(source): if re.match(condition, source): remote.upload(source, target) logger.debug("File '{0}' uploaded to the remote folder '{1}'" .format(source, target)) return 1 else: logger.debug("Pattern '{0}' doesn't match the file '{1}', " "uploading skipped".format(condition, source)) return 0 files_count = 0 for rootdir, _, files in os.walk(source): targetdir = os.path.normpath( os.path.join( target, os.path.relpath(rootdir, source))).replace("\\", "/") remote.mkdir(targetdir) for entry in files: local_path = os.path.join(rootdir, entry) remote_path = posixpath.join(targetdir, entry) if re.match(condition, local_path): remote.upload(local_path, remote_path) files_count += 1 logger.debug("File '{0}' uploaded to the remote folder '{1}'" .format(source, target)) if 'deb' in entry: continue entry_name = entry[0:entry.rfind('-', 0, entry.rfind('-'))] asserts.assert_true(compare_packages_version( remote, entry_name, remote_path)) else: logger.debug("Pattern '{0}' doesn't match the file '{1}', " "uploading skipped".format(condition, local_path)) return files_count def json_deserialize(json_string): """ Deserialize json_string and return object :param json_string: string or list with json :return: obj :raise: Exception """ msg = ( 'put_json_on_remote_from_dict helper is unused in fuel-qa and planned ' 'for deletion on 14.09.2016') warn(msg, DeprecationWarning) logger.critical(msg) if isinstance(json_string, list): json_string = ''.join(json_string) try: obj = json.loads(json_string) except Exception: log_msg = "Unable to deserialize" logger.error("{0}. Actual string:\n{1}".format(log_msg, json_string)) raise Exception(log_msg) return obj def check_distribution(): """Checks whether distribution is supported. :return: None :raise: Exception """ if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE not in (settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS, settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU): error_msg = ("{0} distribution is not supported!".format( settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE)) logger.error(error_msg) raise Exception(error_msg) @logwrap def get_network_template(template_name): templates_path = ('{0}/fuelweb_test/network_templates/'.format( os.environ.get("WORKSPACE", "./"))) template = os.path.join(templates_path, '{}.yaml'.format(template_name)) if os.path.exists(template): with open(template) as template_file: return yaml.load(template_file) @logwrap def get_net_settings(remote, skip_interfaces=None): if skip_interfaces is None: skip_interfaces = set() net_settings = dict() interface_cmd = ('awk \'$1~/:/{split($1,iface,":"); print iface[1]}\'' ' /proc/net/dev') vlan_cmd = 'awk \'$1~/\./{print $1}\' /proc/net/vlan/config' bond_cmd = ('awk \'{gsub(" ","\\n"); print}\' ' '/sys/class/net/bonding_masters') bridge_cmd = 'ls -d1 /sys/class/net/*/bridge/ | cut -d/ -f5' ip_cmd = 'ip -o -4 addr show dev {0} | awk \'{{print $4}}\'' bond_mode_cmd = 'awk \'{{print $1}}\' /sys/class/net/{0}/bonding/mode' bond_slaves_cmd = ('awk \'{{gsub(" ","\\n"); print}}\' ' '/sys/class/net/{0}/bonding/slaves') bridge_slaves_cmd = 'ls -1 /sys/class/net/{0}/brif/' node_interfaces = [ l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(interface_cmd).stdout if not any(re.search(regex, l.strip()) for regex in skip_interfaces)] node_vlans = [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(vlan_cmd).stdout] node_bonds = [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(bond_cmd).stdout] node_bridges = [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(bridge_cmd).stdout] for interface in node_interfaces: bond_mode = None bond_slaves = None bridge_slaves = None if interface in node_vlans: if_type = 'vlan' elif interface in node_bonds: if_type = 'bond' bond_mode = ''.join( [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(bond_mode_cmd.format(interface)).stdout]) bond_slaves = set( [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(bond_slaves_cmd.format(interface)).stdout] ) elif interface in node_bridges: if_type = 'bridge' bridge_slaves = set( [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(bridge_slaves_cmd.format(interface)).stdout if not any(re.search(regex, l.strip()) for regex in skip_interfaces)] ) else: if_type = 'common' if_ips = set( [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(ip_cmd.format(interface)).stdout] ) net_settings[interface] = { 'type': if_type, 'ip_addresses': if_ips, 'bond_mode': bond_mode, 'bond_slaves': bond_slaves, 'bridge_slaves': bridge_slaves } return net_settings @logwrap def get_ip_listen_stats(remote, proto='tcp'): # If bindv6only is disabled, then IPv6 sockets listen on IPv4 too check_v6_bind_cmd = 'cat /proc/sys/net/ipv6/bindv6only' bindv6only = ''.join( [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(check_v6_bind_cmd).stdout]) check_v6 = bindv6only == '0' if check_v6: cmd = ("awk '$4 == \"0A\" {{gsub(\"00000000000000000000000000000000\"," "\"00000000\", $2); print $2}}' " "/proc/net/{0} /proc/net/{0}6").format(proto) else: cmd = "awk '$4 == \"0A\" {{print $2}}' /proc/net/{0}".format(proto) return [l.strip() for l in remote.check_call(cmd).stdout] @logwrap def node_freemem(remote, unit='MB'): """Return free memory and swap units :type : str, can be a KB, MB, GB. Default is MB """ denominators = { 'KB': 1, 'MB': 1024, 'GB': 1024 ** 2 } denominator = denominators.get(unit, denominators['MB']) cmd_mem_free = 'free -k | grep Mem:' cmd_swap_free = 'free -k | grep Swap:' mem_free = remote.check_call(cmd_mem_free).stdout[0] swap_free = remote.check_call(cmd_swap_free).stdout[0] ret = { "mem": { "total": int(mem_free.split()[1]) // denominator, "used": int(mem_free.split()[2]) // denominator, "free": int(mem_free.split()[3]) // denominator, "shared": int(mem_free.split()[4]) // denominator, "buffers": int(mem_free.split()[5]) // denominator, "cached": int(mem_free.split()[6]) // denominator }, "swap": { "total": int(swap_free.split()[1]) // denominator, "used": int(swap_free.split()[2]) // denominator, "free": int(swap_free.split()[3]) // denominator, } } return ret def hiera_json_out(node_ip, parameter): hiera_cmd = "ruby -rhiera -rjson -e \"h = Hiera.new(); " \ "Hiera.logger = 'noop'; " \ "puts JSON.dump(h.lookup(\'{0}\', " \ "[], {{}}, nil, nil))\"".format(parameter) ssh_manager = SSHManager() config = ssh_manager.execute_on_remote( ip=node_ip, cmd=hiera_cmd, jsonify=True, err_msg='Cannot get floating ranges')['stdout_json'] return config def generate_floating_ranges(start_ip, end_ip, step): """Generating floating range by first and last ip with any step :param start_ip: first ip address in floating range :param end_ip: last ip address in floating range :param step: count of ip addresses in floating range :return: """ ranges = [] ip_start = netaddr.IPAddress(str(start_ip)) ip_end = netaddr.IPAddress(str(end_ip)) while ip_end - step > ip_start: ranges.append([str(ip_start), str(ip_start + step)]) ip_start += (step + 1) return ranges def get_node_hiera_roles(remote, fqdn=None): """Get hiera roles assigned to host :param remote: SSHClient to node :param fqdn: fqdn of the host :return: rtype: dict host plus role """ cmd = 'hiera roles' if fqdn: cmd += ' fqdn={}'.format(fqdn) roles = remote.check_call(cmd).stdout_str # Content string with roles like a ["ceph-osd", "controller"] to list return [role.strip('" ') for role in roles.strip("[]").split(',')] class RunLimit(object): def __init__(self, seconds=60, error_message='Timeout'): self.seconds = seconds self.error_message = error_message def handle_timeout(self, signum, frame): raise TimeoutException(self.error_message) def __enter__(self): signal.signal(signal.SIGALRM, self.handle_timeout) signal.alarm(self.seconds) def __exit__(self, exc_type, value, traceback): signal.alarm(0) class TimeoutException(Exception): pass def pretty_log(src, indent=0, invert=False): """ Make log more readable and awesome The main application is using instead of json.dumps(). :param src: dictionary with data, list of dicts can be also used for strings or lists of strings, but it makes no sense. Note: Indent for list by default is +3. If you want to call pretty_log for list , call it with indent=-3 for 0, indent=-3+1 for 1 and etc. :param indent: int :param invert: Swaps first and second columns. Can be used ONLY with one levels dictionary :return: formatted string with result, can be used in log """ result = '' templates = ["\n{indent}{item:{len}}{value}" if not invert else "\n{indent}{value:{len}}{item}", "\n{indent}{item}:", '\n{indent}{value}'] if