# Copyright 2015 Mirantis, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. import re import time import traceback from urllib2 import HTTPError from devops.error import DevopsCalledProcessError from devops.error import TimeoutError from devops.helpers.helpers import _wait from devops.helpers.helpers import wait from devops.models.node import Node import netaddr from proboscis.asserts import assert_equal from proboscis.asserts import assert_false from proboscis.asserts import assert_is_not_none from proboscis.asserts import assert_not_equal from proboscis.asserts import assert_raises from proboscis.asserts import assert_true import yaml from fuelweb_test import logger from fuelweb_test import logwrap from fuelweb_test import ostf_test_mapping from fuelweb_test import QuietLogger from fuelweb_test.helpers import ceph from fuelweb_test.helpers import checkers from fuelweb_test.helpers import replace_repos from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import check_repos_management from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import custom_repo from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import download_astute_yaml from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import download_packages_json from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import duration from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import retry from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import update_fuel from fuelweb_test.helpers.decorators import upload_manifests from fuelweb_test.helpers.security import SecurityChecks from fuelweb_test.helpers.ssh_manager import SSHManager from fuelweb_test.helpers.ssl import change_cluster_ssl_config from fuelweb_test.helpers.ssl import copy_cert_from_master from fuelweb_test.helpers.uca import change_cluster_uca_config from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import get_node_hiera_roles from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import node_freemem from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import pretty_log from fuelweb_test.helpers.utils import run_on_remote from fuelweb_test.models.nailgun_client import NailgunClient import fuelweb_test.settings as help_data from fuelweb_test.settings import ATTEMPTS from fuelweb_test.settings import BONDING from fuelweb_test.settings import DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA from fuelweb_test.settings import DISABLE_SSL from fuelweb_test.settings import DNS_SUFFIX from fuelweb_test.settings import iface_alias from fuelweb_test.settings import KVM_USE from fuelweb_test.settings import MULTIPLE_NETWORKS from fuelweb_test.settings import NOVA_QUOTAS_ENABLED from fuelweb_test.settings import NETWORK_PROVIDERS from fuelweb_test.settings import NEUTRON from fuelweb_test.settings import NEUTRON_SEGMENT from fuelweb_test.settings import NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE from fuelweb_test.settings import NODEGROUPS from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE from fuelweb_test.settings import OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU from fuelweb_test.settings import OSTF_TEST_NAME from fuelweb_test.settings import OSTF_TEST_RETRIES_COUNT from fuelweb_test.settings import REPLACE_DEFAULT_REPOS from fuelweb_test.settings import REPLACE_DEFAULT_REPOS_ONLY_ONCE from fuelweb_test.settings import SSL_CN from fuelweb_test.settings import TIMEOUT from fuelweb_test.settings import UCA_ENABLED from fuelweb_test.settings import USER_OWNED_CERT from fuelweb_test.settings import VCENTER_DATACENTER from fuelweb_test.settings import VCENTER_DATASTORE from fuelweb_test.settings import VCENTER_IP from fuelweb_test.settings import VCENTER_PASSWORD from fuelweb_test.settings import VCENTER_USERNAME class FuelWebClient(object): """FuelWebClient.""" # TODO documentation def __init__(self, environment): self.ssh_manager = SSHManager() self.admin_node_ip = self.ssh_manager.admin_ip self.client = NailgunClient(self.ssh_manager.admin_ip) self._environment = environment self.security = SecurityChecks(self.client, self._environment) super(FuelWebClient, self).__init__() @property def environment(self): """Environment Model :rtype: EnvironmentModel """ return self._environment @staticmethod @logwrap def get_cluster_status(os_conn, smiles_count, networks_count=2): checkers.verify_service_list_api(os_conn, service_count=smiles_count) checkers.verify_glance_image_api(os_conn) checkers.verify_network_list_api(os_conn, networks_count) @logwrap def _ostf_test_wait(self, cluster_id, timeout): logger.info('Wait OSTF tests at cluster #%s for %s seconds', cluster_id, timeout) wait( lambda: all([run['status'] == 'finished' for run in self.client.get_ostf_test_run(cluster_id)]), timeout=timeout) return self.client.get_ostf_test_run(cluster_id) @logwrap def _tasks_wait(self, tasks, timeout): return [self.task_wait(task, timeout) for task in tasks] @logwrap def add_syslog_server(self, cluster_id, host, port): logger.info('Add syslog server %s:%s to cluster #%s', host, port, cluster_id) self.client.add_syslog_server(cluster_id, host, port) @logwrap def assert_cluster_floating_list(self, os_conn, cluster_id, expected_ips): logger.info('Assert floating IPs on cluster #{0}. Expected {1}'.format( cluster_id, expected_ips)) current_ips = self.get_cluster_floating_list(os_conn, cluster_id) assert_equal(set(expected_ips), set(current_ips), 'Current floating IPs {0}'.format(current_ips)) @logwrap def assert_cluster_ready(self, os_conn, smiles_count, networks_count=2, timeout=300): logger.info('Assert cluster services are UP') _wait( lambda: self.get_cluster_status( os_conn, smiles_count=smiles_count, networks_count=networks_count), timeout=timeout) @logwrap def assert_ha_services_ready(self, cluster_id, timeout=20 * 60, should_fail=0): """Wait until HA services are UP. Should be used before run any other check for services.""" if self.get_cluster_mode(cluster_id) == DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA: logger.info('Waiting {0} sec. for passed OSTF HA tests.' .format(timeout)) with QuietLogger(): _wait(lambda: self.run_ostf(cluster_id, test_sets=['ha'], should_fail=should_fail), interval=20, timeout=timeout) logger.info('OSTF HA tests passed successfully.') else: logger.debug('Cluster {0} is not in HA mode, OSTF HA tests ' 'skipped.'.format(cluster_id)) @logwrap def assert_os_services_ready(self, cluster_id, timeout=5 * 60, should_fail=0): """Wait until OpenStack services are UP. Should be used before run any other check for services.""" logger.info('Waiting {0} sec. for passed OSTF Sanity checks.' .format(timeout)) with QuietLogger(): _wait(lambda: self.run_ostf(cluster_id, test_sets=['sanity'], should_fail=should_fail), interval=10, timeout=timeout) logger.info('OSTF Sanity checks passed successfully.') @logwrap def assert_ostf_run_certain(self, cluster_id, tests_must_be_passed, timeout=10 * 60): """Wait for OSTF tests to finish, check that the tests specified in [tests_must_be_passed] are passed""" logger.info('Assert OSTF tests are passed at cluster #{0}: {1}'.format( cluster_id, pretty_log(tests_must_be_passed, indent=1))) set_result_list = self._ostf_test_wait(cluster_id, timeout) tests_pass_count = 0 tests_count = len(tests_must_be_passed) fail_details = [] for set_result in set_result_list: for test in set_result['tests']: if test['id'] in tests_must_be_passed: if test['status'] == 'success': tests_pass_count += 1 logger.info('Passed OSTF test %s found', test['id']) else: details = ('%s (%s). Test status: %s, message: %s' % (test['name'], test['id'], test['status'], test['message'])) fail_details.append(details) assert_true(tests_pass_count == tests_count, 'The following tests have not succeeded, while they ' 'must have passed: {}'.format(pretty_log(fail_details, indent=1))) @logwrap def assert_ostf_run(self, cluster_id, should_fail=0, failed_test_name=None, timeout=15 * 60, test_sets=None): """Wait for OSTF tests to finish, check that there is no failed tests. If [failed_test_name] tests are expected, ensure that these tests are not passed""" logger.info('Assert OSTF run at cluster #{0}. ' 'Should fail {1} tests named {2}'.format(cluster_id, should_fail, failed_test_name)) set_result_list = self._ostf_test_wait(cluster_id, timeout) failed_tests_res = [] failed = 0 actual_failed_names = [] test_result = {} for set_result in set_result_list: if set_result['testset'] not in test_sets: continue failed += len([test for test in set_result['tests'] if test['status'] in {'failure', 'error'}]) for test in set_result['tests']: test_result.update({test['name']: test['status']}) if test['status'] not in ['success', 'disabled', 'skipped']: actual_failed_names.append(test['name']) key = ('{name:s} ({status:s})' ''.format(name=test['name'], status=test['status'])) failed_tests_res.append( {key: test['message']}) logger.info('OSTF test statuses are :\n{}\n'.format( pretty_log(test_result, indent=1))) if failed_test_name: for test_name in failed_test_name: assert_true(test_name in actual_failed_names, 'WARNING! Unexpected fail: ' 'expected {0}, actual {1}'.format( failed_test_name, actual_failed_names)) assert_true( failed <= should_fail, 'Failed {0} OSTF tests; should fail' ' {1} tests. Names of failed tests: {2}' .format(failed, should_fail, pretty_log(failed_tests_res, indent=1))) def assert_release_state(self, release_name, state='available'): logger.info('Assert release %s has state %s', release_name, state) for release in self.client.get_releases(): if release["name"].lower().find(release_name) != -1: assert_equal(release['state'], state, 'Release state {0}'.format(release['state'])) return release["id"] def assert_release_role_present(self, release_name, role_name): logger.info('Assert role %s is available in release %s', role_name, release_name) release_id = self.assert_release_state(release_name) release_data = self.client.get_releases_details(release_id=release_id) assert_equal( True, role_name in release_data['roles'], message='There is no {0} role in release id {1}'.format( role_name, release_name)) @logwrap def assert_fuel_version(self, fuel_version): logger.info('Assert fuel version is {0}'.format(fuel_version)) version = self.client.get_api_version() logger.debug('version get from api is {0}'.format(version['release'])) assert_equal(version['release'], fuel_version, 'Release state is not {0}'.format(fuel_version)) @logwrap def assert_nailgun_upgrade_migration(self, key='can_update_from_versions'): for release in self.client.get_releases(): assert_true(key in release) @logwrap def assert_task_success( self, task, timeout=130 * 60, interval=5, progress=None): def _message(_task): if 'message' in _task: return _task['message'] else: return '' logger.info('Assert task %s is success', task) if not progress: task = self.task_wait(task, timeout, interval) assert_equal( task['status'], 'ready', "Task '{0}' has incorrect status. {1} != {2}, '{3}'".format( task["name"], task['status'], 'ready', _message(task) ) ) else: logger.info('Start to polling task progress') task = self.task_wait_progress( task, timeout=timeout, interval=interval, progress=progress) assert_not_equal( task['status'], 'error', "Task '{0}' has error status. '{1}'" .format(task['status'], _message(task))) assert_true( task['progress'] >= progress, 'Task has other progress{0}'.format(task['progress'])) @logwrap def assert_task_failed(self, task, timeout=70 * 60, interval=5): logger.info('Assert task %s is failed', task) task = self.task_wait(task, timeout, interval) assert_equal( 'error', task['status'], "Task '{name}' has incorrect status. {} != {}".format( task['status'], 'error', name=task["name"] ) ) @logwrap def fqdn(self, devops_node): logger.info('Get FQDN of a devops node %s', devops_node.name) nailgun_node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(devops_node) if OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in OPENSTACK_RELEASE: return nailgun_node['meta']['system']['fqdn'] return nailgun_node['fqdn'] @logwrap def get_pcm_nodes(self, ctrl_node, pure=False): nodes = {} with self.get_ssh_for_node(ctrl_node) as remote: pcs_status = remote.execute('pcs status nodes')['stdout'] pcm_nodes = yaml.load(''.join(pcs_status).strip()) for status in ('Online', 'Offline', 'Standby'): list_nodes = (pcm_nodes['Pacemaker Nodes'][status] or '').split() if not pure: nodes[status] = [self.get_fqdn_by_hostname(x) for x in list_nodes] else: nodes[status] = list_nodes return nodes @logwrap def get_rabbit_running_nodes(self, ctrl_node): ip = self.get_node_ip_by_devops_name(ctrl_node) cmd = 'rabbitmqctl cluster_status' rabbit_status = ''.join( self.ssh_manager.execute(ip, cmd)['stdout'] ).strip() rabbit_status = re.sub(r',\n\s*', ',', rabbit_status) rabbit_nodes = re.search( "\{running_nodes,\[([^\]]*)\]\}", rabbit_status).group(1).replace("'", "").split(',') logger.debug('rabbit nodes are {}'.format(rabbit_nodes)) nodes = [node.replace('rabbit@', "") for node in rabbit_nodes] hostname_prefix = ''.join(self.ssh_manager.execute( ip, 'hiera node_name_prefix_for_messaging')['stdout']).strip() if hostname_prefix not in ('', 'nil'): nodes = [n.replace(hostname_prefix, "") for n in nodes] return nodes @logwrap def assert_pacemaker(self, ctrl_node, online_nodes, offline_nodes): logger.info('Assert pacemaker status at devops node %s', ctrl_node) online = sorted([self.fqdn(n) for n in online_nodes]) offline = sorted([self.fqdn(n) for n in offline_nodes]) try: wait(lambda: self.get_pcm_nodes(ctrl_node)['Online'] == online and self.get_pcm_nodes(ctrl_node)['Offline'] == offline, timeout=60) except TimeoutError: nodes = self.get_pcm_nodes(ctrl_node) assert_true(nodes['Online'] == online, 'Online nodes: {0} ; should be online: {1}' .format(nodes['Online'], online)) assert_true(nodes['Offline'] == offline, 'Offline nodes: {0} ; should be offline: {1}' .format(nodes['Offline'], offline)) @logwrap @upload_manifests @update_fuel def create_cluster(self, name, settings=None, release_name=OPENSTACK_RELEASE, mode=DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA, port=514, release_id=None, configure_ssl=True, cgroup_data=None): """Creates a cluster :param name: :param release_name: :param mode: :param settings: :param port: :param configure_ssl: :param cgroup_data: :return: cluster_id """ logger.info('Create cluster with name %s', name) if not release_id: release_id = self.client.get_release_id(release_name=release_name) logger.info('Release_id of %s is %s', release_name, str(release_id)) if settings is None: settings = {} if REPLACE_DEFAULT_REPOS and not REPLACE_DEFAULT_REPOS_ONLY_ONCE: self.replace_default_repos() cluster_id = self.client.get_cluster_id(name) if not cluster_id: data = { "name": name, "release": str(release_id), "mode": mode } if "net_provider" in settings: data.update({'net_provider': settings["net_provider"]}) if "net_segment_type" in settings: data.update({'net_segment_type': settings["net_segment_type"]}) # NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE should not override any option # configured from test, in case if test is going to set only # 'net_provider' for a cluster. if (NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE and "net_provider" not in settings and "net_segment_type" not in settings): data.update( { 'net_provider': NEUTRON, 'net_segment_type': NEUTRON_SEGMENT[ NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE] } ) self.client.create_cluster(data=data) cluster_id = self.client.get_cluster_id(name) logger.info('The cluster id is %s', cluster_id) logger.info('Set cluster settings to {}'.format( pretty_log(settings, indent=1))) attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) for option in settings: section = False if option in ('sahara', 'murano', 'ceilometer', 'mongo', 'ironic'): section = 'additional_components' if option in ('mongo_db_name', 'mongo_replset', 'mongo_user', 'hosts_ip', 'mongo_password'): section = 'external_mongo' if option in ('volumes_ceph', 'images_ceph', 'ephemeral_ceph', 'objects_ceph', 'osd_pool_size', 'volumes_lvm', 'images_vcenter'): section = 'storage' if option in ('tenant', 'password', 'user'): section = 'access' if option == 'assign_to_all_nodes': section = 'public_network_assignment' if option in ('neutron_l3_ha', 'neutron_dvr', 'neutron_l2_pop'): section = 'neutron_advanced_configuration' if option in 'dns_list': section = 'external_dns' if option in 'ntp_list': section = 'external_ntp' if section: attributes['editable'][section][option]['value'] =\ settings[option] # we should check DVR limitations section = 'neutron_advanced_configuration' if attributes['editable'][section]['neutron_dvr']['value']: if attributes['editable'][section]['neutron_l3_ha']['value']: raise Exception("Neutron DVR and Neutron L3 HA can't be" " used simultaneously.") if 'net_segment_type' in settings: net_segment_type = settings['net_segment_type'] elif NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE: net_segment_type = NEUTRON_SEGMENT[NEUTRON_SEGMENT_TYPE] else: net_segment_type = None if not attributes['editable'][section]['neutron_l2_pop'][ 'value'] and net_segment_type == 'tun': raise Exception("neutron_l2_pop is not enabled but " "it is required for VxLAN DVR " "network configuration.") public_gw = self.environment.d_env.router(router_name="public") remote = self.environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() if help_data.FUEL_USE_LOCAL_NTPD\ and ('ntp_list' not in settings)\ and checkers.is_ntpd_active( self.ssh_manager.admin_ip, public_gw): attributes['editable']['external_ntp']['ntp_list']['value'] =\ [public_gw] logger.info("Configuring cluster #{0}" "to use NTP server {1}" .format(cluster_id, public_gw)) remote.clear() if help_data.FUEL_USE_LOCAL_DNS and ('dns_list' not in settings): attributes['editable']['external_dns']['dns_list']['value'] =\ [public_gw] logger.info("Configuring cluster #{0} to use DNS server {1}" .format(cluster_id, public_gw)) logger.info('Set DEBUG MODE to %s', help_data.DEBUG_MODE) attributes['editable']['common']['debug']['value'] = \ help_data.DEBUG_MODE if KVM_USE: logger.info('Set Hypervisor type to KVM') hpv_data = attributes['editable']['common']['libvirt_type'] hpv_data['value'] = "kvm" if help_data.VCENTER_USE: logger.info('Enable Dual Hypervisors Mode') hpv_data = attributes['editable']['common']['use_vcenter'] hpv_data['value'] = True if NOVA_QUOTAS_ENABLED: logger.info('Enable Nova quotas') nova_quotas = attributes['editable']['common']['nova_quota'] nova_quotas['value'] = True if cgroup_data: logger.info('Enable cgroup {0}'.format(cgroup_data)) attributes['editable']['cgroups'].update(cgroup_data) # Updating attributes is needed before updating # networking configuration because additional networks # may be created by new components like ironic self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) if MULTIPLE_NETWORKS: ng = {rack['name']: [] for rack in NODEGROUPS} self.update_nodegroups(cluster_id=cluster_id, node_groups=ng) self.update_nodegroups_network_configuration(cluster_id, NODEGROUPS) logger.debug("Try to update cluster " "with next attributes {0}".format(attributes)) self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) if configure_ssl: self.ssl_configure(cluster_id) if UCA_ENABLED or settings.get('uca_enabled', False): self.enable_uca(cluster_id) if not cluster_id: raise Exception("Could not get cluster '{:s}'".format(name)) # TODO: rw105719 # self.client.add_syslog_server( # cluster_id, self.environment.get_host_node_ip(), port) return cluster_id @logwrap def ssl_configure(self, cluster_id): attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) change_cluster_ssl_config(attributes, SSL_CN) logger.debug("Try to update cluster " "with next attributes {0}".format(attributes)) self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) @logwrap def enable_uca(self, cluster_id): attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) change_cluster_uca_config(attributes) logger.debug("Try to update cluster " "with next attributes {0}".format(attributes)) self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) @logwrap def vcenter_configure(self, cluster_id, vcenter_value=None, multiclusters=None, vc_glance=None, target_node_1='controllers', target_node_2='controllers'): if not vcenter_value: vcenter_value = { "glance": { "vcenter_username": "", "datacenter": "", "vcenter_host": "", "vcenter_password": "", "datastore": "", }, "availability_zones": [ {"vcenter_username": VCENTER_USERNAME, "nova_computes": [ {"datastore_regex": ".*", "vsphere_cluster": "Cluster1", "service_name": "vmcluster1", "target_node": { "current": {"id": target_node_1, "label": target_node_1}, "options": [{"id": "controllers", "label": "controllers"}, ]}, }, ], "vcenter_host": VCENTER_IP, "az_name": "vcenter", "vcenter_password": VCENTER_PASSWORD, }], "network": {"esxi_vlan_interface": "vmnic0"} } if multiclusters: multiclusters =\ vcenter_value["availability_zones"][0]["nova_computes"] multiclusters.append( {"datastore_regex": ".