# Copyright 2014 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from random import randrange from fuelweb_test import logwrap from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import retry from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU class SecurityChecks(object): """SecurityChecks.""" # TODO documentation def __init__(self, nailgun_client, environment): self.client = nailgun_client self.environment = environment super(SecurityChecks, self).__init__() @logwrap def _listen_random_port(self, ip_address, protocol, tmp_file_path): # Install socat if OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in OPENSTACK_RELEASE: cmd = '/usr/bin/apt-get install -y {pkg}'.format(pkg='socat') else: cmd = '/usr/bin/yum install -y {pkg}'.format(pkg='socat') with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote: result = remote.execute(cmd) if not result['exit_code'] == 0: raise Exception('Could not install package: {0}\n{1}'. format(result['stdout'], result['stderr'])) # Get all used ports cmd = ('netstat -A inet -ln --{proto} | awk \'$4 ~ /^({ip}' '|0\.0\.0\.0):[0-9]+/ {{split($4,port,":"); print ' 'port[2]}}\'').format(ip=ip_address, proto=protocol) with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote: used_ports = [int(p.strip()) for p in remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']] # Get list of opened ports cmd = ('iptables -t filter -S INPUT | sed -rn -e \'s/^.*\s\-p\s+' '{proto}\s.*\-\-(dport|ports|dports)\s+([0-9,\,,:]+)\s.*' '-j\s+ACCEPT.*$/\\2/p\' | sed -r \'s/,/\\n/g; s/:/ /g\' |' ' while read ports; do if [[ "$ports" =~ [[:digit:]]' '[[:blank:]][[:digit:]] ]]; then seq $ports; else echo ' '"$ports";fi; done').format(proto=protocol) with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote: allowed_ports = [int(p.strip()) for p in remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']] test_port = randrange(10000) while test_port in used_ports or test_port in allowed_ports: test_port = randrange(10000) # Create dump of iptables rules cmd = 'iptables-save > {0}.dump'.format(tmp_file_path) with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote: result = remote.execute(cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Dumping of iptables rules failed on {0}: {1}; {2}'. format(ip_address, result['stdout'], result['stderr'])) # Start listening for connections on test_port cmd = ('socat {proto}4-LISTEN:{port},bind={ip} {file} ' '&>/dev/null & pid=$! ; disown; sleep 1; kill -0 $pid').\ format(proto=protocol, ip=ip_address, file=tmp_file_path, port=test_port) with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(ip_address) as remote: result = remote.execute(cmd) assert_equal(result['exit_code'], 0, 'Listening on {0}:{1}/{2} port failed: {3}'. format(ip_address, test_port, protocol, result['stderr'])) return test_port @retry() @logwrap def verify_firewall(self, cluster_id): # Install NetCat if not self.environment.admin_install_pkg('nc') == 0: raise Exception('Can not install package "nc".') cluster_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) tmp_file_path = '/var/tmp/iptables_check_file' check_string = 'FirewallHole' for node in cluster_nodes: protocols_to_check = ['tcp', 'udp'] for protocol in protocols_to_check: port = self._listen_random_port(ip_address=node['ip'], protocol=protocol, tmp_file_path=tmp_file_path) nc_opts = '' if protocol == 'udp': nc_opts = '{} -u'.format(nc_opts) cmd = 'echo {string} | nc {opts} {ip} {port}'.\ format(opts=nc_opts, string=check_string, ip=node['ip'], port=port) with self.environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() as admin_remote: admin_remote.execute(cmd) with self.environment.d_env\ .get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) as remote: cmd = 'cat {0}; mv {0}{{,.old}}'.format(tmp_file_path) result = remote.execute(cmd) if ''.join(result['stdout']).strip() == check_string: msg = ('Firewall vulnerability detected. Unused port ' '{0}/{1} can be accessed on {2} (node-{3}) node. ' 'Check {4}.old and {4}.dump files on the node for ' 'details'.format(port, protocol, node['name'], node['id'], tmp_file_path)) raise Exception(msg) logger.info('Firewall test passed')