# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import traceback import os import re import urllib2 import zlib from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from xml.etree import ElementTree from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test import settings from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import install_pkg def regenerate_ubuntu_repo(remote, path): # Ubuntu cr = CustomRepo(remote) cr.install_tools(['dpkg', 'dpkg-devel', 'dpkg-dev']) cr.regenerate_repo('regenerate_ubuntu_repo', path) def regenerate_centos_repo(remote, path): # CentOS cr = CustomRepo(remote) cr.install_tools(['createrepo']) cr.regenerate_repo('regenerate_centos_repo', path) class CustomRepo(object): """CustomRepo.""" # TODO documentation def __init__(self, remote): self.remote = remote self.path_scripts = ('{0}/fuelweb_test/helpers/' .format(os.environ.get("WORKSPACE", "./"))) self.remote_path_scripts = '/tmp/' self.ubuntu_script = 'regenerate_ubuntu_repo' self.centos_script = 'regenerate_centos_repo' self.local_mirror_ubuntu = settings.LOCAL_MIRROR_UBUNTU self.local_mirror_centos = settings.LOCAL_MIRROR_CENTOS self.ubuntu_release = settings.UBUNTU_RELEASE self.centos_supported_archs = ['noarch', 'x86_64'] self.pkgs_list = [] self.custom_pkgs_mirror_path = '' if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE: # Trying to determine the root of Ubuntu repository pkgs_path = settings.CUSTOM_PKGS_MIRROR.split('/dists/') if len(pkgs_path) == 2: self.custom_pkgs_mirror = pkgs_path[0] self.custom_pkgs_mirror_path = '/dists/{}'.format(pkgs_path[1]) else: self.custom_pkgs_mirror = settings.CUSTOM_PKGS_MIRROR else: self.custom_pkgs_mirror = settings.CUSTOM_PKGS_MIRROR def prepare_repository(self): """Prepare admin node to packages testing Scenario: 1. Temporary set nameserver to local router on admin node 2. Install tools to manage rpm/deb repository 3. Retrieve list of packages from custom repository 4. Download packages to local rpm/deb repository 5. Update .yaml file with new packages version 6. Re-generate repo using shell scripts on admin node """ # Check necessary settings and revert a snapshot if not self.custom_pkgs_mirror: return logger.info("Custom mirror with new packages: {0}" .format(settings.CUSTOM_PKGS_MIRROR)) if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE: # Ubuntu master_tools = ['dpkg', 'dpkg-devel', 'dpkg-dev'] self.install_tools(master_tools) self.get_pkgs_list_ubuntu() pkgs_local_path = ('{0}/pool/' .format(self.local_mirror_ubuntu)) self.download_pkgs(pkgs_local_path) self.regenerate_repo(self.ubuntu_script, self.local_mirror_ubuntu) else: # CentOS master_tools = ['createrepo'] self.install_tools(master_tools) self.get_pkgs_list_centos() pkgs_local_path = '{0}/Packages/'.format(self.local_mirror_centos) self.download_pkgs(pkgs_local_path) self.regenerate_repo(self.centos_script, self.local_mirror_centos) # Install tools to masternode def install_tools(self, master_tools=None): if master_tools is None: master_tools = [] logger.info("Installing necessary tools for {0}" .format(settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE)) for master_tool in master_tools: exit_code = install_pkg(self.remote, master_tool) assert_equal(0, exit_code, 'Cannot install package {0} ' 'on admin node.'