*", "vsphere_cluster": "Cluster2", "service_name": "vmcluster2", "target_node": { "current": {"id": target_node_2, "label": target_node_2}, "options": [{"id": "controllers", "label": "controllers"}, ]}, }) if vc_glance: vcenter_value["glance"]["vcenter_username"] = VCENTER_USERNAME vcenter_value["glance"]["datacenter"] = VCENTER_DATACENTER vcenter_value["glance"]["vcenter_host"] = VCENTER_IP vcenter_value["glance"]["vcenter_password"] = VCENTER_PASSWORD vcenter_value["glance"]["datastore"] = VCENTER_DATASTORE if help_data.VCENTER_USE: logger.info('Configuring vCenter...') vmware_attributes = \ self.client.get_cluster_vmware_attributes(cluster_id) vcenter_data = vmware_attributes['editable'] vcenter_data['value'] = vcenter_value logger.debug("Try to update cluster with next " "vmware_attributes {0}".format(vmware_attributes)) self.client.update_cluster_vmware_attributes(cluster_id, vmware_attributes) logger.debug("Attributes of cluster were updated") def add_local_ubuntu_mirror(self, cluster_id, name='Auxiliary', path=help_data.LOCAL_MIRROR_UBUNTU, suite='auxiliary', section='main', priority=help_data.EXTRA_DEB_REPOS_PRIORITY): # Append new mirror to attributes of currently creating Ubuntu cluster mirror_url = path.replace('/var/www/nailgun', 'http://{0}:8080'.format(self.admin_node_ip)) mirror = '{0},deb {1} {2} {3}'.format(name, mirror_url, suite, section) attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) repos_attr = attributes['editable']['repo_setup']['repos'] repos_attr['value'] = replace_repos.add_ubuntu_extra_mirrors( repos=repos_attr['value'], prefix=suite, mirrors=mirror, priority=priority) replace_repos.report_ubuntu_repos(repos_attr['value']) self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) def add_local_centos_mirror(self, cluster_id, repo_name='auxiliary', path=help_data.LOCAL_MIRROR_CENTOS, priority=help_data.EXTRA_RPM_REPOS_PRIORITY): # Append new mirror to attributes of currently creating CentOS cluster mirror_url = path.replace('/var/www/nailgun', 'http://{0}:8080'.format(self.admin_node_ip)) mirror = '{0},{1}'.format(repo_name, mirror_url) attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) repos_attr = attributes['editable']['repo_setup']['repos'] repos_attr['value'] = replace_repos.add_centos_extra_mirrors( repos=repos_attr['value'], mirrors=mirror, priority=priority) replace_repos.report_centos_repos(repos_attr['value']) self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attributes) def replace_default_repos(self): # Replace Ubuntu default repositories for the release logger.info("Replace default repository list.") ubuntu_id = self.client.get_release_id( release_name=help_data.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU) ubuntu_release = self.client.get_release(ubuntu_id) ubuntu_meta = ubuntu_release["attributes_metadata"] repos_ubuntu = ubuntu_meta["editable"]["repo_setup"]["repos"] repos_ubuntu["value"] = replace_repos.replace_ubuntu_repos( repos_ubuntu, upstream_host='archive.ubuntu.com') self.client.put_release(ubuntu_id, ubuntu_release) replace_repos.report_ubuntu_repos(repos_ubuntu["value"]) # Replace CentOS default repositories for the release centos_id = self.client.get_release_id( release_name=help_data.OPENSTACK_RELEASE_CENTOS) centos_release = self.client.get_release(centos_id) centos_meta = centos_release["attributes_metadata"] repos_centos = centos_meta["editable"]["repo_setup"]["repos"] repos_centos["value"] = replace_repos.replace_centos_repos( repos_centos, upstream_host=self.admin_node_ip) self.client.put_release(centos_id, centos_release) replace_repos.report_centos_repos(repos_centos["value"]) def get_cluster_repos(self, cluster_id): attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) return attributes['editable']['repo_setup']['repos'] @download_packages_json @download_astute_yaml @duration @check_repos_management @custom_repo def deploy_cluster_wait(self, cluster_id, is_feature=False, timeout=help_data.DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT, interval=30, check_services=True): if not is_feature: logger.info('Deploy cluster %s', cluster_id) task = self.deploy_cluster(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, interval=interval, timeout=timeout) else: logger.info('Provision nodes of a cluster %s', cluster_id) task = self.client.provision_nodes(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=timeout, interval=interval) logger.info('Deploy nodes of a cluster %s', cluster_id) task = self.client.deploy_nodes(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=timeout, interval=interval) if check_services: self.assert_ha_services_ready(cluster_id) self.assert_os_services_ready(cluster_id) if not DISABLE_SSL and not USER_OWNED_CERT: with self.environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() as admin_remote: copy_cert_from_master(admin_remote, cluster_id) n_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) for n in filter(lambda n: 'ready' in n['status'], n_nodes): node = self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node(n) if node: node_name = node.name with self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) as remote: free = node_freemem(remote) hiera_roles = get_node_hiera_roles(remote) node_status = { node_name: { 'Host': n['hostname'], 'Roles': { 'Nailgun': n['roles'], 'Hiera': hiera_roles, }, 'Memory': { 'RAM': free['mem'], 'SWAP': free['swap'], }, }, } logger.info('Node status: {}'.format(pretty_log(node_status, indent=1))) def deploy_cluster_wait_progress(self, cluster_id, progress, return_task=None): task = self.deploy_cluster(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, interval=30, progress=progress) if return_task: return task @logwrap def deploy_cluster(self, cluster_id): """Return hash with task description.""" logger.info('Launch deployment of a cluster #%s', cluster_id) return self.client.deploy_cluster_changes(cluster_id) @logwrap def get_cluster_predefined_networks_name(self, cluster_id): net_params = self.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['networking_parameters'] return {'private_net': net_params.get('internal_name', 'net04'), 'external_net': net_params.get('floating_name', 'net04_ext')} @logwrap def get_cluster_floating_list(self, os_conn, cluster_id): logger.info('Get floating IPs list at cluster #{0}'.format(cluster_id)) subnet = os_conn.get_subnet('{0}__subnet'.format( self.get_cluster_predefined_networks_name( cluster_id)['external_net'])) ret = [] for pool in subnet['allocation_pools']: ret.extend([str(ip) for ip in netaddr.iter_iprange(pool['start'], pool['end'])]) return ret @logwrap def get_cluster_block_devices(self, node_name): logger.info('Get %s node block devices (lsblk)', node_name) with self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) as remote: ret = remote.check_call('/bin/lsblk') return ''.join(ret['stdout']) @logwrap def get_pacemaker_status(self, controller_node_name): logger.info('Get pacemaker status at %s node', controller_node_name) with self.get_ssh_for_node(controller_node_name) as remote: return ''.join(remote.check_call('crm_mon -1')['stdout']) @logwrap def get_pacemaker_config(self, controller_node_name): logger.info('Get pacemaker config at %s node', controller_node_name) with self.get_ssh_for_node(controller_node_name) as remote: return ''.join(remote.check_call('crm_resource --list')['stdout']) @logwrap def get_pacemaker_resource_location(self, controller_node_name, resource_name): """Get devops nodes where the resource is running.""" logger.info('Get pacemaker resource %s life status at %s node', resource_name, controller_node_name) hosts = [] with self.get_ssh_for_node(controller_node_name) as remote: for line in remote.check_call( 'crm_resource --resource {0} ' '--locate --quiet'.format(resource_name))['stdout']: hosts.append( self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn(line.strip())) return hosts @logwrap def get_last_created_cluster(self): # return id of last created cluster logger.info('Get ID of a last created cluster') clusters = self.client.list_clusters() if len(clusters) > 0: return clusters.pop()['id'] return None @logwrap def get_nailgun_node_roles(self, nodes_dict): nailgun_node_roles = [] for node_name in nodes_dict: slave = self.environment.d_env.get_node(name=node_name) node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(slave) nailgun_node_roles.append((node, nodes_dict[node_name])) return nailgun_node_roles @logwrap def get_nailgun_node_by_name(self, node_name): logger.info('Get nailgun node by %s devops node', node_name) return self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( self.environment.d_env.get_node(name=node_name)) @logwrap def get_nailgun_node_by_base_name(self, base_node_name): logger.debug('Get nailgun node by "{0}" base ' 'node name.'.format(base_node_name)) nodes = self.client.list_nodes() for node in nodes: if base_node_name in node['name']: return node @logwrap def get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(self, devops_node): """Return slave node description. Returns dict with nailgun slave node description if node is registered. Otherwise return None. """ d_macs = {netaddr.EUI(i.mac_address) for i in devops_node.interfaces} logger.debug('Verify that nailgun api is running') attempts = ATTEMPTS nodes = [] while attempts > 0: logger.debug( 'current timeouts is {0} count of ' 'attempts is {1}'.format(TIMEOUT, attempts)) try: nodes = self.client.list_nodes() logger.debug('Got nodes %s', nodes) attempts = 0 except Exception: logger.debug(traceback.format_exc()) attempts -= 1 time.sleep(TIMEOUT) logger.debug('Look for nailgun node by macs %s', d_macs) for nailgun_node in nodes: macs = {netaddr.EUI(i['mac']) for i in nailgun_node['meta']['interfaces']} logger.debug('Look for macs returned by nailgun {0}'.format(macs)) # Because our HAproxy may create some interfaces if d_macs.issubset(macs): nailgun_node['devops_name'] = devops_node.name return nailgun_node # On deployed environment MAC addresses of bonded network interfaces # are changes and don't match addresses associated with devops node if BONDING: return self.get_nailgun_node_by_base_name(devops_node.name) @logwrap def get_nailgun_node_by_fqdn(self, fqdn): """Return nailgun node with fqdn :type fqdn: String :rtype: Dict """ for nailgun_node in self.client.list_nodes(): if nailgun_node['meta']['system']['fqdn'] == fqdn: return nailgun_node @logwrap def find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn(self, fqdn, devops_nodes): """Return devops node by nailgun fqdn :type fqdn: String :type devops_nodes: List :rtype: Devops Node or None """ nailgun_node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_fqdn(fqdn) macs = {netaddr.EUI(i['mac']) for i in nailgun_node['meta']['interfaces']} for devops_node in devops_nodes: devops_macs = {netaddr.EUI(i.mac_address) for i in devops_node.interfaces} if devops_macs == macs: return devops_node @logwrap def get_devops_node_by_mac(self, mac_address): """Return devops