src and isinstance(src, dict): max_len = len(max(src.values() if invert else src.keys(), key=lambda x: len(str(x)))) for key, value in src.items(): if (isinstance(value, dict) and value) or \ isinstance(value, list): result += templates[1].format(indent=' ' * indent, item=key) result += pretty_log(value, indent + 3) else: result += templates[0].format(indent=' ' * indent, item=key, value=str(value), len=max_len + 5) elif src and isinstance(src, list): for el in src: if (isinstance(el, dict) and el) or isinstance(el, list): res = pretty_log(el, indent + 3) else: res = templates[2].format(indent=' ' * (indent + 3), value=str(el)) result += res[:indent + 2] + '-' + res[indent + 3:] return result @logwrap def get_config_template(template_name): """Get content of yaml file as dictionary. :param template_name: a string of name yaml file :return: a dictionary with configuration data """ import fuelweb_test template = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(fuelweb_test.__file__), 'config_templates/{0}.yaml'.format(template_name)) if os.path.exists(template): with open(template) as template_file: return yaml.load(template_file) @logwrap def get_ini_config(data): """Get a data of configuration file. :param data: a file object :return: a ConfigParser object """ config = configparser.ConfigParser() config.readfp(data) return config @logwrap def check_config(conf, conf_name, section, option, value): """Check existence of parameter with a proper value or its absence in configuration file. :param conf: a file object :param conf_name: a string of full file path :param section: a string of section name in configuration file :param option: a string of option name in configuration file :param value: None or a string of value in configuration file """ if value is None: if conf.has_section(section) and conf.has_option(section, option): current_value = conf.get(section, option) raise Exception('The option "{0}" of section "{1}" should be ' 'absent but actually has value "{2}" ' 'in config file "{3}": FAIL'.format(option, section, current_value, conf_name)) logger.debug('Expected that the option "{0}" of section "{1}" is ' 'absent in config file "{2}": SUCCESS'.format(option, section, conf_name)) else: if not conf.has_section(section) and section != 'DEFAULT': raise Exception('The section "{0}" is absent in ' 'config file "{1}": FAIL'.format(section, conf_name)) if not conf.has_option(section, option): raise Exception('The option "{0}" of section "{1}" is absent ' 'in config file "{2}": FAIL'.format(option, section, conf_name)) current_value = conf.get(section, option) asserts.assert_equal(current_value, value, 'Expected that the option "{0}" has value ' '"{1}" in config file {2} but actually has ' 'value "{3}": FAIL'.format(option, value, conf_name, current_value)) logger.debug('The config file "{0}" contains ' 'the correct value "{1}" of option "{2}" ' 'in section "{3}": SUCCESS'.format(conf_name, value, option, section)) @logwrap def get_process_uptime(remote, process_name): """Get process uptime. :param remote: SSHClient to node :param process_name: a string of process name :return: a int value of process uptime in seconds """ cmd = "ps hf -opid -C {0} | awk '{{print $1; exit}}'".format(process_name) parent_pid = remote.execute(cmd)['stdout'] asserts.assert_not_equal(parent_pid, [], "No such process " "with name {0}".format(process_name)) parent_pid = parent_pid[0].replace('\n', '') cmd = "ps -p {0} -o etime= | awk '{{print $1}}'".format(parent_pid) ps_output = remote.execute(cmd)['stdout'][0].replace('\n', '') ps_output = ps_output.split(':') uptime = 0 time_factor = 1 for i in xrange(1, len(ps_output) + 1): uptime += int(ps_output[-i]) * time_factor time_factor *= 60 return uptime def get_package_version(remote_admin, package, income=None): if income: cmd_version = ('rpm ' '-qp {0} --queryformat ' '"%{{VERSION}} %{{RELEASE}}"'.format(package)) else: cmd_version = ('rpm ' '-q {0} --queryformat ' '"%{{VERSION}} %{{RELEASE}}"'.format(package)) result = remote_admin.execute(cmd_version) logger.debug('Command {0} execution result {1}'.format( cmd_version, result)) if result['exit_code'] != 0: asserts.assert_true('not installed' in ''.join(result['stdout']), 'Command {0} fails by unexpected ' 'reason {1}'.format(cmd_version, result)) return None return ''.join(result['stdout']).strip() def compare_packages_version(remote, package_name, income_package_name): income_release, income_version = get_package_version( remote, income_package_name, income=True).split(' ') if not get_package_version(remote, package_name): return True installed_release, installed_version = get_package_version( remote, package_name).split(' ') if not version.LooseVersion(income_release) == version.LooseVersion( installed_release): raise exceptions.PackageVersionError( package=income_package_name, version=income_release) if version.LooseVersion(installed_version) >= version.LooseVersion( income_version): raise exceptions.PackageVersionError( package=income_package_name, version=income_version) else: return True def erase_data_from_hdd(remote, device=None, mount_point=None, source="/dev/zero", block_size=512, blocks_from_start=2 * 1024 * 8, blocks_from_end=2 * 1024 * 8): """Erases data on "device" using "dd" utility. :param remote: devops.SSHClient, remote to node :param device: str, block device which should be corrupted. If none - drive mounted at "mount_point" will be used for erasing :param mount_point: str, mount point for auto-detecting drive for erasing :param source: str, block device or file that will be used as source for "dd", default - /dev/zero :param block_size: int, block size which will be pass to "dd" :param blocks_from_start: int, count of blocks which will be erased from the beginning of the hard drive. Default - 16,384 (with bs=512 - 8MB) :param blocks_from_end: int, count of blocks which will be erased from the end of the hard drive. Default - 16,384 (with bs=512 - 8MB) :raises Exception: if return code of any of commands is not 0 """ if not device: asserts.assert_is_not_none( mount_point, "Mount point is not defined, will do nothing") device = remote.execute( "awk '$2 == \"{mount_point}\" {{print $1}}' /proc/mounts".format( mount_point=mount_point) )['stdout'][0] # get block device for partition try: device = re.findall(r"(/dev/[a-z]+)", device)[0] except IndexError: logger.error("Can not find any block device in output! " "Output is:'{}'".format(device)) commands = [] logger.debug("Boot sector of device '{}' will be erased".format(device)) if blocks_from_start > 0: commands.append( "dd bs={block_size} if={source} of={device} " "count={blocks_from_start}".format( block_size=block_size, source=source, device=device, blocks_from_start=blocks_from_start) ) if blocks_from_end > 0: commands.append( "dd bs={block_size} if={source} of={device} " "count={blocks_from_end} " "seek=$((`blockdev --getsz {device}` - {seek}))".format( block_size=block_size, source=source, device=device, blocks_from_end=blocks_from_end, seek=block_size * blocks_from_end) ) commands.append("sync") for cmd in commands: remote.check_call(cmd) @logwrap def fill_space(ip, file_dir, size): """Allocates space to some file in the specified directory on the specified node :param ip: the ip of the node :param file_dir: the specified directory :param size: the amount of space in Mb """ file_name = "test_data" file_path = os.path.join(file_dir, file_name) SSHManager().execute_on_remote( ip=ip, cmd='fallocate -l {0}M {1}'.format(size, file_path), err_msg="The file {0} was not allocated".format(file_name)) @logwrap def get_ceph_partitions(ip, device, fs_type="xfs"): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code ret = SSHManager().check_call( ip=ip, command="parted {device} print | grep {type}".format(device=device, type=fs_type) ).stdout if not ret: logger.error( "Partition not present! {partitions}: ".format( partitions=SSHManager().check_call( ip=ip, command="parted {device} print").stdout_str)) raise Exception() logger.debug("Partitions: {part}".format(part=ret)) return ret @logwrap def get_mongo_partitions(ip, device): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code ret = SSHManager().check_call( ip=ip, command="lsblk | grep {device} | awk {size}".format( device=device, size=re.escape('{print $4}')) )['stdout'] if not ret: logger.error( "Partition not present! {partitions}: ".format( partitions=SSHManager().check_call( ip=ip, command="parted {device} print").stdout_str)) raise Exception() logger.debug("Partitions: {part}".format(part=ret)) return ret @logwrap def upload_tarball(ip, tar_path, tar_target): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code assert_true(tar_path, "Source path for uploading 'tar_path' is empty, " "please check test settings!") if os.path.splitext(tar_path)[1] not in [".tar", ".lrz", ".fp", ".rpm"]: raise Exception("Wrong archive type!") try: logger.info("Start to upload tar file") SSHManager().upload_to_remote( ip=ip, source=tar_path, target=tar_target ) logger.info('File {} was uploaded on master'.format(tar_path)) except Exception: logger.error('Failed to upload file') logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) @logwrap def install_plugin_check_code(ip, plugin, exit_code=0): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code cmd = "cd /var && fuel plugins --install {0} ".format(plugin) chan, _, stderr, _ = SSHManager().execute_async_on_remote( ip=ip, cmd=cmd ) logger.debug('Try to read status code from chain...') assert_equal( chan.recv_exit_status(), exit_code, 'Install script fails with next message {0}'.format(''.join(stderr))) @logwrap def get_package_versions_from_node(ip, name, os_type): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code if os_type and 'Ubuntu' in os_type: cmd = "dpkg-query -W -f='${Version}' %s" % name else: cmd = "rpm -q {0}".format(name) try: result = ''.join(SSHManager().execute(ip, cmd)['stdout']) return result.strip() except Exception: logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise @logwrap def get_file_size(ip, file_name, file_path): # Moved from checkers.py for improvement of code file_size = SSHManager().check_call( ip, 'stat -c "%s" {0}/{1}'.format(file_path, file_name), error_info="Failed to get '{0}/{1}' file stats on" " remote node".format(file_path, file_name) ) return int(file_size['stdout'][0].rstrip()) @logwrap def get_quantity_of_numa(ip): """Get number of NUMA nodes that are contained on remote node :param ip: node IP :return: int, count of available NUMA nodes on the node """ numa = int(SSHManager().check_call( ip=ip, command="lstopo | grep -c NUMANode" ).stdout[0]) if not numa: logger.debug("There are no NUMA nodes on {0}".format(ip)) else: logger.debug("There is {0} NUMA node(s) on {1}".format(numa, ip)) return numa @logwrap def dict_merge(a, b): """ Recursively merges dict's. Not just simple a['key'] = b['key'], if both a and b have a key who's value is a dict then dict_merge is called on both values and the result stored in the returned dictionary. """ if not isinstance(b, dict): return copy.deepcopy(b) result = copy.deepcopy(a) for k, v in b.items(): if k in result and isinstance(result[k], dict): result[k] = dict_merge(result[k], v) else: result[k] = copy.deepcopy(v) return result @logwrap def get_access_config_file(): """Get path to file on master node, which contains access parameters. That can be changed in fuel library/fuel main. :return: string with path to file """ ssh_manager = SSHManager() return ssh_manager.check_call( ssh_manager.admin_ip, 'ls -1 $HOME/.config/fuel/fuel_client.yaml')['stdout_str'] @logwrap def install_configdb(): """ Install ConfigDB extension on master node :return: None """ # TODO(akostrikov) There is a space for improvement. if not settings.PERESTROIKA_REPO: raise exceptions.FuelQAVariableNotSet( 'PERESTROIKA_REPO', 'http://perestroika-repo-tst.infra.site.net/mos-repos/centos/') ssh_manager = SSHManager() admin_ip = ssh_manager.admin_ip fuel_config_file = get_access_config_file() openrc_content = FuelAccessParams.from_yaml_params( YamlEditor(fuel_config_file, ip=admin_ip).get_content() ).to_openrc_content() openrc_path = '/root/.openrc' with ssh_manager.open_on_remote(admin_ip, openrc_path, 'w') as openrc_file: openrc_file.write(openrc_content) commands = [ 'yum-config-manager --add-repo ' '{}'.format(settings.PERESTROIKA_REPO), 'yum-config-manager --add-repo {}'.format(settings.PACKAGES_CENTOS), 'rpm --import {}'.format(settings.MASTER_CENTOS_GPG), # TODO(akostrikov) Temporary hack to be on the edge. 