.format(master_tool)) # Ubuntu: Creating list of packages from the additional mirror def get_pkgs_list_ubuntu(self): url = "{0}/{1}/Packages".format(self.custom_pkgs_mirror, self.custom_pkgs_mirror_path) logger.info("Retrieving additional packages from the custom mirror:" " {0}".format(url)) try: pkgs_release = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) url_gz = '{0}.gz'.format(url) logger.info( "Retrieving additional packages from the custom mirror:" " {0}".format(url_gz)) try: pkgs_release_gz = urllib2.urlopen(url_gz).read() except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise try: d = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32) pkgs_release = d.decompress(pkgs_release_gz) except Exception: logger.error('Ubuntu mirror error: Could not decompress {0}\n' '{1}'.format(url_gz, traceback.format_exc())) raise packages = (pkg for pkg in pkgs_release.split("\n\n") if pkg) for package in packages: upkg = {pstr.split()[0].lower(): ''.join(pstr.split()[1:]) for pstr in package.split("\n") if pstr[0].strip()} upkg_keys = ["package:", "version:", "filename:"] assert_equal(True, all(x in upkg for x in upkg_keys), 'Missing one of the statements ["Package:", ' '"Version:", "Filename:"] in {0}'.format(url)) # TODO: add dependencies list to upkg self.pkgs_list.append(upkg) # Centos: Creating list of packages from the additional mirror def get_pkgs_list_centos(self): logger.info("Retrieving additional packages from the custom mirror:" " {0}".format(self.custom_pkgs_mirror)) url = "{0}/repodata/repomd.xml".format(self.custom_pkgs_mirror) try: repomd_data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise # Remove namespace attribute before parsing XML repomd_data = re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '', repomd_data, count=1) tree_repomd_data = ElementTree.fromstring(repomd_data) lists_location = '' for repomd in tree_repomd_data.findall('data'): if repomd.get('type') == 'primary': repomd_location = repomd.find('location') lists_location = repomd_location.get('href') assert_equal(True, lists_location is not '', 'CentOS mirror error:' ' Could not parse {0}\nlists_location = "{1}"\n{2}' .format(url, lists_location, traceback.format_exc())) url = "{0}/{1}".format(self.custom_pkgs_mirror, lists_location) try: lists_data = urllib2.urlopen(url).read() except (urllib2.HTTPError, urllib2.URLError): logger.error(traceback.format_exc()) raise if '.xml.gz' in lists_location: try: d = zlib.decompressobj(zlib.MAX_WBITS | 32) lists_data = d.decompress(lists_data) except Exception: logger.error('CentOS mirror error: Could not decompress {0}\n' '{1}'.format(url, traceback.format_exc())) raise # Remove namespace attribute before parsing XML lists_data = re.sub(' xmlns="[^"]+"', '', lists_data, count=1) tree_lists_data = ElementTree.fromstring(lists_data) for flist in tree_lists_data.findall('package'): if flist.get('type') == 'rpm': flist_arch = flist.find('arch').text if flist_arch in self.centos_supported_archs: flist_name = flist.find('name').text flist_location = flist.find('location') flist_file = flist_location.get('href') flist_version = flist.find('version') flist_ver = '{0}-{1}'.format(flist_version.get('ver'), flist_version.get('rel')) cpkg = {'package:': flist_name, 'version:': flist_ver, 'filename:': flist_file} # TODO: add dependencies list to cpkg self.pkgs_list.append(cpkg) # Download packages (local_folder) def download_pkgs(self, pkgs_local_path): # Process the packages list: total_pkgs = len(self.pkgs_list) logger.info('Found {0} custom package(s)'.format(total_pkgs)) for npkg, pkg in enumerate(self.pkgs_list): # TODO: Previous versions of the updating packages must be removed # to avoid unwanted packet manager dependencies resolution # (when some package still depends on other package which # is not going to be installed) logger.info('({0}/{1}) Downloading package: {2}/{3}' .format(npkg + 1, total_pkgs, self.custom_pkgs_mirror, pkg["filename:"])) pkg_ext = pkg["filename:"].split('.')