# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import json import os from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from proboscis.asserts import assert_true from devops.helpers.helpers import wait from fuelweb_test import logger class RallyEngine(object): def __init__(self, admin_remote, container_repo, proxy_url=None, user_id=0, dir_for_home='/var/rally_home', home_bind_path='/home/rally'): self.admin_remote = admin_remote self.container_repo = container_repo self.repository_tag = 'latest' self.proxy_url = proxy_url or "" self.user_id = user_id self.dir_for_home = dir_for_home self.home_bind_path = home_bind_path self.setup() def image_exists(self, tag='latest'): cmd = "docker images | awk 'NR > 1{print $1\" \"$2}'" logger.debug('Checking Docker images...') result = self.admin_remote.execute(cmd) logger.debug(result) existing_images = [line.strip().split() for line in result['stdout']] return [self.container_repo, tag] in existing_images def pull_image(self): # TODO(apanchenko): add possibility to load image from local path or # remote link provided in settings, in order to speed up downloading cmd = 'docker pull {0}'.format(self.container_repo) logger.debug('Downloading Rally repository/image from registry...') result = self.admin_remote.execute(cmd) logger.debug(result) return self.image_exists() def run_container_command(self, command, in_background=False): command = str(command).replace(r"'", r"'\''") options = '' if in_background: options = '{0} -d'.format(options) cmd = ("docker run {options} --user {user_id} --net=\"host\" -e " "\"http_proxy={proxy_url}\" -e \"https_proxy={proxy_url}\" " "-v {dir_for_home}:{home_bind_path} {container_repo}:{tag} " "/bin/bash -c '{command}'".format( options=options, user_id=self.user_id, proxy_url=self.proxy_url, dir_for_home=self.dir_for_home, home_bind_path=self.home_bind_path, container_repo=self.container_repo, tag=self.repository_tag, command=command)) logger.debug('Executing command "{0}" in Rally container {1}..'.format( cmd, self.container_repo)) result = self.admin_remote.execute(cmd) logger.debug(result) return result def setup_utils(self): utils = ['gawk', 'vim', 'curl'] cmd = ('unset http_proxy https_proxy; apt-get update; ' 'apt-get install -y {0}'.format(' '.join(utils))) logger.debug('Installing utils "{0}" to the Rally container...'.format( utils)) result = self.run_container_command(cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Utils installation failed in Rally container: ' '{0}'.format(result)) def create_database(self): check_rally_db_cmd = 'test -s .rally.sqlite' result = self.run_container_command(check_rally_db_cmd) if result['exit_code'] == 0: return logger.debug('Recreating Database for Rally...') create_rally_db_cmd = 'rally-manage db recreate' result = self.run_container_command(create_rally_db_cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Rally Database creation failed: {0}!'.format(result)) result = self.run_container_command(check_rally_db_cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Failed to create Database for ' 'Rally: {0} !'.format(result)) def prepare_image(self): self.create_database() self.setup_utils() last_container_cmd = "docker ps -lq" result = self.admin_remote.execute(last_container_cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Unable to get last container ID: {0}!".format(result)) last_container = ''.join([line.strip() for line in result['stdout']]) commit_cmd = 'docker commit {0} {1}:ready'.format(last_container, self.container_repo) result = self.admin_remote.execute(commit_cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Commit to Docker image "{0}" failed: {1}.'.format( self.container_repo, result)) return self.image_exists(tag='ready') def setup_bash_alias(self): alias_name = 'rally_docker' check_alias_cmd = '. /root/.bashrc && alias {0}'.format(alias_name) result = self.admin_remote.execute(check_alias_cmd) if result['exit_code'] == 0: return logger.debug('Creating bash alias for Rally inside container...') create_alias_cmd = ("alias {alias_name}='docker run --user {user_id} " "--net=\"host\" -e \"http_proxy={proxy_url}\" -t " "-i -v {dir_for_home}:{home_bind_path} " "{container_repo}:{tag} rally'".format( alias_name=alias_name, user_id=self.user_id, proxy_url=self.proxy_url, dir_for_home=self.dir_for_home, home_bind_path=self.home_bind_path, container_repo=self.container_repo, tag=self.repository_tag)) result = self.admin_remote.execute('echo "{0}">> /root/.bashrc'.format( create_alias_cmd)) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Alias creation for running Rally from container failed: " "{0}.".format(result)) result = self.admin_remote.execute(check_alias_cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Alias