'yum install -y tuning-box git', 'yum remove -y tuning-box', 'git clone http://github.com/openstack/tuning-box', 'cd tuning-box/ && python setup.py install', # TODO(akostrikov) Hack end 'nailgun_syncdb', "sudo -u postgres psql -c '\dt' nailgun | grep tuning_box", 'service nailgun restart', '. .openrc; openstack service create --name tuning-box config', ('. .openrc; openstack endpoint create' ' --publicurl $SERVICE_URL/api/config' ' --region RegionOne tuning-box;') ] for install_command in commands: ssh_manager.check_call(admin_ip, install_command) # pylint: disable=eval-used class SettingsChanger(object): """ Class for changing cluster settings """ SKIPPED_FIELDS_LIST = [ 'additional_components.mongo', 'storage.osd_pool_size', 'syslog.syslog_port', 'murano_settings.murano_repo_url', 'external_mongo.hosts_ip', 'kernel_params.kernel', 'corosync.port', 'repo_setup.uca_openstack_release', 'repo_setup.uca_repo_url', 'public_ssl.cert_source', 'public_ssl.hostname', 'operator_user.homedir', 'access.email', 'common.libvirt_type', 'storage.images_vcenter', 'additional_components.ironic', 'additional_components.ceilometer', 'workloads_collector.tenant', 'access.user', 'workloads_collector.user', 'operator_user.name'] def __init__(self, attrs=None): self._attrs = attrs['editable'] if attrs else None self._types = ['checkbox', 'radio', 'text', 'textarea'] self.options = None @staticmethod def _gen_random(length=10): return ''.join(random.choice(string.lowercase) for _ in range(length)) @staticmethod def _get_condition(restriction): rst = re.findall( 'settings:(.+?).value ([=!]+) (true|false|\'.+\')', restriction) cmd = [] keys = [] for r in rst: cmd.append("self.options['{opt}'][2] {oper} {sign}".format( opt=r[0], oper=r[1], sign=True if r[2] == 'true' else False if r[2] == 'false' else r[2])) keys.append(r[0]) if ' and ' in restriction: expression = ' and '.join(cmd) elif ' or ' in restriction: expression = ' or '.join(cmd) else: expression = ' '.join(cmd) return expression, keys def __change_check_box(self, key, opt, keys=None): opt['value'] = not self.options[key][2] self.options[key][2] = opt['value'] if keys: for k in keys: self.options[k][5] = False logger.info('`{0}` was changed to `{1}`'.format(key, opt['value'])) def __change_radio(self, key, opt, keys=None): values = self.options[key][3] current_val = self.options[key][2] for val in values: if val['data'] != current_val: opt['value'] = val['data'] self.options[key][2] = opt['value'] if keys: for k in keys: self.options[k][5] = False logger.info( '`{0}` was changed to `{1}`'.format( key, val['data'])) break else: logger.debug( 'Failed to set radio {}'.format(self.options[key][0])) def __change_check_box_restr(self, condition, keys, key, opt): try: if not eval(condition) and self.options[key][5]: self.__change_check_box(key, opt, keys) else: logger.info( "Value `{}` couldn't be changed to `{}` due " "to restrictions".format(key, not self.options[key][2])) except KeyError as e: logger.debug('Value was not found {}'.format(e)) def __change_radio_restr(self, condition, keys, key, opt): try: if not eval(condition) and self.options[key][5]: self.__change_radio(key, opt, keys) except KeyError as e: logger.debug('Value was not found {}'.format(e)) def _make_change_wo_restr(self, key, opt): tp = opt.get('type') if tp == 'checkbox': self.__change_check_box(key, opt) elif tp == 'radio': self.__change_radio(key, opt) elif tp == 'text': opt['value'] = self._gen_random() self.options[key][2] = opt['value'] logger.info('`{0}` was changed to `{1}`'.format(key, opt['value'])) def _make_change_with_restr(self, key, opt): restrictions = self.options[key][4] tp = opt.get('type') if not restrictions: return for rest in restrictions: condition, keys = self._get_condition(rest) if tp == 'checkbox': self.__change_check_box_restr(condition, keys, key, opt) elif tp == 'radio': self.__change_radio_restr(condition, keys, key, opt) elif tp == 'text': logger.debug('Did you forget me `{}`?'.format(key)) def _change_options(self, options, restr=False, ensure=False): if not (restr or ensure): change_func = self._make_change_wo_restr elif restr and not ensure: change_func = self._make_change_with_restr else: change_func = self._ensure_options_correct for attr in self._attrs: for option in self._attrs[attr]: key = '.'