node by nailgun node :type mac_address: String :rtype: Node or None """ for node in self.environment.d_env.nodes(): for iface in node.interfaces: if netaddr.EUI(iface.mac_address) == netaddr.EUI(mac_address): return node @logwrap def get_devops_nodes_by_nailgun_nodes(self, nailgun_nodes): """Return devops node by nailgun node :type nailgun_nodes: List :rtype: list of Nodes or None """ d_nodes = [self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node(n) for n in nailgun_nodes] d_nodes = [n for n in d_nodes if n is not None] return d_nodes if len(d_nodes) == len(nailgun_nodes) else None @logwrap def get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node(self, nailgun_node): """Return devops node by nailgun node :type nailgun_node: Dict :rtype: Node or None """ if nailgun_node: return self.get_devops_node_by_mac(nailgun_node['mac']) @logwrap def get_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn(self, fqdn): """Return devops node with nailgun fqdn :type fqdn: String :rtype: Devops Node or None """ return self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_node( self.get_nailgun_node_by_fqdn(fqdn)) @logwrap def get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles(self, cluster_id, roles, role_status='roles'): """Return list of nailgun nodes from cluster with cluster_id which have a roles :type cluster_id: Int :type roles: list :rtype: list """ nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id=cluster_id) return [n for n in nodes if set(roles) <= set(n[role_status])] @logwrap def get_node_ip_by_devops_name(self, node_name): """Get node ip by it's devops name (like "slave-01" and etc) :param node_name: str :return: str """ # TODO: This method should be part of fuel-devops # pylint: disable=no-member try: node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( self.environment.d_env.get_node(name=node_name)) except Node.DoesNotExist: node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_fqdn(node_name) # pylint: enable=no-member assert_true(node is not None, 'Node with name "{0}" not found!'.format(node_name)) return node['ip'] @logwrap def get_ssh_for_node(self, node_name): return self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote( self.get_node_ip_by_devops_name(node_name)) @logwrap def get_ssh_for_role(self, nodes_dict, role): node_name = sorted(filter(lambda name: role in nodes_dict[name], nodes_dict.keys()))[0] return self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) @logwrap def get_ssh_for_nailgun_node(self, nailgun_node): return self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(nailgun_node['ip']) @logwrap def is_node_discovered(self, nailgun_node): return any( map(lambda node: node['mac'] == nailgun_node['mac'] and node['status'] == 'discover', self.client.list_nodes())) @logwrap def run_network_verify(self, cluster_id): logger.info('Run network verification on the cluster %s', cluster_id) return self.client.verify_networks(cluster_id) @logwrap def run_ostf(self, cluster_id, test_sets=None, should_fail=0, tests_must_be_passed=None, timeout=None, failed_test_name=None): """Run specified OSTF test set(s), check that all of them or just [tests_must_be_passed] are passed""" test_sets = test_sets or ['smoke', 'sanity'] timeout = timeout or 30 * 60 self.client.ostf_run_tests(cluster_id, test_sets) if tests_must_be_passed: self.assert_ostf_run_certain( cluster_id, tests_must_be_passed, timeout) else: logger.info('Try to run assert ostf with ' 'expected fail name {0}'.format(failed_test_name)) self.assert_ostf_run( cluster_id, should_fail=should_fail, timeout=timeout, failed_test_name=failed_test_name, test_sets=test_sets) @logwrap def return_ostf_results(self, cluster_id, timeout, test_sets): """Filter and return OSTF results for further analysis""" set_result_list = self._ostf_test_wait(cluster_id, timeout) tests_res = [] for set_result in set_result_list: for test in set_result['tests']: if (test['testset'] in test_sets and test['status'] != 'disabled'): tests_res.append({test['name']: test['status']}) logger.info('OSTF test statuses are : {0}' .format(pretty_log(tests_res, indent=1))) return tests_res @logwrap def run_single_ostf_test(self, cluster_id, test_sets=None, test_name=None, retries=None, timeout=15 * 60): """Run a single OSTF test""" self.client.ostf_run_singe_test(cluster_id, test_sets, test_name) if retries: return self.return_ostf_results(cluster_id, timeout=timeout, test_sets=test_sets) else: self.assert_ostf_run_certain(cluster_id, tests_must_be_passed=[test_name], timeout=timeout) @logwrap def task_wait(self, task, timeout, interval=5): logger.info('Wait for task {0} seconds: {1}'.format( timeout, pretty_log(task, indent=1))) start = time.time() try: wait( lambda: (self.client.get_task(task['id'])['status'] not in ('pending', 'running')), interval=interval, timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError( "Waiting task \"{task}\" timeout {timeout} sec " "was exceeded: ".format(task=task["name"], timeout=timeout)) took = time.time() - start task = self.client.get_task(task['id']) logger.info('Task finished. Took {0} seconds. {1}'.format( took, pretty_log(task, indent=1))) return task @logwrap def task_wait_progress(self, task, timeout, interval=5, progress=None): try: logger.info( 'start to wait with timeout {0} ' 'interval {1}'.format(timeout, interval)) wait( lambda: self.client.get_task( task['id'])['progress'] >= progress, interval=interval, timeout=timeout ) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError( "Waiting task \"{task}\" timeout {timeout} sec " "was exceeded: ".format(task=task["name"], timeout=timeout)) return self.client.get_task(task['id']) @logwrap def update_nodes(self, cluster_id, nodes_dict, pending_addition=True, pending_deletion=False, update_nodegroups=False, custom_names=None, update_interfaces=True): # update nodes in cluster nodes_data = [] nodes_groups = {} updated_nodes = [] for node_name in nodes_dict: if MULTIPLE_NETWORKS: node_roles = nodes_dict[node_name][0] node_group = nodes_dict[node_name][1] else: node_roles = nodes_dict[node_name] node_group = 'default' devops_node = self.environment.d_env.get_node(name=node_name) wait(lambda: self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(devops_node)['online'], timeout=60 * 2) node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(devops_node) assert_true(node['online'], 'Node {0} is offline'.format(node['mac'])) if custom_names: name = custom_names.get(node_name, '{}_{}'.format( node_name, "_".join(node_roles))) else: name = '{0}_{1}'.format(node_name, "_".join(node_roles)) node_data = { 'cluster_id': cluster_id, 'id': node['id'], 'pending_addition': pending_addition, 'pending_deletion': pending_deletion, 'pending_roles': node_roles, 'name': name } nodes_data.append(node_data) if node_group not in nodes_groups.keys(): nodes_groups[node_group] = [] nodes_groups[node_group].append(node) updated_nodes.append(node) # assume nodes are going to be updated for one cluster only cluster_id = nodes_data[-1]['cluster_id'] node_ids = [str(node_info['id']) for node_info in nodes_data] self.client.update_nodes(nodes_data) nailgun_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) cluster_node_ids = [str(_node['id']) for _node in nailgun_nodes] assert_true( all([node_id in cluster_node_ids for node_id in node_ids])) if update_interfaces and not pending_deletion: self.update_nodes_interfaces(cluster_id, updated_nodes) if update_nodegroups: self.update_nodegroups(cluster_id=cluster_id, node_groups=nodes_groups) return nailgun_nodes @logwrap def delete_node(self, node_id, interval=30, timeout=600): task = self.client.delete_node(node_id) logger.debug("task info is {}".format(task)) self.assert_task_success(task, interval=interval, timeout=timeout) @logwrap def update_node_networks(self, node_id, interfaces_dict, raw_data=None, override_ifaces_params=None): interfaces = self.client.get_node_interfaces(node_id) if raw_data is not None: interfaces.extend(raw_data) def get_bond_ifaces(): # Filter out all interfaces to be bonded ifaces = [] for bond in [i for i in interfaces if i['type'] == 'bond']: ifaces.extend(s['name'] for s in bond['slaves']) return ifaces # fuelweb_admin is always on 1st iface unless the iface is not bonded iface = iface_alias('eth0') if iface not in get_bond_ifaces(): interfaces_dict[iface] = interfaces_dict.get(iface, []) if 'fuelweb_admin' not in interfaces_dict[iface]: interfaces_dict[iface].append('fuelweb_admin') def get_iface_by_name(ifaces, name): iface = [_iface for _iface in ifaces if _iface['name'] == name] assert_true(len(iface) > 0, "Interface with name {} is not present on " "node. Please check override params.".format(name)) return iface[0] if override_ifaces_params is not None: for interface in override_ifaces_params: get_iface_by_name(interfaces, interface['name']).\ update(interface) all_networks = dict() for interface in interfaces: all_networks.update( {net['name']: net for net in interface['assigned_networks']}) for interface in interfaces: name = interface["name"] interface['assigned_networks'] = \ [all_networks[i] for i in interfaces_dict.get(name, []) if i in all_networks.keys()] self.client.put_node_interfaces( [{'id': node_id, 'interfaces': interfaces}]) @logwrap def update_node_disk(self, node_id, disks_dict): disks = self.client.get_node_disks(node_id) for disk in disks: dname = disk['name'] if dname not in disks_dict: continue for volume in disk['volumes']: vname = volume['name'] if vname in disks_dict[dname]: volume['size'] = disks_dict[dname][vname] self.client.put_node_disks(node_id, disks) @logwrap def get_node_disk_size(self, node_id, disk_name): disks = self.client.get_node_disks(node_id) size = 0 for disk in disks: if disk['name'] == disk_name: for volume in disk['volumes']: size += volume['size'] return size @logwrap def update_node_partitioning(self, node, disk='vdc', node_role='cinder', unallocated_size=11116): node_size = self.get_node_disk_size(node['id'], disk) disk_part = { disk: { node_role: node_size - unallocated_size } } self.update_node_disk(node['id'], disk_part) return node_size - unallocated_size @logwrap def update_vlan_network_fixed( self, cluster_id, amount=1, network_size=256): self.client.update_network( cluster_id, networking_parameters={ "net_manager": help_data.NETWORK_MANAGERS['vlan'], "fixed_network_size": network_size, "fixed_networks_amount": amount } ) @retry(count=2, delay=20) @logwrap def verify_network(self, cluster_id, timeout=60 * 5, success=True): def _report_verify_network_result(task): # Report verify_network results using style like on UI if task['status'] == 'error' and 'result' in task: msg = "Network verification failed:\n" if task['result']: msg += ("{0:30} | {1:20} | {2:15} | {3}\n" .format("Node Name", "Node MAC address", "Node Interface", "Expected VLAN (not received)")) for res in task['result']: name = None mac = None interface = None absent_vlans = [] if 'name' in res: name = res['name'] if 'mac' in res: mac = res['mac'] if 'interface' in res: interface = res['interface'] if 'absent_vlans' in res: absent_vlans = res['absent_vlans'] msg += ("{0:30} | {1:20} | {2:15} | {3}\n".format( name or '-', mac or '-', interface or '-', [x or 'untagged' for x in absent_vlans])) logger.error(''.join([msg, task['message']])) # TODO(apanchenko): remove this hack when network verification begins # TODO(apanchenko): to work for environments with multiple net groups if MULTIPLE_NETWORKS: logger.warning('Network verification is temporary disabled when ' '"multiple cluster networks" feature is used') return try: task = self.run_network_verify(cluster_id) with QuietLogger(): if success: self.assert_task_success(task, timeout, interval=10) else: self.assert_task_failed(task, timeout, interval=10) logger.info("Network verification of cluster {0} finished" .format(cluster_id)) except AssertionError: # Report the result of network verify. task = self.client.get_task(task['id']) _report_verify_network_result(task) raise @logwrap def update_nodes_interfaces(self, cluster_id, nailgun_nodes=None): if nailgun_nodes is None: nailgun_nodes = [] net_provider = self.client.get_cluster(cluster_id)['net_provider'] if NEUTRON == net_provider: assigned_networks = { iface_alias('eth0'): ['fuelweb_admin'], iface_alias('eth1'): ['public'], iface_alias('eth2'): ['management'], iface_alias('eth3'): ['private'], iface_alias('eth4'): ['storage'], } else: assigned_networks = { iface_alias('eth1'): ['public'], iface_alias('eth2'): ['management'], iface_alias('eth3'): ['fixed'], iface_alias('eth4'): ['storage'], } baremetal_iface = iface_alias('eth5') if self.get_cluster_additional_components(cluster_id).get( 'ironic', False): assigned_networks[baremetal_iface] = ['baremetal'] logger.info('Assigned networks are: {}'.format(str(assigned_networks))) if not nailgun_nodes: nailgun_nodes = self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) for node in nailgun_nodes: self.update_node_networks(node['id'], assigned_networks) @logwrap def get_offloading_modes(self, node_id, interfaces): offloading_types = [] for i in self.client.get_node_interfaces(node_id): for interface in interfaces: if i['name'] == interface: for offloading_type in i['offloading_modes']: offloading_types.append(offloading_type['name']) return offloading_types @logwrap def update_offloads(self, node_id, update_values, interface_to_update): interfaces = self.client.get_node_interfaces(node_id) for i in interfaces: if i['name'] == interface_to_update: for new_mode in update_values['offloading_modes']: for mode in i['offloading_modes']: if mode['name'] == new_mode['name']: mode.update(new_mode) break else: raise Exception("Offload type '{0}' is not applicable" " for interface {1}".format( new_mode['name'], interface_to_update)) self.client.put_node_interfaces( [{'id': node_id, 'interfaces': interfaces}]) def change_default_network_settings(self): api_version = self.client.get_api_version() if int(api_version["release"][0]) < 6: return def fetch_networks(networks): """Parse response from api/releases/1/networks and return dict with networks' settings - need for avoiding hardcode""" result = {} for net in networks: if (net['name'] == 'private' and net.get('seg_type', '') == 'tun'): result['private_tun'] = net elif (net['name'] == 'private' and net.get('seg_type', '') == 'gre'): result['private_gre'] = net elif net['name'] == 'public': result['public'] = net elif net['name'] == 'management': result['management'] = net elif net['name'] == 'storage': result['storage'] = net elif net['name'] == 'baremetal': result['baremetal'] = net return result default_networks = {} for n in ('public', 'management', 'storage', 'private'): if self.environment.d_env.get_networks(name=n): default_networks[n] = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name=n).ip logger.info("Applying default network settings") for _release in self.client.get_releases(): logger.info( 'Applying changes for release: {}'.format( _release['name'])) net_settings = \ self.client.get_release_default_net_settings( _release['id']) for net_provider in NETWORK_PROVIDERS: if net_provider not in net_settings: continue networks = fetch_networks( net_settings[net_provider]['networks']) networks['public']['cidr'] = str(default_networks['public']) networks['public']['gateway'] = str( default_networks['public'].network + 1) networks['public']['notation'] = 'ip_ranges' # use the first half of public network as static public range networks['public']['ip_range'] = self.get_range( default_networks['public'], ip_range=-1)[0] # use the second half of public network as floating range net_settings[net_provider]['config']['floating_ranges'] = \ self.get_range(default_networks['public'], ip_range=1) devops_env = self.environment.d_env # NOTE(akostrikov) possible break. if 'baremetal' in networks and \ devops_env.get_networks(name='ironic'): ironic_net = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name='ironic').ip subnet1, subnet2 = ironic_net.subnet() networks['baremetal']['cidr'] = str(ironic_net) net_settings[net_provider]['config'][ 'baremetal_gateway'] = str(ironic_net[-2]) networks['baremetal']['ip_range'] = [ str(subnet1[2]), str(subnet2[0])] net_settings[net_provider]['config']['baremetal_range'] =\ [str(subnet2[1]), str(subnet2[-3])] networks['baremetal']['vlan_start'] = None if BONDING: # leave defaults for mgmt, storage and private if # BONDING is enabled continue for net, cidr in default_networks.items(): if net in ('public', 'private'): continue networks[net]['cidr'] = str(cidr) networks[net]['ip_range'] = self.get_range(cidr)[0] networks[net]['notation'] = 'ip_ranges' networks[net]['vlan_start'] = None if net_provider == 'neutron': networks['private_tun']['cidr'] = str( default_networks['private']) networks['private_gre']['cidr'] = str( default_networks['private']) net_settings[net_provider]['config']['internal_cidr'] = \ str(default_networks['private']) net_settings[net_provider]['config']['internal_gateway'] =\ str(default_networks['private'][1]) elif net_provider == 'nova_network': net_settings[net_provider]['config'][ 'fixed_networks_cidr'] = str( default_networks['private']) self.client.put_release_default_net_settings( _release['id'], net_settings) @logwrap def update_nodegroups_network_configuration(self, cluster_id, nodegroups=None): net_config = self.client.get_networks(cluster_id) new_settings = net_config for nodegroup in nodegroups: logger.info('Update network settings of cluster %s, ' 'nodegroup %s', cluster_id, nodegroup['name']) new_settings = self.update_nodegroup_net_settings(new_settings, nodegroup, cluster_id) self.client.update_network( cluster_id=cluster_id, networking_parameters=new_settings["networking_parameters"], networks=new_settings["networks"] ) @staticmethod def _get_true_net_name(name, net_pools): """Find a devops network name in net_pools""" for net in net_pools: if name in net: return {name: net_pools[net]} def update_nodegroup_net_settings(self, network_configuration, nodegroup, cluster_id=None): seg_type = network_configuration.get('networking_parameters', {}) \ .get('segmentation_type') nodegroup_id = self.get_nodegroup(cluster_id, nodegroup['name'])['id'] for net in network_configuration.get('networks'): if net['group_id'] == nodegroup_id: # Do not overwrite default PXE admin network configuration if nodegroup['name'] == 'default' and \ net['name'] == 'fuelweb_admin': continue self.set_network(net_config=net, net_name=net['name'], net_devices=nodegroup['networks'], seg_type=seg_type) # For all admin/pxe networks except default use master # node as router # TODO(mstrukov): find way to get admin node networks only if net['name'] != 'fuelweb_admin': continue for devops_network in self.environment.d_env.get_networks(): if str(devops_network.ip_network) == net['cidr']: net['gateway'] = \ self.environment.d_env.nodes().\ admin.get_ip_address_by_network_name( devops_network.name) logger.info('Set master node ({0}) as ' 'router for admin network ' 'in nodegroup {1}.'.format( net['gateway'], nodegroup_id)) return network_configuration def set_network(self, net_config, net_name, net_devices=None, seg_type=None): nets_wo_floating = ['public', 'management', 'storage', 'baremetal'] if (seg_type == NEUTRON_SEGMENT['tun'] or seg_type == NEUTRON_SEGMENT['gre']): nets_wo_floating.append('private') if not net_devices: if not BONDING: if 'floating' == net_name: self.net_settings(net_config, 'public', floating=True) elif net_name in nets_wo_floating: self.net_settings(net_config, net_name) else: ip_obj = self.environment.d_env.get_network(name="public").ip pub_subnets = list(ip_obj.subnet(new_prefix=27)) if "floating" == net_name: self.net_settings(net_config, pub_subnets[0], floating=True, jbond=True) elif net_name in nets_wo_floating: i = nets_wo_floating.index(net_name) self.net_settings(net_config, pub_subnets[i], jbond=True) else: if not BONDING: if 'floating' == net_name: self.net_settings(net_config, net_devices['public'], floating=True) self.net_settings(net_config, net_devices[net_name]) else: ip_obj = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name=net_devices['public']).ip pub_subnets = list(ip_obj.subnet(new_prefix=27)) if "floating" == net_name: self.net_settings(net_config, pub_subnets[0], floating=True, jbond=True) elif net_name in nets_wo_floating: i = nets_wo_floating.index(net_name) self.net_settings(net_config, pub_subnets[i], jbond=True) elif net_name in 'fuelweb_admin': self.net_settings(net_config, net_devices['fuelweb_admin']) if 'ip_ranges' in net_config: if net_config['ip_ranges']: net_config['meta']['notation'] = 'ip_ranges' def net_settings(self, net_config, net_name, floating=False, jbond=False): if jbond: if net_config['name'] == 'public': net_config['gateway'] = self.environment.d_env.router('public') ip_network = net_name elif net_config['name'] == 'baremetal': baremetal_net = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name='ironic').ip_network net_config['gateway'] = str( list(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(baremetal_net)))[-2]) ip_network = baremetal_net else: ip_network = net_name else: net_config['vlan_start'] = None if net_config['name'] == 'baremetal': baremetal_net = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name='ironic').ip_network