creation for running Rally from container failed: " "{0}.".format(result)) def setup(self): if not self.image_exists(): assert_true(self.pull_image(), "Docker image for Rally not found!") if not self.image_exists(tag='ready'): assert_true(self.prepare_image(), "Docker image for Rally is not ready!") self.repository_tag = 'ready' self.setup_bash_alias() def list_deployments(self): cmd = (r"rally deployment list | awk -F " r"'[[:space:]]*\\\\|[[:space:]]*' '/\ydeploy\y/{print $2}'") result = self.run_container_command(cmd) logger.debug('Rally deployments list: {0}'.format(result)) return [line.strip() for line in result['stdout']] def show_deployment(self, deployment_uuid): cmd = ("rally deployment show {0} | awk -F " "'[[:space:]]*\\\\|[[:space:]]*' '/\w/{{print $2\",\"$3\",\"$4" "\",\"$5\",\"$6\",\"$7\",\"$8}}'").format(deployment_uuid) result = self.run_container_command(cmd) assert_equal(len(result['stdout']), 2, "Command 'rally deployment show' returned unexpected " "value: expected 2 lines, got {0}: ".format(result)) keys = [k for k in result['stdout'][0].strip().split(',') if k != ''] values = [v for v in result['stdout'][1].strip().split(',') if v != ''] return {keys[i]: values[i] for i in range(0, len(keys))} def list_tasks(self): cmd = "rally task list --uuids-only" result = self.run_container_command(cmd) logger.debug('Rally tasks list: {0}'.format(result)) return [line.strip() for line in result['stdout']] def get_task_status(self, task_uuid): cmd = "rally task status {0}".format(task_uuid) result = self.run_container_command(cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Getting Rally task status failed: {0}".format(result)) task_status = ''.join(result['stdout']).strip().split()[-1] logger.debug('Rally task "{0}" has status "{1}".'.format(task_uuid, task_status)) return task_status class RallyDeployment(object): def __init__(self, rally_engine, cluster_vip, username, password, tenant, key_port=5000, proxy_url=''): self.rally_engine = rally_engine self.cluster_vip = cluster_vip self.username = username self.password = password self.tenant_name = tenant self.keystone_port = str(key_port) self.proxy_url = proxy_url self.auth_url = "http://{0}:{1}/v2.0/".format(self.cluster_vip, self.keystone_port) self.set_proxy = not self.is_proxy_set self._uuid = None self.create_deployment() @property def uuid(self): if self._uuid is None: for d_uuid in self.rally_engine.list_deployments(): deployment = self.rally_engine.show_deployment(d_uuid) logger.debug("Deployment info: {0}".format(deployment)) if self.auth_url in deployment['auth_url'] and \ self.username == deployment['username'] and \ self.tenant_name == deployment['tenant_name']: self._uuid = d_uuid break return self._uuid @property def is_proxy_set(self): cmd = '[ "${{http_proxy}}" == "{0}" ]'.format(self.proxy_url) return self.rally_engine.run_container_command(cmd)['exit_code'] == 0 @property def is_deployment_exist(self): if self.uuid is not None: return True return False def create_deployment(self): if self.is_deployment_exist: return cmd = ('rally deployment create --name "{0}" --filename ' '<(echo \'{{ "admin": {{ "password": "{1}", "tenant_name": "{2}' '", "username": "{3}" }}, "auth_url": "{4}", "endpoint": null, ' '"type": "ExistingCloud", "https_insecure": true }}\')').format( self.cluster_vip, self.password, self.tenant_name, self.username, self.auth_url) result = self.rally_engine.run_container_command(cmd) assert_true(self.is_deployment_exist, 'Rally deployment creation failed: {0}'.format(result)) logger.debug('Rally deployment created: {0}'.format(result)) assert_true(self.check_deployment(), "Rally deployment check failed.") def check_deployment(self, deployment_uuid=''): cmd = 'rally deployment check {0}'.format(deployment_uuid) result = self.rally_engine.run_container_command(cmd) if result['exit_code'] == 0: return True else: logger.error('Rally deployment check failed: {0}'.format(result)) return False class RallyTask(object): def __init__(self, rally_deployment, test_type): self.deployment = rally_deployment self.engine = self.deployment.rally_engine self.test_type = test_type self.uuid = None self._status = None @property def status(self): if self.uuid is None: self._status = None else: self._status = self.engine.get_task_status(self.uuid) return self._status def prepare_scenario(self): scenario_file = '{0}/fuelweb_test/rally/scenarios/{1}.json'.format( os.environ.get("WORKSPACE", "./"), self.test_type) remote_path = '{0}/{1}.json'.format(self.engine.dir_for_home, self.test_type) self.engine.admin_remote.upload(scenario_file, remote_path) result = self.engine.admin_remote.execute('test -f {0}'.format( remote_path)) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Scenario upload filed: {0}".format(result)) return '{0}.json'.format(self.test_type) def start(self): scenario = self.prepare_scenario() temp_file = '{0}_results.tmp.txt'.format(scenario) cmd = 'rally task start {0} &> {1}'.format(scenario, temp_file) result = self.engine.run_container_command(cmd, in_background=True) logger.debug('Started Rally task: {0}'.format(result)) cmd = ("awk 'BEGIN{{retval=1}};/^Using task:/{{print $NF; retval=0}};" "END {{exit retval}}' {0}").format(temp_file) wait(lambda: self.engine.run_container_command(cmd)['exit_code'] == 0, timeout=30) result = self.engine.run_container_command(cmd) task_uuid = ''.join(result['stdout']).strip() assert_true(task_uuid in self.engine.list_tasks(), "Rally task creation failed: {0}".format(result)) self.uuid = task_uuid def abort(self, task_id): logger.debug('Stop Rally task {0}'.format(task_id)) cmd = 'rally task abort {0}'.format(task_id) self.engine.run_container_command(cmd) assert_true( self.status in ('finished', 'aborted'), "Rally task {0} was not aborted; current task status " "is {1}".format(task_id, self.status)) def get_results(self): if self.status == 'finished': cmd = 'rally task results {0}'.format(self.uuid) result = self.engine.run_container_command(cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, "Getting task results failed: {0}".format(result)) logger.debug("Rally task {0} result: {1}".format(self.uuid, result)) return ''.join(result['stdout']) class RallyResult(object): def __init__(self, json_results): self.values = { 'full_duration': 0.00, 'load_duration': 0.00, 'errors': 0 } self.raw_data = [] self.parse_raw_results(json_results) def parse_raw_results(self, raw_results): data = json.loads(raw_results) assert_equal(len(data), 1, "Current implementation of RallyResult class doesn't " "support results with length greater than '1'!") self.raw_data = data[0] self.values['full_duration'] = data[0]['full_duration'] self.values['load_duration'] = data[0]['load_duration'] self.values['errors'] = sum([len(result['error']) for result in data[0]['result']]) @staticmethod def compare(first_result, second_result, deviation=0.1): """ Compare benchmark results :param first_result: RallyResult :param second_result: RallyResult :param deviation: float :return: bool """ message = '' equal = True for val in first_result.values.keys(): logger.debug('Comparing {2}: {0} and {1}'.format( first_result.values[val], second_result.values[val], val )) if first_result.values[val] == 0 or second_result.values[val] == 0: if first_result.values[val] != second_result.values[val]: message += "Values of '{0}' are: {1} and {2}. ".format( val, first_result.values[val], second_result.values[val]) equal = False continue diff = abs( first_result.values[val] / second_result.values[val] - 1) if diff > deviation: message += "Values of '{0}' are: {1} and {2}. ".format( val, first_result.values[val], second_result.values[val]) equal = False if not equal: logger.info("Rally benchmark results aren't equal: {0}".format( message)) return equal def show(self): return json.dumps(self.raw_data) class RallyBenchmarkTest(object): def __init__(self, container_repo, environment, cluster_id, test_type): self.admin_remote = environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() self.cluster_vip = environment.fuel_web.get_mgmt_vip(cluster_id) self.cluster_credentials = \ environment.fuel_web.get_cluster_credentials(cluster_id) self.proxy_url = environment.fuel_web.get_alive_proxy(cluster_id) logger.debug('Rally proxy URL is: {0}'.format(self.proxy_url)) self.container_repo = container_repo self.home_dir = 'rally-{0}'.format(cluster_id) self.test_type = test_type self.engine = RallyEngine( admin_remote=self.admin_remote, container_repo=self.container_repo, proxy_url=self.proxy_url, dir_for_home='/var/{0}/'.format(self.home_dir) ) self.deployment = RallyDeployment( rally_engine=self.engine, cluster_vip=self.cluster_vip, username=self.cluster_credentials['username'], password=self.cluster_credentials['password'], tenant=self.cluster_credentials['tenant'], proxy_url=self.proxy_url ) self.current_task = None def run(self, timeout=60 * 10, result=True): self.current_task = RallyTask(self.deployment, self.test_type) logger.info('Starting Rally benchmark test...') self.current_task.start() assert_equal(self.current_task.status, 'running', 'Rally task was started, but it is not running, status: ' '{0}'.format(self.current_task.status)) if result: wait(lambda: self.current_task.status == 'finished', timeout=timeout) logger.info('Rally benchmark test is finished.') return RallyResult(json_results=self.current_task.get_results())