.join([attr, option]) if key not in options: continue # skip some values if key in self.SKIPPED_FIELDS_LIST: logger.debug("Skipped option `{}`".format(key)) continue opt = self._attrs[attr][option] change_func(key, opt) def _ensure_options_correct(self, key, opt): restrictions = self.options[key][4] tp = opt.get('type') if not restrictions: return for rest in restrictions: condition, _ = self._get_condition(rest) if tp == 'checkbox': try: if eval(condition) and self.options[key][2]: self.__change_check_box(key, opt) except KeyError as e: logger.debug('Value was not found {}'.format(e)) elif tp == 'radio': logger.info('Radio `{0}` has value `{1}` when restriction ' 'is: {2}'.format(key, opt['value'], condition)) elif tp == 'text': logger.info('Do I rely on anything `{}`?'.format(key)) @staticmethod def _calculate_options(options, randomize=None): if randomize: count = randomize if randomize < len(options) else len(options) - 1 random_keys = random.sample(options.keys(), count) options_wo_restr = \ {opt: options[opt] for opt in options if opt in random_keys and options[opt][4] is None} options_with_restr = \ {opt: options[opt] for opt in options if opt in random_keys and options[opt][4] is not None} else: options_wo_restr = \ {opt: options[opt] for opt in options if options[opt][4] is None} options_with_restr = \ {opt: options[opt] for opt in options if options[opt][4] is not None} return options_wo_restr, options_with_restr def make_changes(self, attrs=None, options=None, randomize=None): """ Function makes changes in cluster settings in paramsters which are presented in options list :param attrs: cluster attributes :param options: dict with options provided by parser :param randomize: specify if random changing is needed :return: changed cluster attributes """ if attrs: self.attrs = attrs # Create two dicts with options without restrictions and with them self.options = options if options else self.parse_settings() opt_wo_restr, opt_with_restr = \ self._calculate_options(self.options, randomize) # First of all lets modify values without restrictions logger.info("Changing options without restrictions") self._change_options(opt_wo_restr, False) self.options.update(opt_wo_restr) # iterate through options with restrictions logger.info("Changing options with restrictions") self._change_options(opt_with_restr, True) logger.info("Check options for invalid due to restrictions " "and modify it if it's necessary") self.options.update(opt_with_restr) self._change_options(self.options, True, True) return self.attrs def load_settings_from_file(self, file_name, file_type='json'): """ Function loads settings from file :param file_name: file to load from :param file_type: file format `json` or `yaml` :return: nothing """ try: with open(file_name, 'r') as f: if file_type == 'json': self.attrs = json.load(f) else: self.attrs = yaml.load(f) except ValueError: logger.error("Check settings file for consistency") raise except IOError: logger.error("Check settings file existence") raise else: logger.info('Settings were loaded from file {}'.format(file_name)) def save_settings_to_file(self, file_name, file_type='json'): """ Function saves settings to file :param file_name: file to save to :param file_type: file format `json` or `yaml` :return: nothing """ with open(file_name, 'w') as f: if file_type == 'json': json.dump(self.attrs, f) else: yaml.dump(self.attrs, f) logger.info('Settings were saved to file {}'.format(file_name)) # pylint: disable=too-many-nested-blocks def parse_settings(self, attrs=None): """ Function parses attributes by its type :param attrs: a cluster attributes :return: a dict with options """ attrs = attrs['editable'] if attrs else self._attrs self.options = {} for attr in attrs: for option in attrs[attr]: key = '.'.join([attr, option]) opt = attrs[attr][option] tp = opt.get('type') label = opt.get('label') value = opt.get('value') values = opt.get('values') restrictions = opt.get('restrictions', None) if tp not in self._types: continue if key in self.options: logger.debug('`{0}` has duplicates'.format(key)) continue restr = None if restrictions: restr = [] for rest in restrictions: if isinstance(rest, dict): if rest.get('condition') \ and 'value' in rest['condition']: restr.append(rest['condition']) elif 'value' in rest.keys()[0]: restr.append(rest.keys()[0]) elif 'value' in rest: restr.append(rest) else: restr.append(rest) self.options[key] = \ [label, tp, value, values, restr if restr else