# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import time from fuelweb_test import logger as LOGGER from fuelweb_test import logwrap as LOGWRAP from fuelweb_test.settings import DISABLE_SSL from fuelweb_test.settings import PATH_TO_CERT from cinderclient import client as cinderclient from glanceclient.v1 import Client as GlanceClient from keystoneclient.v2_0 import Client as KeystoneClient from keystoneclient.exceptions import ClientException from novaclient.v1_1 import Client as NovaClient import neutronclient.v2_0.client as neutronclient from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal class Common(object): """Common.""" # TODO documentation def __init__(self, controller_ip, user, password, tenant): self.controller_ip = controller_ip if DISABLE_SSL: auth_url = 'http://{0}:5000/v2.0/'.format(self.controller_ip) path_to_cert = None else: auth_url = 'https://{0}:5000/v2.0/'.format(self.controller_ip) path_to_cert = PATH_TO_CERT LOGGER.debug('Auth URL is {0}'.format(auth_url)) self.nova = NovaClient(username=user, api_key=password, project_id=tenant, auth_url=auth_url, cacert=path_to_cert) self.cinder = cinderclient.Client(1, user, password, tenant, auth_url, cacert=path_to_cert) self.neutron = neutronclient.Client(username=user, password=password, tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=auth_url, ca_cert=path_to_cert) self.keystone = self._get_keystoneclient(username=user, password=password, tenant_name=tenant, auth_url=auth_url, ca_cert=path_to_cert) token = self.keystone.auth_token LOGGER.debug('Token is {0}'.format(token)) glance_endpoint = self.keystone.service_catalog.url_for( service_type='image', endpoint_type='publicURL') LOGGER.debug('Glance endpoint is {0}'.format(glance_endpoint)) self.glance = GlanceClient(endpoint=glance_endpoint, token=token, cacert=path_to_cert) def goodbye_security(self): secgroup_list = self.nova.security_groups.list() LOGGER.debug("Security list is {0}".format(secgroup_list)) secgroup_id = [i.id for i in secgroup_list if i.name == 'default'][0] LOGGER.debug("Id of security group default is {0}".format( secgroup_id)) LOGGER.debug('Permit all TCP and ICMP in security group default') self.nova.security_group_rules.create(secgroup_id, ip_protocol='tcp', from_port=1, to_port=65535) self.nova.security_group_rules.create(secgroup_id, ip_protocol='icmp', from_port=-1, to_port=-1) def update_image(self, image, **kwargs): self.glance.images.update(image.id, **kwargs) return self.glance.images.get(image.id) def delete_image(self, image_id): return self.glance.images.delete(image_id) def create_key(self, key_name): LOGGER.debug('Try to create key {0}'.format(key_name)) return self.nova.keypairs.create(key_name) def create_instance(self, flavor_name='test_flavor', ram=64, vcpus=1, disk=1, server_name='test_instance', image_name=None, neutron_network=True, label=None): LOGGER.debug('Try to create instance') start_time = time.time() while time.time() - start_time < 100: try: if image_name: image = [i.id for i in self.nova.images.list() if i.name == image_name] else: image = [i.id for i in self.nova.images.list()] break except: pass else: raise Exception('Can not get image') kwargs = {} if neutron_network: net_label = label if label else 'net04' network = self.nova.networks.find(label=net_label) kwargs['nics'] = [{'net-id': network.id, 'v4-fixed-ip': ''}] LOGGER.info('image uuid is {0}'.format(image)) flavor = self.nova.flavors.create( name=flavor_name, ram=ram, vcpus=vcpus, disk=disk) LOGGER.info('flavor is {0}'.format(flavor.name)) server = self.nova.servers.create( name=server_name, image=image[0], flavor=flavor, **kwargs) LOGGER.info('server is {0}'.format(server.name)) return server @LOGWRAP def get_instance_detail(self, server): details = self.nova.servers.get(server) return details def verify_instance_status(self, server, expected_state): def _verify_instance_state(): curr_state = self.get_instance_detail(server).status assert_equal(expected_state, curr_state) try: _verify_instance_state() except AssertionError: LOGGER.debug('Instance is not active, ' 'lets provide it the last chance and sleep 60 sec') time.sleep(60) _verify_instance_state() def delete_instance(self, server): LOGGER.debug('Try to create instance') self.nova.servers.delete(server) def create_flavor(self, name, ram, vcpus, disk, flavorid="auto"): flavor = self.nova.flavors.create(name, ram, vcpus, disk, flavorid) return flavor def delete_flavor(self, flavor): return self.nova.flavors.delete(flavor) def _get_keystoneclient(self, username, password, tenant_name, auth_url, retries=3, ca_cert=None): keystone = None for i in range(retries): try: if ca_cert: keystone = KeystoneClient(username=username, password=password, tenant_name=tenant_name, auth_url=auth_url, cacert=ca_cert) else: keystone = KeystoneClient(username=username, password=password, tenant_name=tenant_name, auth_url=auth_url) break except ClientException as e: err = "Try nr {0}. Could not get keystone client, error: {1}" LOGGER.warning(err.format(i + 1, e)) time.sleep(5) if not keystone: raise return keystone