net_config['gateway'] = str( list(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(baremetal_net)))[-2]) ip_network = baremetal_net else: net_config['gateway'] = self.environment.d_env.router(net_name) ip_network = self.environment.d_env.get_network( name=net_name).ip_network net_config['cidr'] = str(ip_network) if 'admin' in net_config['name']: net_config['ip_ranges'] = self.get_range(ip_network, 2) elif floating: net_config['ip_ranges'] = self.get_range(ip_network, 1) else: net_config['ip_ranges'] = self.get_range(ip_network, -1) @staticmethod def get_range(ip_network, ip_range=0): net = list(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(ip_network))) half = len(net) / 2 if ip_range == 0: return [[str(net[2]), str(net[-2])]] elif ip_range == 1: return [[str(net[half]), str(net[-2])]] elif ip_range == -1: return [[str(net[2]), str(net[half - 1])]] elif ip_range == 2: return [[str(net[3]), str(net[half - 1])]] elif ip_range == 3: return [[str(net[half]), str(net[-3])]] def get_floating_ranges(self, network_set=''): net_name = 'public{0}'.format(network_set) net = list(self.environment.d_env.get_network(name=net_name).ip) ip_ranges, expected_ips = [], [] for i in [0, -20, -40]: l = [] for k in range(11): l.append(str(net[-12 + i + k])) expected_ips.append(l) e, s = str(net[-12 + i]), str(net[-2 + i]) ip_ranges.append([e, s]) return ip_ranges, expected_ips def warm_shutdown_nodes(self, devops_nodes): logger.info('Shutting down (warm) nodes %s', [n.name for n in devops_nodes]) for node in devops_nodes: logger.debug('Shutdown node %s', node.name) with self.get_ssh_for_node(node.name) as remote: remote.check_call('/sbin/shutdown -Ph now') for node in devops_nodes: logger.info('Wait a %s node offline status', node.name) try: wait( lambda: not self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)[ 'online'], timeout=60 * 10) except TimeoutError: assert_false( self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], 'Node {0} has not become ' 'offline after warm shutdown'.format(node.name)) node.destroy() def warm_start_nodes(self, devops_nodes): logger.info('Starting nodes %s', [n.name for n in devops_nodes]) for node in devops_nodes: node.create() for node in devops_nodes: try: wait( lambda: self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( node)['online'], timeout=60 * 10) except TimeoutError: assert_true( self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], 'Node {0} has not become online ' 'after warm start'.format(node.name)) logger.debug('Node {0} became online.'.format(node.name)) def warm_restart_nodes(self, devops_nodes): logger.info('Reboot (warm restart) nodes %s', [n.name for n in devops_nodes]) self.warm_shutdown_nodes(devops_nodes) self.warm_start_nodes(devops_nodes) def cold_restart_nodes(self, devops_nodes, wait_offline=True, wait_online=True, wait_after_destroy=None): logger.info('Cold restart nodes %s', [n.name for n in devops_nodes]) for node in devops_nodes: logger.info('Destroy node %s', node.name) node.destroy() for node in devops_nodes: if wait_offline: logger.info('Wait a %s node offline status', node.name) try: wait(lambda: not self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( node)['online'], timeout=60 * 10) except TimeoutError: assert_false( self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], 'Node {0} has not become offline after ' 'cold restart'.format(node.name)) if wait_after_destroy: time.sleep(wait_after_destroy) for node in devops_nodes: logger.info('Start %s node', node.name) node.create() if wait_online: for node in devops_nodes: try: wait( lambda: self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node( node)['online'], timeout=60 * 10) except TimeoutError: assert_true( self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], 'Node {0} has not become online' ' after cold start'.format(node.name)) self.environment.sync_time() @logwrap def ip_address_show(self, node_name, interface, namespace=None): """Return ip on interface in node with node_name inside namespace :type node_name: String :type namespace: String :type interface: String :rtype: String on None """ try: if namespace: cmd = 'ip netns exec {0} ip -4 ' \ '-o address show {1}'.format(namespace, interface) else: cmd = 'ip -4 -o address show {1}'.format(interface) with self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) as remote: ret = remote.check_call(cmd) ip_search = re.search( 'inet (?P\d+\.\d+\.\d+.\d+/\d+).*scope .* ' '{0}'.format(interface), ' '.join(ret['stdout'])) if ip_search is None: logger.debug("Ip show output does not match in regex. " "Current value is None. On node {0} in netns " "{1} for interface {2}".format(node_name, namespace, interface)) return None return ip_search.group('ip') except DevopsCalledProcessError as err: logger.error(err) return None @logwrap def ip_address_del(self, node_name, namespace, interface, ip): logger.info('Delete %s ip address of %s interface at %s node', ip, interface, node_name) with self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) as remote: remote.check_call( 'ip netns exec {0} ip addr' ' del {1} dev {2}'.format(namespace, ip, interface)) @logwrap def provisioning_cluster_wait(self, cluster_id, progress=None): logger.info('Start cluster #%s provisioning', cluster_id) task = self.client.provision_nodes(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, progress=progress) @logwrap def deploy_task_wait(self, cluster_id, progress): logger.info('Start cluster #%s deployment', cluster_id) task = self.client.deploy_nodes(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success( task, progress=progress) @logwrap def stop_deployment_wait(self, cluster_id): logger.info('Stop cluster #%s deployment', cluster_id) task = self.client.stop_deployment(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=50 * 60, interval=30) @logwrap def stop_reset_env_wait(self, cluster_id): logger.info('Reset cluster #%s', cluster_id) task = self.client.reset_environment(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=50 * 60, interval=30) @logwrap def delete_env_wait(self, cluster_id, timeout=10 * 60): logger.info('Removing cluster with id={0}'.format(cluster_id)) self.client.delete_cluster(cluster_id) tasks = self.client.get_tasks() delete_tasks = [t for t in tasks if t['status'] in ('pending', 'running') and t['name'] == 'cluster_deletion' and t['cluster'] == cluster_id] if delete_tasks: for task in delete_tasks: logger.info('Task found: {}'.format(task)) task = delete_tasks[0] logger.info('Selected task: {}'.format(task)) # Task will be removed with the cluster, so we will get 404 error assert_raises(HTTPError, self.assert_task_success, task, timeout) else: assert 'No cluster_deletion task found!' @logwrap def wait_nodes_get_online_state(self, nodes, timeout=4 * 60): for node in nodes: logger.info('Wait for %s node online status', node.name) try: wait(lambda: self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], timeout=timeout) except TimeoutError: assert_true( self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node)['online'], 'Node {0} has not become online'.format(node.name)) node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_devops_node(node) assert_true(node['online'], 'Node {0} is online'.format(node['mac'])) @logwrap def wait_mysql_galera_is_up(self, node_names, timeout=60 * 4): def _get_galera_status(_remote): cmd = ("mysql --connect_timeout=5 -sse \"SELECT VARIABLE_VALUE " "FROM information_schema.GLOBAL_STATUS WHERE VARIABLE_NAME" " = 'wsrep_ready';\"") result = _remote.execute(cmd) if result['exit_code'] == 0: return ''.join(result['stdout']).strip() else: return ''.join(result['stderr']).strip() for node_name in node_names: with self.get_ssh_for_node(node_name) as remote: try: wait(lambda: _get_galera_status(remote) == 'ON', timeout=timeout) logger.info("MySQL Galera is up on {host} node.".format( host=node_name)) except TimeoutError: logger.error("MySQL Galera isn't ready on {0}: {1}" .format(node_name, _get_galera_status(remote))) raise TimeoutError( "MySQL Galera isn't ready on {0}: {1}".format( node_name, _get_galera_status(remote))) return True @logwrap def wait_cinder_is_up(self, node_names): logger.info("Waiting for all Cinder services up.") for node_name in node_names: node = self.get_nailgun_node_by_name(node_name) try: wait(lambda: checkers.check_cinder_status(node['ip']), timeout=300) logger.info("All Cinder services up.") except TimeoutError: logger.error("Cinder services not ready.") raise TimeoutError( "Cinder services not ready. ") return True def run_ostf_repeatably(self, cluster_id, test_name=None, test_retries=None, checks=None): res = [] passed_count = [] failed_count = [] test_name_to_run = test_name or OSTF_TEST_NAME retries = test_retries or OSTF_TEST_RETRIES_COUNT test_path = ostf_test_mapping.OSTF_TEST_MAPPING.get(test_name_to_run) logger.info('Test path is {0}'.format(test_path)) for _ in range(retries): result = self.run_single_ostf_test( cluster_id=cluster_id, test_sets=['smoke', 'sanity'], test_name=test_path, retries=True) res.append(result) logger.info('res is {0}'.format(res)) logger.info('full res is {0}'.format(res)) for element in res: for test in element: if test.get(test_name) == 'success': passed_count.append(test) elif test.get(test_name) in {'failure', 'error'}: failed_count.append(test) if not checks: assert_true( len(passed_count) == test_retries, 'not all retries were successful,' ' fail {0} retries'.format(len(failed_count))) else: return failed_count def get_nailgun_version(self): logger.info("ISO version: {}".format(pretty_log( self.client.get_api_version(), indent=1))) @logwrap def run_ceph_task(self, cluster_id, offline_nodes): ceph_id = [n['id'] for n in self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) if 'ceph-osd' in n['roles'] and n['id'] not in offline_nodes] res = self.client.put_deployment_tasks_for_cluster( cluster_id, data=['top-role-ceph-osd'], node_id=str(ceph_id).strip('[]')) logger.debug('res info is {0}'.format(res)) self.assert_task_success(task=res) @retry(count=3) def check_ceph_time_skew(self, cluster_id, offline_nodes): ceph_nodes = self.get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles( cluster_id, ['ceph-osd']) online_ceph_nodes = [ n for n in ceph_nodes if n['id'] not in offline_nodes] # Let's find nodes where are a time skew. It can be checked on # an arbitrary one. logger.debug("Looking up nodes with a time skew and try to fix them") with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote( online_ceph_nodes[0]['ip']) as remote: if ceph.is_clock_skew(remote): skewed = ceph.get_node_fqdns_w_clock_skew(remote) logger.warning("Time on nodes {0} are to be " "re-synchronized".format(skewed)) nodes_to_sync = [ n for n in online_ceph_nodes if n['fqdn'].split('.')