None, True] logger.debug( 'Option {0} has been added with {1}'.format( key, self.options[key])) return self.options # pylint: enable=too-many-nested-blocks @property def attrs(self): dct = dict() dct['editable'] = self._attrs return dct @attrs.setter def attrs(self, attrs): self._attrs = attrs['editable'] # pylint: enable=eval-used @logwrap def install_lynis_master(master_node_ip): """ Install Lynis package on master node :return: None """ ssh_manager = SSHManager() asserts.assert_is_not_none( settings.PERESTROIKA_REPO, message='PERESTROIKA_REPO is empty, please set it to correct path' ) cmds = ['yum-config-manager --add-repo ' '{}'.format(settings.PERESTROIKA_REPO), 'rpm --import {}'.format(settings.MASTER_CENTOS_GPG), 'yum install -y lynis' ] for cmd in cmds: ssh_manager.execute_on_remote(ip=master_node_ip, cmd=cmd) class YamlEditor(object): """Manipulations with local or remote .yaml files. Usage: with YamlEditor("tasks.yaml") as editor: editor.content[key] = "value" with YamlEditor("astute.yaml", ip=self.admin_ip) as editor: editor.content[key] = "value" """ def __init__(self, file_path, ip=None, port=None): """YAML files editor :type file_path: str :type ip: str :type port: int """ self.__file_path = file_path self.ip = ip self.port = port or 22 self.__content = None self.__original_content = None @property def file_path(self): """Open file path :rtype: str """ return self.__file_path @property def content(self): if self.__content is None: self.__content = self.get_content() return self.__content @content.setter def content(self, new_content): self.__content = new_content def __get_file(self, mode="r"): if self.ip: return SSHManager().open_on_remote( self.ip, self.__file_path, mode=mode, port=self.port) else: return open(self.__file_path, mode) def get_content(self): with self.__get_file() as file_obj: return yaml.safe_load(file_obj) def write_content(self, content=None): if content: self.content = content with self.__get_file("w") as file_obj: yaml.safe_dump(self.content, file_obj, default_flow_style=False, default_style='"') def __enter__(self): self.__content = self.get_content() self.__original_content = copy.deepcopy(self.content) return self def __exit__(self, x, y, z): if self.content == self.__original_content: return self.write_content() def generate_yum_repos_config(repositories): """ Function will parce yaml file with describing of repos and will create yum config :param repositories: yaml file with repo :return: a dict with options """ repos = YamlEditor(repositories).get_content() logger.debug('custom RPM repos from yaml: {0}'. format(repos)) config = "" for repo in repos: config += "[{name}]\n" \ "name={name}\n" \ "baseurl={uri}\n" \ "enabled=1\n" \ "gpgcheck=0\n" \ "priority={priority}\n" \ "skip_if_unavailable=1\n".format(**repo) return config def preserve_partition(admin_remote, node_id, partition): """ Marks the given partition to be preserved during slave node reinstallation :param admin_remote: SSHClient to master node :param node_id: ID of a slave node to update settings for :param partition: name of the partition to be preserved :return: None """ # Retrieve disks config for the given node res = admin_remote.execute( "fuel node --node-id {0} " "--disk --download".format(str(node_id))) disk_config_path = res['stdout'][-1].rstrip() # Enable partition preservation in the disks config with YamlEditor(disk_config_path, admin_remote.host) as editor: for disk in editor.content: for volume in disk['volumes']: if volume['name'] == partition: volume['keep_data'] = True # Upload the updated disks config to the corresponding node admin_remote.execute("fuel node --node-id {0} " "--disk --upload".format(str(node_id))) def get_instance_ipv6(instance, network): """Get instance ip of version 6 :param instance: obj, object of instance :param network: obj, object of assigned network :return: """ instance_ip = [addr['addr'] for addr in instance.addresses[network['name']] if addr['OS-EXT-IPS:type'] == 'fixed' and addr['version'] == 6] logger.debug( '\ninstance: {instance_id!s}\n' '\tIPv6 address: {ipv6!s}'.format( instance_id=instance.id, ipv6=instance_ip)) assert_true(instance_ip, 'Not found ip v6 for instance. Details:\n {}' .format(instance.addresses[network['name']])) return instance_ip[0]