[-1] if pkg_ext == 'deb': path_suff = 'main/' elif pkg_ext == 'udeb': path_suff = 'debian-installer/' else: path_suff = '' wget_cmd = "wget --no-verbose --directory-prefix {0} {1}/{2}"\ .format(pkgs_local_path + path_suff, self.custom_pkgs_mirror, pkg["filename:"]) wget_result = self.remote.execute(wget_cmd) assert_equal(0, wget_result['exit_code'], self.assert_msg(wget_cmd, wget_result['stderr'])) # Upload regenerate* script to masternode (script name) def regenerate_repo(self, regenerate_script, local_mirror_path): # Uploading scripts that prepare local repositories: # 'regenerate_centos_repo' and 'regenerate_ubuntu_repo' try: self.remote.upload('{0}/{1}'.format(self.path_scripts, regenerate_script), self.remote_path_scripts) self.remote.execute('chmod 755 {0}/{1}' .format(self.remote_path_scripts, regenerate_script)) except Exception: logger.error('Could not upload scripts for updating repositories.' '\n{0}'.format(traceback.format_exc())) raise # Update the local repository using previously uploaded script. script_cmd = '{0}/{1} {2} {3}'.format(self.remote_path_scripts, regenerate_script, local_mirror_path, self.ubuntu_release) script_result = self.remote.execute(script_cmd) assert_equal(0, script_result['exit_code'], self.assert_msg(script_cmd, script_result['stderr'])) logger.info('Local repository {0} has been updated successfully.' .format(local_mirror_path)) def assert_msg(self, cmd, err): return 'Executing \'{0}\' on the admin node has failed with: {1}'\ .format(cmd, err) def check_puppet_logs(self): logger.info("Check puppet logs for packages with unmet dependencies.") if settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in settings.OPENSTACK_RELEASE: err_deps = self.check_puppet_logs_ubuntu() else: err_deps = self.check_puppet_logs_centos() for err_deps_key in err_deps.keys(): logger.info('Error: Package: {0} has unmet dependencies:' .format(err_deps_key)) for dep in err_deps[err_deps_key]: logger.info(' {0}'.format(dep.strip())) logger.info("Check puppet logs completed.") def check_puppet_logs_ubuntu(self): """ Check puppet-agent.log files on all nodes for package dependency errors during a cluster deployment (ubuntu)""" err_start = 'The following packages have unmet dependencies:' err_end = ('Unable to correct problems,' ' you have held broken packages.') cmd = ('fgrep -h -e " Depends: " -e "{0}" -e "{1}" ' '/var/log/docker-logs/remote/node-*/' 'puppet*.log'.format(err_start, err_end)) result = self.remote.execute(cmd)['stdout'] err_deps = {} err_deps_key = '' err_deps_flag = False # Forming a dictionary of package names # with sets of required packages. for res_str in result: if err_deps_flag: if err_end in res_str: err_deps_flag = False elif ": Depends:" in res_str: str0, str1, str2 = res_str.partition(': Depends:') err_deps_key = ''.join(str0.split()[-1:]) if err_deps_key not in err_deps: err_deps[err_deps_key] = set() if 'but it is not' in str2 or 'is to be installed' in str2: err_deps[err_deps_key].add('Depends:{0}' .format(str2)) elif 'Depends:' in res_str and err_deps_key: str0, str1, str2 = res_str.partition('Depends:') if 'but it is not' in str2 or 'is to be installed' in str2: err_deps[err_deps_key].add(str1 + str2) else: err_deps_key = '' elif err_start in res_str: err_deps_flag = True return err_deps def check_puppet_logs_centos(self): """ Check puppet-agent.log files on all nodes for package dependency errors during a cluster deployment (centos)""" cmd = ('fgrep -h -e "Error: Package: " -e " Requires: " /var/log/' 'docker-logs/remote/node-*/puppet*.log') result = self.remote.execute(cmd)['stdout'] err_deps = {} err_deps_key = '' # Forming a dictionary of package names # with sets of required packages. for res_str in result: if 'Error: Package:' in res_str: err_deps_key = res_str.partition('Error: Package: ')[2] if err_deps_key not in err_deps: err_deps[err_deps_key] = set() elif ' Requires: ' in res_str and err_deps_key: str0, str1, str2 = res_str.partition(' Requires: ') err_deps[err_deps_key].add(str1 + str2) else: err_deps_key = '' return err_deps