[0] in skewed] self.environment.sync_time(nodes_to_sync) try: wait(lambda: not ceph.is_clock_skew(remote), timeout=120) except TimeoutError: skewed = ceph.get_node_fqdns_w_clock_skew(remote) logger.error("Time on Ceph nodes {0} is still skewed. " "Restarting Ceph monitor on these " "nodes".format(', '.join(skewed))) for node in skewed: fqdn = self.get_fqdn_by_hostname(node) d_node = self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn(fqdn) logger.debug("Establish SSH connection to first Ceph " "monitor node %s", fqdn) with self.get_ssh_for_node(d_node.name) as remote_to_mon: logger.debug("Restart Ceph monitor service " "on node %s", fqdn) ceph.restart_monitor(remote_to_mon) wait(lambda: not ceph.is_clock_skew(remote), timeout=120) @logwrap def check_ceph_status(self, cluster_id, offline_nodes=(), recovery_timeout=360): ceph_nodes = self.get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles( cluster_id, ['ceph-osd']) online_ceph_nodes = [ n for n in ceph_nodes if n['id'] not in offline_nodes] logger.info('Waiting until Ceph service become up...') for node in online_ceph_nodes: with self.environment.d_env\ .get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) as remote: try: wait(lambda: ceph.check_service_ready(remote) is True, interval=20, timeout=600) except TimeoutError: error_msg = 'Ceph service is not properly started' \ ' on {0}'.format(node['name']) logger.error(error_msg) raise TimeoutError(error_msg) logger.info('Ceph service is ready. Checking Ceph Health...') self.check_ceph_time_skew(cluster_id, offline_nodes) node = online_ceph_nodes[0] with self.environment.d_env.get_ssh_to_remote(node['ip']) as remote: if not ceph.is_health_ok(remote): if ceph.is_pgs_recovering(remote) and len(offline_nodes) > 0: logger.info('Ceph is being recovered after osd node(s)' ' shutdown.') try: wait(lambda: ceph.is_health_ok(remote), interval=30, timeout=recovery_timeout) except TimeoutError: result = ceph.health_detail(remote) msg = 'Ceph HEALTH is not OK on {0}. Details: {1}'\ .format(node['name'], result) logger.error(msg) raise TimeoutError(msg) else: result = ceph.health_detail(remote) msg = 'Ceph HEALTH is not OK on {0}. Details: {1}'.format( node['name'], result) assert_true(ceph.is_health_ok(remote), msg) logger.info('Checking Ceph OSD Tree...') ceph.check_disks(remote, [n['id'] for n in online_ceph_nodes]) logger.info('Ceph cluster status is OK') @logwrap def get_releases_list_for_os(self, release_name, release_version=None): full_list = self.client.get_releases() release_ids = [] for release in full_list: if release_version: if release_name in release['name'].lower() \ and release_version == release['version']: logger.debug('release data is {0}'.format(release)) release_ids.append(release['id']) else: if release_name in release['name'].lower(): release_ids.append(release['id']) return release_ids @logwrap def get_next_deployable_release_id(self, release_id): releases = self.client.get_releases() release_details = self.client.get_releases_details(release_id) for release in releases: if (release["id"] > release_id and release["operating_system"] == release_details["operating_system"] and release["is_deployable"]): return release["id"] return None @logwrap def update_cluster(self, cluster_id, data): logger.debug( "Try to update cluster with data {0}".format(data)) self.client.update_cluster(cluster_id, data) @logwrap def run_update(self, cluster_id, timeout, interval): logger.info("Run update..") task = self.client.run_update(cluster_id) logger.debug("Invocation of update runs with result {0}".format(task)) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=timeout, interval=interval) @logwrap def get_cluster_release_id(self, cluster_id): data = self.client.get_cluster(cluster_id) return data['release_id'] def assert_nodes_in_ready_state(self, cluster_id): for nailgun_node in self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id): assert_equal(nailgun_node['status'], 'ready', 'Nailgun node status is not ready but {0}'.format( nailgun_node['status'])) @staticmethod @logwrap def modify_python_file(remote, modification, filename): remote.execute('sed -i "{0}" {1}'.format(modification, filename)) @staticmethod def backup_master(remote): # FIXME(kozhukalov): This approach is outdated # due to getting rid of docker containers. logger.info("Backup of the master node is started.") run_on_remote(remote, "echo CALC_MY_MD5SUM > /etc/fuel/data", err_msg='command calc_my_mdsum failed') run_on_remote(remote, "iptables-save > /etc/fuel/iptables-backup", err_msg='can not save iptables in iptables-backup') run_on_remote(remote, "md5sum /etc/fuel/data | cut -d' ' -f1 > /etc/fuel/sum", err_msg='failed to create sum file') run_on_remote(remote, 'dockerctl backup') run_on_remote(remote, 'rm -f /etc/fuel/data', err_msg='Can not remove /etc/fuel/data') logger.info("Backup of the master node is complete.") @logwrap def restore_master(self, ip): # FIXME(kozhukalov): This approach is outdated # due to getting rid of docker containers. logger.info("Restore of the master node is started.") path = checkers.find_backup(ip) self.ssh_manager.execute_on_remote( ip=ip, cmd='dockerctl restore {0}'.format(path)) logger.info("Restore of the master node is complete.") @logwrap def restore_check_nailgun_api(self): logger.info("Restore check nailgun api") info = self.client.get_api_version() os_version = info["openstack_version"] assert_true(os_version, 'api version returned empty data') @logwrap def get_nailgun_cidr_nova(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_networks(cluster_id).\ get("networking_parameters").get("fixed_networks_cidr") @logwrap def get_nailgun_cidr_neutron(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_networks(cluster_id).\ get("networking_parameters").get("internal_cidr") @logwrap def check_fixed_network_cidr(self, cluster_id, os_conn): net_provider = self.client.get_cluster(cluster_id)['net_provider'] if net_provider == 'nova_network': nailgun_cidr = self.get_nailgun_cidr_nova(cluster_id) logger.debug('nailgun cidr is {0}'.format(nailgun_cidr)) net = os_conn.nova_get_net('novanetwork') logger.debug('nova networks: {0}'.format( net)) assert_equal(nailgun_cidr, net.cidr.rstrip(), 'Cidr after deployment is not equal' ' to cidr by default') elif net_provider == 'neutron': nailgun_cidr = self.get_nailgun_cidr_neutron(cluster_id) logger.debug('nailgun cidr is {0}'.format(nailgun_cidr)) private_net_name = self.get_cluster_predefined_networks_name( cluster_id)['private_net'] subnet = os_conn.get_subnet('{0}__subnet'.format(private_net_name)) logger.debug('subnet of pre-defined fixed network: {0}'.format( subnet)) assert_true(subnet, '{0}__subnet does not exists'.format( private_net_name)) logger.debug('cidr {0}__subnet: {1}'.format( private_net_name, subnet['cidr'])) assert_equal(nailgun_cidr, subnet['cidr'].rstrip(), 'Cidr after deployment is not equal' ' to cidr by default') @staticmethod @logwrap def check_fixed_nova_splited_cidr(os_conn, nailgun_cidr): logger.debug('Nailgun cidr for nova: {0}'.format(nailgun_cidr)) subnets_list = [net.cidr for net in os_conn.get_nova_network_list()] logger.debug('Nova subnets list: {0}'.format(subnets_list)) # Check that all subnets are included in nailgun_cidr for subnet in subnets_list: logger.debug("Check that subnet {0} is part of network {1}" .format(subnet, nailgun_cidr)) assert_true(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(subnet)) in netaddr.IPNetwork(str(nailgun_cidr)), 'Something goes wrong. Seems subnet {0} is out ' 'of net {1}'.format(subnet, nailgun_cidr)) # Check that any subnet doesn't include any other subnet subnets_pairs = [(subnets_list[x1], subnets_list[x2]) for x1 in range(len(subnets_list)) for x2 in range(len(subnets_list)) if x1 != x2] for subnet1, subnet2 in subnets_pairs: logger.debug("Check if the subnet {0} is part of the subnet {1}" .format(subnet1, subnet2)) assert_true(netaddr.IPNetwork(str(subnet1)) not in netaddr.IPNetwork(str(subnet2)), "Subnet {0} is part of subnet {1}" .format(subnet1, subnet2)) def update_internal_network(self, cluster_id, cidr, gateway=None): net_provider = self.client.get_cluster(cluster_id)['net_provider'] net_config = self.client.get_networks(cluster_id) data = (cluster_id, net_config["networking_parameters"], net_config["networks"]) if net_provider == 'nova_network': net_config["networking_parameters"]['fixed_networks_cidr']\ = cidr self.client.update_network(*data) elif net_provider == 'neutron': net_config["networking_parameters"]['internal_cidr']\ = cidr net_config["networking_parameters"]['internal_gateway']\ = gateway self.client.update_network(*data) def get_cluster_mode(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_cluster(cluster_id)['mode'] def get_public_ip(self, cluster_id): # Find a controller and get it's IP for public network network_data = [ node['network_data'] for node in self.client.list_cluster_nodes(cluster_id) if "controller" in node['roles']][0] pub_ip = [net['ip'] for net in network_data if "public" in net['name']][0] return pub_ip.split('/')[0] def get_public_vip(self, cluster_id): if self.get_cluster_mode(cluster_id) == DEPLOYMENT_MODE_HA: return self.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['vips']['public']['ipaddr'] else: logger.error("Public VIP for cluster '{0}' not found, searching " "for public IP on the controller".format(cluster_id)) ip = self.get_public_ip(cluster_id) logger.info("Public IP found: {0}".format(ip)) return ip def get_management_vrouter_vip(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['vips']['vrouter']['ipaddr'] def get_mgmt_vip(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['vips']['management']['ipaddr'] def get_public_vrouter_vip(self, cluster_id): return self.client.get_networks( cluster_id)['vips']['vrouter_pub']['ipaddr'] @logwrap def get_controller_with_running_service(self, slave, service_name): ret = self.get_pacemaker_status(slave.name) logger.debug("pacemaker status is {0}".format(ret)) node_name = re.search(service_name, ret).group(1) logger.debug("node name is {0}".format(node_name)) fqdn = self.get_fqdn_by_hostname(node_name) devops_node = self.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( fqdn, self.environment.d_env.nodes().slaves) return devops_node @staticmethod @logwrap def get_fqdn_by_hostname(hostname): return ( hostname + DNS_SUFFIX if DNS_SUFFIX not in hostname else hostname ) def get_nodegroup(self, cluster_id, name='default', group_id=None): ngroups = self.client.get_nodegroups() for group in ngroups: if group['cluster_id'] == cluster_id and group['name'] == name: if group_id and group['id'] != group_id: continue return group return None def update_nodegroups(self, cluster_id, node_groups): for ngroup in node_groups: if not self.get_nodegroup(cluster_id, name=ngroup): self.client.create_nodegroup(cluster_id, ngroup) # Assign nodes to nodegroup if nodes are specified if len(node_groups[ngroup]) > 0: ngroup_id = self.get_nodegroup(cluster_id, name=ngroup)['id'] self.client.assign_nodegroup(ngroup_id, node_groups[ngroup]) @logwrap def get_nailgun_primary_node(self, slave, role='primary-controller'): # returns controller or mongo that is primary in nailgun with self.get_ssh_for_node(slave.name) as remote: data = yaml.load(''.join( remote.execute('cat /etc/astute.yaml')['stdout'])) node_name = [node['fqdn'] for node in data['nodes'] if node['role'] == role][0] logger.debug("node name is {0}".format(node_name)) fqdn = self.get_fqdn_by_hostname(node_name) devops_node = self.get_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn(fqdn) return devops_node @logwrap def get_rabbit_master_node(self, node, fqdn_needed=False): with self.get_ssh_for_node(node) as remote: cmd = 'crm resource status master_p_rabbitmq-server' output = ''.join(remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']) master_node = re.search( 'resource master_p_rabbitmq-server is running on: (.*) Master', output).group(1) if fqdn_needed: return master_node else: devops_node = self.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( master_node, self.environment.d_env.nodes().slaves) return devops_node def check_plugin_exists(self, cluster_id, plugin_name, section='editable'): attr = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id)[section] return plugin_name in attr def update_plugin_data(self, cluster_id, plugin_name, data): attr = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) # Do not re-upload anything, except selected plugin data plugin_attributes = { 'editable': {plugin_name: attr['editable'][plugin_name]}} for option, value in data.items(): plugin_data = plugin_attributes['editable'][plugin_name] path = option.split("/") """Key 'metadata' can be in section plugin_data['metadata']['versions'] For enable/disable plugin value must be set in plugin_data['metadata']['enabled'] """ if 'metadata' in path: plugin_data['metadata'][path[-1]] = value elif 'versions' in plugin_data['metadata']: for version in plugin_data['metadata']['versions']: for p in path[:-1]: version = version[p] version[path[-1]] = value else: for p in path[:-1]: plugin_data = plugin_data[p] plugin_data[path[-1]] = value self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, plugin_attributes) def get_plugin_data(self, cluster_id, plugin_name, version): """Return data (settings) for specified version of plugin :param cluster_id: int :param plugin_name: string :param version: string :return: dict """ attr = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) plugin_data = attr['editable'][plugin_name] plugin_versions = plugin_data['metadata']['versions'] for p in plugin_versions: if p['metadata']['plugin_version'] == version: return p raise AssertionError("Plugin {0} version {1} is not " "found".format(plugin_name, version)) def update_plugin_settings(self, cluster_id, plugin_name, version, data, enabled=True): """Update settings for specified version of plugin :param plugin_name: string :param version: string :param data: dict - settings for the plugin :return: None """ attr = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) plugin_versions = attr['editable'][plugin_name]['metadata']['versions'] if enabled: attr['editable'][plugin_name]['metadata']['enabled'] = True plugin_data = None for item in plugin_versions: if item['metadata']['plugin_version'] == version: plugin_data = item break assert_true(plugin_data is not None, "Plugin {0} version {1} is not " "found".format(plugin_name, version)) for option, value in data.items(): path = option.split("/") for p in path[:-1]: plugin_data = plugin_data[p] plugin_data[path[-1]] = value self.client.update_cluster_attributes(cluster_id, attr) @staticmethod @logwrap def prepare_ceph_to_delete(remote_ceph): hostname = ''.join(remote_ceph.execute( "hostname -s")['stdout']).strip() osd_tree = ceph.get_osd_tree(remote_ceph) logger.debug("osd tree is {0}".format(osd_tree)) ids = [] for osd in osd_tree['nodes']: if hostname in osd['name']: ids = osd['children'] logger.debug("ids are {}".format(ids)) assert_true(ids, "osd ids for {} weren't found".format(hostname)) for osd_id in ids: remote_ceph.execute("ceph osd out {}".format(osd_id)) wait(lambda: ceph.is_health_ok(remote_ceph), interval=30, timeout=10 * 60) for osd_id in ids: if OPENSTACK_RELEASE_UBUNTU in OPENSTACK_RELEASE: remote_ceph.execute("stop ceph-osd id={}".format(osd_id)) else: remote_ceph.execute("service ceph stop osd.{}".format(osd_id)) remote_ceph.execute("ceph osd crush remove osd.{}".format(osd_id)) remote_ceph.execute("ceph auth del osd.{}".format(osd_id)) remote_ceph.execute("ceph osd rm osd.{}".format(osd_id)) # remove ceph node from crush map remote_ceph.execute("ceph osd crush remove {}".format(hostname)) @logwrap def get_rabbit_slaves_node(self, node, fqdn_needed=False): with self.get_ssh_for_node(node) as remote: cmd = 'crm resource status master_p_rabbitmq-server' list_output = ''.join(remote.execute(cmd)['stdout']).split('\n') filtered_list = [el for el in list_output if el and not el.endswith('Master')] slaves_nodes = [] for el in filtered_list: slaves_nodes.append( re.search('resource master_p_rabbitmq-server is running on:' ' (.*)', el).group(1).strip()) if fqdn_needed: return slaves_nodes else: devops_nodes = [self.find_devops_node_by_nailgun_fqdn( slave_node, self.environment.d_env.nodes().slaves) for slave_node in slaves_nodes] return devops_nodes @logwrap def run_deployment_tasks(self, cluster_id, nodes, tasks): self.client.put_deployment_tasks_for_cluster( cluster_id=cluster_id, data=tasks, node_id=','.join(map(str, nodes))) tasks = self.client.get_tasks() deploy_tasks = [t for t in tasks if t['status'] in ('pending', 'running') and t['name'] == 'deployment' and t['cluster'] == cluster_id] for task in deploy_tasks: if min([t['progress'] for t in deploy_tasks]) == task['progress']: return task @logwrap def wait_deployment_tasks(self, cluster_id, nodes, tasks, timeout=60 * 10): task = self.run_deployment_tasks(cluster_id, nodes, tasks) assert_is_not_none(task, 'Got empty result after running deployment tasks!') self.assert_task_success(task, timeout) @logwrap def get_alive_proxy(self, cluster_id, port='8888'): online_controllers = [node for node in self.get_nailgun_cluster_nodes_by_roles( cluster_id, roles=['controller', ]) if node['online']] with self.environment.d_env.get_admin_remote() as admin_remote: check_proxy_cmd = ('[[ $(curl -s -w "%{{http_code}}" ' '{0} -o /dev/null) -eq 200 ]]') for controller in online_controllers: proxy_url = 'http://{0}:{1}/'.format(controller['ip'], port) logger.debug('Trying to connect to {0} from master node...' .format(proxy_url)) if admin_remote.execute( check_proxy_cmd.format(proxy_url))['exit_code'] == 0: return proxy_url assert_true(len(online_controllers) > 0, 'There are no online controllers available ' 'to provide HTTP proxy!') assert_false(len(online_controllers) == 0, 'There are online controllers available ({0}), ' 'but no HTTP proxy is accessible from master ' 'node'.format(online_controllers)) @logwrap def get_cluster_credentials(self, cluster_id): attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) username = attributes['editable']['access']['user']['value'] password = attributes['editable']['access']['password']['value'] tenant = attributes['editable']['access']['tenant']['value'] return {'username': username, 'password': password, 'tenant': tenant} @logwrap def get_cluster_additional_components(self, cluster_id): components = {} attributes = self.client.get_cluster_attributes(cluster_id) add_comps = attributes['editable']['additional_components'].items() for comp, opts in add_comps: # exclude metadata if 'metadata' not in comp: components[comp] = opts['value'] return components @logwrap def spawn_vms_wait(self, cluster_id, timeout=60 * 60, interval=30): logger.info('Spawn VMs of a cluster %s', cluster_id) task = self.client.spawn_vms(cluster_id) self.assert_task_success(task, timeout=timeout, interval=interval) @logwrap def get_all_ostf_set_names(self, cluster_id): sets = self.client.get_ostf_test_sets(cluster_id) return [s['id'] for s in sets] @logwrap def update_network_cidr(self, cluster_id, network_name): """Simple method for changing default network cidr (just use its subnet with 2x smaller network mask) :param cluster_id: int :param network_name: str :return: None """ networks = self.client.get_networks(cluster_id)['networks'] params = self.client.get_networks(cluster_id)['networking_parameters'] for network in networks: if network['name'] != network_name: continue old_cidr = netaddr.IPNetwork(str(network['cidr'])) new_cidr = list(old_cidr.subnet(1))[0] assert_not_equal(old_cidr, new_cidr, 'Can\t create a subnet using default cidr {0} ' 'for {1} network!'.format(old_cidr, network_name)) network['cidr'] = str(new_cidr) logger.debug('CIDR for {0} network was changed from {1} to ' '{2}.'.format(network_name, old_cidr, new_cidr)) if network['meta']['notation'] != 'ip_ranges': continue if network['name'] == 'public': network['ip_ranges'] = self.get_range(new_cidr, ip_range=-1) params['floating_ranges'] = self.get_range(new_cidr, ip_range=1) else: network['ip_ranges'] = self.get_range(new_cidr, ip_range=0) self.client.update_network(cluster_id, params, networks) @logwrap def wait_task_success(self, task_name='', interval=30, timeout=help_data.DEPLOYMENT_TIMEOUT): """Wait provided task to finish :param task_name: str :param interval: int :param timeout: int :return: None """ all_tasks = self.client.get_tasks() tasks = [task for task in all_tasks if task['name'] == task_name] latest_task = sorted(tasks, key=lambda k: k['id'])[-1] self.assert_task_success(latest_task, interval=interval, timeout=timeout) @logwrap def get_vip_info(self, cluster_id, vip_name='public'): vip_data = self.client.get_vip_info_by_name(cluster_id, vip_name) assert_true(vip_data, "Vip with name {} wasn't found".format(vip_name)) logger.debug("vip data is {}".format(vip_data[0])) return vip_data[0] @logwrap def update_vip_ip(self, cluster_id, ip, vip_name='public'): vip_data = self.get_vip_info(cluster_id, vip_name=vip_name) vip_data['ip_addr'] = ip vip_data['is_user_defined'] = True vip_id = vip_data['id'] logger.debug("data to send {}".format(vip_data)) self.client.update_vip_ip(cluster_id, vip_id, vip_data)